
Monday 27 May 2013

A Packed Day at Burghley House, Stamford

A fact of life here in the UK is that it is law that it rains if it is a bank holiday!  Well, today, shock of shocks, the sun shone, the rain kept away and I am now sitting in my study tapping away on the keyboard for this week's post (a bit late) with skin that is the reddest of reds and burning!  I was totally unprepared and had forgotten that a windy day does not blow away the UV's!!  I warn you now, this is a packed post.  So, grab yourself a cup of tea and an English muffin and settle down to look around the grounds of Burghley House, the most beautiful Tudor mansion you can ever imagine to see and it's Country Fayre.  We were surprised at how much there was to see, so much to experience...and such a long walk!  Ok, are you ready for this marathon of a tour?  Here we go...
Burghley House is ENORMOUS!  The photos really don't do it justice, there are turrets after turrets, exquisite rooms and the grounds are vast.  Flags fly from the ornate roofs...
The gates are adorned with the family crest...
Such an entrance...
However, today we were skirting around the building and venturing onto the grounds for the Fayre. The beautiful blue sky with its fluffy white clouds and vapour trails were matched by the blue and white tents that were dotted around the acres and acres of craft, animal and food shows.  Everywhere we looked, there was something of interest and what a backdrop!
So with the sky so blue, the wind blowing the flags and good thoughts over us all, we started our journey around the Fayre.
We headed to the main ring and watched the horses racing a car.  These great horses did their very best to beat the car around their courses with people shouting for either contender.
The horses won a couple of times but that was mainly with two horses and a lot of shouting from behind!
Now, have you ever heard of horse boarding?  We hadn't so we were fascinated to see this.  The horse gallops with the rider and right behind is a skate boarder being pulled along.  This was very competitive between the teams, but shall we start with a nice easy one?  This one, with the most gorgeous designed ear warmers, was a newcomer (this explains the slack line between horse and boarder, and the smile on the rider's face).  They were the slowest but they will become faster the more they practice.
Then there were the experienced ones.  This horse was brilliant and extremely fast, but then again the horse was Lord Atterbury (who came third in the Grand National in 2004)!
So fast, that his boarder (the dead pigeon team...which is why he has a stuffed pigeon on his helmet) couldn't keep his balance on the bend and down he went to the shock of the crowd.
Boarder was ok and went round again with another (slower) horse.
Towards the end they really were shouting the horses on to get through the finishing line to beat their opponents.
While this went on, the majestic Burghley House stood in the background surveying this wonderful event and so many happy people enjoying the day.
Then the noise of horses hooves and whinnying was replaced by the power of engines!  The stunt team had arrived.  This started with Aaron Stannage on a pedal bike, seemed tame enough, but what he was demonstrating was that he was a Guinness World Record Holder for the longest bicycle wheelie.
Then the rest of the stunt team started making their appearances.
Aaron Stannage back, but on a more powerful bike...
...and jumping over cars and jeeps.
His mum was set fire to by his dad!
But they did put her out!
And for a finale, Aaron went up to the top of a tower...
...and jumped onto a great big marshmallow (well, that's what I imagined it to be!).
Once this excitement had finished, we went for a walk to one of the lakes to seek out a slower pace of life, times gone by, when steam was the fastest mode of transport (apart from the horse).
These dinky little steam engines were all over the place taking people for rides.
The lions on the beautiful stone bridge were very majestic.
And the view through the side of the bridge looking over to the house was mesmerizing.
Can you tell I love taking photos of this house?!!  On the other side of the bridge there was more entertainment.  For the dogs there was the fun part of trying to get your owner into the river too...such fun!
The more I look at that photo, the more I see, the girl on the left trying her best to keep her shoes dry, the elderly man resting on the grass absorbing the life going on around him and the spaniel right on the edge of shot about to run off down the river to the anglers to see what goodies they have for him.  Capturing everyday life is great!
Then in the distance, people learning how to clay pigeon shoot (shot a bit grainy but 'Val' was over her capacity on the zoom function, they were 'miles' away!).
Patient dogs waiting to have their turn to show the spectators what they can do...
...and excited dogs getting their chance.
I couldn't resist taking this shot when we went back past the steam engines.  I never knew petrol cans could look so colourful!
And for those who read my posts regularly, you will know I do love a medieval re-enactment!

The sound of clashing swords is always a head turner to me.
The red head beat him, good on you girl!  I loved this fighter's helmet.
Now, remember a few weeks ago I went to Sandringham's Show?  Do you remember the chain saw sculptures? (post here).  Well they were here too.  We noticed in particular the interesting one that had been carving the wizard type man.  Well, he is continuing with this one (started in the Sandringham post).
What is he working on?...The hands.
And this sculptor is beginning to work on a bear.
What a wonderful and skilled craft!  Well, we had been there for five hours without even realising it and it was time to head home.  Past the stately Burghley House.
Past the stable area.
And home for tea, all bought from the Fayre...Cottage loaf, orange and whisky cheese (which was so, so, so yum!), chunky steak pie, pork and black pudding pie and pork and caramelized red onion pie...yes a "ploughmans" was in order with a huge mug of tea!
Phew!  Got to the end of this post and I hope you have enjoyed your trip with me this week.  If ever you come to this area, Burghley House MUST be on your list.  It is steeped in history both centuries past up to the modern day.  

Thank you all for your comments last week on the new arrival of my nephew 'JT'.  We travelled down to Essex on Saturday to have cuddles and he is adorable.  It seems that there are a lot of babies arriving in Blogland so congratulations to you if you have a new addition!

I hope you have a wonderful week, I certainly will with having time off to spend with Mr and Miss Teenager over the half term break.  Now to re-charge my batteries and set off on the next home town of LONDON!!

Take care.

This week I am sharing with:


  1. Oh Chel, I did get a cup of Earl Grey and a cranberry shortbread cookie to enjoy while I read your post. What a fun day and visit to this historic house. It is just beautiful to see the turrets against the sky and to watch all the activities that you saw. I would love something like that! Thank you for sharing it with us. Have a lovely week. Pamela

    1. Thanks Pamela. There was so much to see and do that we really didn't have enough time. It was lovely to take shots of the blue sky and not the grey we seem to constantly have in the English 'summer'! Have a great week. xx

  2. No tea or muffin for me, but I wish I had some of the goodies in your last photo! What a beautiful day and so many exciting events to observe. Those horses are so beautiful as is the Burghley House. I sympathize with you on the sunburn. I too, am as red as can be! You can read how mine came about in my latest post...:) Enjoy your week with your teens!

    Blessings, Vicky
    Life On Willie Mae Lane

    1. The horses were really enjoying themselves, especially as they weren't the ones getting hurt! Yes, ouch, the sunburn is still radiating great heat from me and Miss Teenager actually warmed her hands up on me today! Your trip down the river looked so beautiful! Chel x

  3. I've just had a cup of tea with toast and honey so I was fit for your photo marathon! That is an amazing building. It seems quite traditional to have a carnival in the grounds of the 'manor house'! A great day out.

    1. Yum, toast and honey, what's the time? Hmmm, a bit late to be eating but hey, I'm on holiday. I'll join you! Burghley is beautiful, unfortunately you can't take photos inside the building, but it is steeped in history. Take care. Chel x

  4. That looks like it was a lot of fun! The modern action against that gorgeous old house makes quite an interesting photo. I'd have taken some of those pies home - they look so good!
    Congratulations on your nephew!

    1. I agree, if you think of all the sights and sounds that the house has seen it makes your mind 'boggle!'. The pies were delicious, and as we bought them at the end of the day, we were given more. So, they were generous too! Thanks also for the congratulations, he is truly gorgeous. Have a great week. Chel x

  5. What a fun day, Chel, and thank you for sharing it with us! The Burghley House is amazing and all the different activities going on, too! I love the blue and white tents against the beautiful blue sky, the horses, the people and dogs and those oil cans, too! Now my mouth is watering for the tasty treats you brought home with you. Excuse me while I rummage around for something not nearly as delightful to stuff my face with. I really enjoyed coming along with you - it was so fun! xoxo

    1. I am sure you managed to find something as you always display your cooking skills to make my mouth water! We were VERY lucky with the weather as it is tipping it down here (did you blow your weather over this way?!). Take care Karen. Chel x

  6. What a great day out. Burghley House is beautiful backdrop for all those events. Can't believe we've had 2 sunny bank holidays in May, must be a record! xx

    1. It does feel strange doesn't it!...and it didn't last long. Hey ho, we've had our summer, let's look forward to next year! Chel x

  7. I enjoyed the day very much! Without any sunburnt!!! The weather in Brittany is about the same as in England and you can get sunburnt even if it's not hot! I did drink tea while reading but was out of muffin, I hope it's ok! I can't wait for a post on London!

    1. I was just fooled by the very cool wind. My hubby's head is purple!! No, I won't laugh (I'm really trying not to!). Yes London on Thursday! The teenagers want to go to the Science Museum but I'll be snapping away at any sights I can. Love my home town and it's always a strain to leave. Take care. Chel x

  8. Oh! I am sorry about your sunburn! Ouch. Some aloe will help with that! Looks like a great day out. The weather was perfect, I see. Love that shot of the blue skies above Burghley House. In fact, all your pics are made one step better by the sight of that building in the background. What a place for a fayre! I have never even heard of horse-boarding. It looks hilarious - and dangerous- at the same time!! Your food purchases form the fayre look very scrumptious. I wish I could have joined you in that ploughman's lunch!

    1. Thanks for the tip Bronwyn, I am really suffering now with the heat coming off of me! We did move from one side of the arena to the other as I wanted to show the backdrop, it's so beautiful. The horse-boarding was fun, especially the speeds they were doing. When they turned in front of us everyone was stepping back. And yes, the ploughman's lunch was really scrummy! Take care. Chel x

  9. Absolutely stunning - we have Renaissance Fairs over here - I've not been to one - but I've seen photos and my son and DIL have costumes and dress for the Fairs. There are crafts, food and events too - but visiting one in your setting would be fabulous. Great photos.

    1. Thanks JoAnn. I think fairs like these really make the trip worthwhile. Have a great week. Chel x

  10. What a fantastic day out and wonderful photos too. The photos of the goodies in your last photo look so good!
    M x

    1. Believe me, they tasted even better! The cheese was really gorgeous and I am not a big lover of cheese. I hope you have a great week. Chel x

  11. Interesting post!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

    1. Thank you Gary and I am so sorry to hear about your loss of your beautiful dog Boomer. I hope your trip to the forest will help you in this very sad time. Take care. Chel

  12. How have I not seen your blog before?? It is lovely and I really do like your images for today. I am an American living in Coventry, so this sort of place appeals and is on my 'places to visit' list. Thank you :). Oh, I am your latest follower too! Cheers.

    1. You are very, very welcome. I haven't been to Coventry Cathedral before so we will need to swap our places to visit. Take care. Chel x

  13. That looks like you have had a nice day! Hope your sunburn is better today!!!

    1. In one word...OUCH! Have a great week. Chel x

  14. Hi Chel, popped over after you left a message. Loved reading about your day at the fayre, sounds like a very full adventure! I'm following you now too ;) Wendy

    1. Thank you so much Wendy, welcome! The adventure took five hours to put together for the blog (these long ones can really take it out of you, especially when you feel like the mum in the fire shot!). Have a wonderful week. Chel x

  15. Great day out and great photos too!

    1. Thank you so much June. There were loads more, but I think I would have got a complaint from Blogger! Have a great week. Chel x

  16. This looks like such a fun filled day. And I must agree, those petrol cans are simply gorgeous. Who knew!!

  17. Hi Chel, wow that looked like such a fun day. Burghley House is so beautiful and the horseboarding looks like fun. I would love spending the day like that. You took great pictures of everything and it was nice to see the sun out for you too. Take care and have a nice week.

  18. What a fun day! I'm adding Burghley House to my 'to-visit' list. But I can't sleep over Catharine of Aragon in your backyard! Thanks for dropping by my nook.


  19. What a lovely day! The photos are lovely - especially the one you took of the house from under the bridge. All that food looks delicious too :)

  20. What a beautiful estate to spend the day at and what fun! It looks like you had perfect weather, too. We go to the Biltmore Estate every chance we get. We are fortunate to have it nearby and they have festivals there throughout the year. Enjoy your week my friend! I always enjoy your photos!

  21. Great photos - thanks for sharing.

  22. Hi Chel, what a fun day! So many activities and sight to see. The Burghlley House is beautiful! The goodies in the last shot look delicious! Have ahppy weekend!

  23. Great post! I host a weekly party on Fridays called "Oh, the PLACES I've been!". this would be an awesome post to link.

    I also host a weekly link party called "Seasonal Sundays". This week, in honor of my fourth blog-a-versary, I'm having a giveaway of a $100.00 gift certificate to HomeGoods/TJ Maxx. I'd love to have you join the fun!

    - The Tablescaper


Thank you so much for visiting, I love reading your comments and will answer either by email or on the blog. You can also email me privately in my side bar. Have a great day x