
Saturday 23 March 2013


I was fortunate to have another Friday off to do a spot of spring cleaning and with that comes a school run.  I do miss these!  On the way home I asked Mr Teenager, "where does that lane take us?" as we approached a tiny lane on the right that I hadn't noticed before.  "Oh that takes us to the daffodils" he said.  Well, I go past daffodil fields all the time, but I had noticed that there was a hint of yellow as I was driving along the main road and wondered how to get to it.  The lane was a long, windy lane, the type that 'tickles' the belly of your car (you know the ones, with the grass growing up through the track in the middle).  There were pot holes, flooding, ditches...not the sort of lane that a little car such as my 'Annie' should be venturing down, especially on a dark, bitter, and blowy day!  But, she  steadily took us in between two enormous expanses of daffodils.  In the distance we could see the workers coming and going picking some of the daffs, wearing layers upon layers of clothes trying to keep the bitter north wind from biting into their bones.  However we were in a warm car, on a lane that nobody uses, so there was no need to venture out.  The fields had hundreds of crates, all patiently waiting to be loaded up with the bundles of close gathered daffodils, and then to be sold on to adorn our spring tables.
I noticed that the more you looked at these fields, the more they began to look like waves in the sea.  Lines upon lines of different varieties, with different bloom times.  The waves seem to be heading towards me and crashing onto the bare earth by my feet instead of sand.  In the distance the spire of Holbeach All Saints Church.  How I was wishing I was in there with a nice cup of hot tea!
The fields stretch for as far as the eye can see.  This time last year these were just a sea of yellow and the sun was making more of an appearance.
Soon, you will be in beautiful vases, glass ware and china jugs.  Soon!

So, it's Spring!  Yes, really.  Well, it's meant to be.  It feels and looks like everything is a month behind.  I look out at my garden and just feel so helpless, impatient, frustrated.  My seeds are bought and I am itching to go in the greenhouse.  However, due to my silly Coco chasing after a bird that was pecking at the bird seed bag in the greenhouse and, for reasons only known to her, running through the glass part of the door instead of the open part (??), I now have a gaping hole.

So!  I headed off to my favourite garden centre and decided that if Spring wasn't happening outside, then it was sure going to happen inside, especially as I had visitors this weekend.  I wanted springtime floral bouquets with giant daisies and stocks...
I wanted tulips in delicate colours...
I wanted my favourite pink lilies to fill my home with their heady scent...
I wanted hyacinths to be popping up around the house with their cheery flowers and their scent to compliment the lilies...
I wanted roses to remind me that summer was on the way...

And then Azaleas, just because.  I mean, just look at these beauties!
Maybe I have gone over the top this weekend, but hey £12.75 for the lot! My fireplace is looking all spring like, I am happy in my spring time surroundings and peace has been restored.

I am so glad I had gone out to get these beautiful blooms because when I opened my blind this morning this is what greeted me...
Yes, an east wind was blowing, and along with it more snow.  Not the amount that many of you are having, but enough for me to tut, sigh and say 'not again!'.  The poor neglected garden was still to be neglected and poor Clover had even decided to stay in the bird house to keep dry.
The buds were soon to be coated in a cold jacket once more...
and the trees reflected images of Christmas...
But I couldn't stay put for long, I had visitors to get ready for and with visitors comes food preparation, and my table was laden with various goodies for a bit of a 'pick your own lunch'.  As I hadn't seen my brother at Christmas, there had to be a Nigella's Christmas ham.  New potatoes (did I mention it's spring?!), salad, and my picky nibbles (posts on these here).

So, ignoring the 'festive' weather outside, the living room was ready...
and candles lit, it was time to see my brother again and catch up.
 So now the catching up was over  it is time for me to carry on with some roses that will adorn some twigs for Easter, my little squares for a baby blanket...

...and make the second square on the Canny Cal (link for part two to Sew Canny is here - a pinwheel square).

The North East doth blow, and yes we have snow, but I am very happy to stay inside my cosy home and reflect on the weekend so far, staring out of my kitchen window, warm and surrounded by my family, crafts, spring time blooms and scents.
Thank you for all the lovely comments I received this week and welcome again to my new followers.  You are all so kind!  Hugs to you all!

I hope you keep safe and warm this weekend and have a wonderful week.

Take care.
p.s.  Coco is fine, luckily she stood dazed while all the chaos happened around her, so paws are fine but her reputation...shattered!

p.p.s.  If you are having trouble with 'pinning' from Bloglovin, take a little trip over to Craft in Crosby (link here), who has written a very easy to understand tutorial on what to do.


  1. What gorgeous pictures Chel! I just love visiting you...:) Your posts always make me smile!

    Blessings, Vicky
    Life On Willie Mae Lane

  2. I stayed home today to do a bit of Spring cleaning. At least it's warm here though. I sure hope you have a lovely weekend and find some pretty flowers to enjoy! Sweet hugs!

  3. I really enjoyed reading this post. It felt like I was in a lovely story book! Thankyou for sharing your lovely thoughts and photos. Also thanks for popping by with your kind comment. Glad you are in my giveaway!! Karen x

  4. Beautiful post! I enjoyed the pictures of the flowers, especially tulips.

  5. I love all the flowers you bought, they are so pretty. Just adore your lovely photos.
    M xxxx

  6. Lovely series of photos!

    I've never seen fields of flowers like these.

    I'm sure your guests enjoyed it all. :)

  7. What a beautiful blog and lovely photos!!!

  8. beautiful pictures - and I am sooo jealous of your sunshine!

    Nikki x

  9. I had such a lovely visit - it was as if I was your company. The trip to the daffodils was delightful. We have fields of daffodils growing in our area too - they should be blooming any time now, and I will have bundles and bundles of them in the house. Thank you sharing with us.

  10. Hi Chel, wow your photos of the daffodil fields and all the photos of the flowers are just beautiful. I love how you bought all the flowers for the house to brighten things up for spring. It was a really nice blog post and I can't wait to see all your flowers from the greenhouse and glad your dog is OK. Take care, Julie - USA

  11. Stopping in from Green Day. I just love the photos of the fields and your lovely flowers. So glad you doggie is OK. Have a happy Sunday!

  12. Beautiful photos, how I'd like to see those daffodil fields in person.

  13. How pretty it must be seeing all those daffodils.

  14. How beautiful! I loved the fields of flowers!

  15. I've seen your terrible weather in our newspaper and on the evening newscast. What a spring!
    We have fields of daffodils here too, and I love to drive by at this time of year.

    1. It's just been so awful and cold. I am looking out there now and the sun has made an appearance and snow is just sliding off the roofs and trees. Please, please let this week be the turning point. Enjoy your daffodils! Chel x

  16. Fabulous photos. We don't have snow here but that east wind is sooooooooo cold. Maybe spring will spring this week ... but I'm not going to hold my breath!

  17. Beautiful images! Spring has not sprung here, yet. There is still snow on the ground :(

  18. Sooo l♥vely photos! Daffodils, hyacinths and all the other wonderful flowers. A feast for the eyes that are suffering from the dull weather. The photo with the birdhouse is really cute, and I love the colors of your crochet. Hope you had a great time with your brother!!

  19. What a wonderful pictures! I love the flowers you've brought into your home. Liefs Else X

  20. I've never seen daffodil fields, what a spectacular sight. I love your rooster on your windowsill, it could become my life mission to find his twin :) xx

  21. Hello, Chel

    Cold or not, I'd be very happy to see those fields of daffodils. I had a dear friend who liked to drive us down a road just because we hadn't been on it before; you found some beauty down the road you chose.

    You're rich with wonderful blooms inside. I hope you've had a lovely time with your guests. Thank you for taking some time to share your flower-filled post at "Sunlit Sunday".


  22. The pictures of daffodil fields are amazing. I can't believe you had snow again! I love the picture of your window, though. I'm really sorry for Coco, but I couldn't help but laugh when I read about the "accident"!

  23. Belíssimos campos e flores. Tudo lindo. Abraço Ailime

  24. Thanks for sharing your adventures and for such lovely photos! Best wishes.

  25. Thanks for sharing your beautiful flowers - awesome!

  26. Wow- how great to see fields of daffodils! I love your thoughts about the "sea" of daffodils looking like waves- what a great imagination :-)
    Love the peak of your room... Those snow laden branches look lovely (even though I'm way overdone with winter!) Great post!

  27. Dear Chel,thank you for your visit and for your kind comment on my blog!I'm following you now!I realy like your photos!!What a great daffodil fields!!I love all the flowers you bought, they are so pretty!!Thanks for sharing!Hope you have a wonderful Sunday!

  28. Hello Chel. Your photos are lovely - how fun to follow a winding road and end up at the daffodil fields. We have those long rows of daffodils in our area, too - we're known as the daffodil capital of Canada. I love how I purchase them so tightly closed and in a few days, with the warmth of the house, they open into beautiful blooms.
    Glad you had a good time with your brother. Hope the week ahead brings warmer weather.

  29. A beautiful post, Chel, simply lovely photos of your weekend! The daffodil fields are beautiful and even the dreaded snow on the spring garden has a beauty of it's own. Your living room does look a very cozy place to visit with your Dear Brother. It is so nice to catch up with family and your dinner sounds delicious. I feel a little sorry for your sweet little dove, but hopefully spring sunshine will come along soon! Your flowers are gorgeous and what a good price! There's nothing like flowers to cheer! Hugs to you. xoxo Karen

  30. What a lovely post. The flowers are all so beautiful and those daffodil fields are wonderful! I hope you had a great catch up with your brother x

  31. Fields of daffodils? What a sight. I don't think I have ever seen that before. There is a farm, nearby here, that has an amazing show of sunflowers late in August. One day, I'd like to fulfill a bucket list dream , and visit the Netherlands during tulip time. That would be a sight, now wouldn't it??

  32. Whoa, this is exactly what I think of in my mind when I say Spring! A sea of yellow daffodils, Heaven on Earth! Thank you for sharing the beauty :)

  33. I enjoyed seeing all the pretty flowers to at least remind me spring is coming. Here in the Southern U.S., it is still pretty cold and the skies are gray. My neighbor's daffodils are out and the hostas are beginning to come out at my house. However, it still feels like the color of spring is very far away. Thanks for sharing these beautiful pops of color. I also appreciate you taking the time to visit my blog this weekend. Have a great week.

  34. Such amazing images.

    Perhaps you'd care to link to SEASONAL SUNDAYS next week. The link goes up at 7 pm on Saturday evening.

    - The Tablescaper

  35. Oh and what a lovely window it is! We too had snow this weekend. Melted and warming up now. Even looking like I might make it back out into the gardens tomorrow. I bought the lovliest pot of stocks for my porch. Oh I love how they smell! I'll be darned if they didn't freeze last night. UGH! Never knew it was suppose to get that cold. Might be able to salvage a bloom or two. Glad you got to catch up with your brother. Hope spring is on it's way! Thanks for sharing with Share Your Cup.

  36. How great to live around such amazing landscape!

    I love your blog; thanks for the follow on Bloglovin'. I'm now following yours also.

    The Decor Chronicles

  37. Beautiful photos, Chel! Everything does seem to be a month behind....I cannot tell you how many times I have said "If spring isn't going to happen outside, I'm going to make it happen inside"! I can definitely relate!! Soon......
    Cathy @ Lemon Tree Dwelling


Thank you so much for visiting, I love reading your comments and will answer either by email or on the blog. You can also email me privately in my side bar. Have a great day x