
Sunday 17 March 2013

A Pastel Palette and Square Frenzy

OK, deep sigh as I say this, "The Weather"!  This English weather is just not a decision maker, it doesn't know where it wants to turn next.  The past week has been an 'all seasons' week.  There was snow that looked liked polystyrene balls (I felt like I should use it as packing material), then the sun would shine and there wouldn't be a cloud in the sky, and then when you thought it was safe to go out...rain!  Tonnes of the watery stuff which would then freeze to make the paths under your feet feel like skating rinks.  THEN, the sun would come out melt it away and the cycle would start again.  I took this picture on the way home one evening.  The sun was fighting to come through and it seemed to be shining black rays through the clouds.
Across the fens further down the road, the sky seemed to go purple.  You can see the areas where the rain was falling.  This is the plus side of living in the fens, you can watch the weather coming towards you so you judge how much time you have before having to go in again!
So to finish the weekend, I thought to myself, how about some time staying in!  Just get some projects together, take a look at what's going on about Google Reader, just general catching up.

So, there are a couple of changes on my blog.  One being that you will now see a link on the left regarding Bloglovin.  When I read that Google Reader would be disappearing into the Ether in the next couple of months, I panicked and thought how on earth am I going to see all the blogs I love to read in one place.  So searching on the web became the priority.  Bloglovin was mentioned here there and everywhere.  I noticed on other peoples blogs that they also had links so decided to give it a try.  It is really easy to register and do you know what?  I prefer it!  You can 'like', you can mark as 'read'.  I think it is a much better platform, but that is just my taste.  There are plenty of other platforms out there (Sandra at Cherry Heart has a great post on this at the moment).  If you are interested, I have made a page in my header link bar called 'How Did I?', this is a work in progress but I have the links on there to make your transition to Bloglovin if that's the way you are going to go.

The 'How Did I?' page will also gradually contain other bits and pieces I have picked up along the way on putting a blog together, links, shortcuts etc.  Again, a work in progress, and will keep adding as I can.


You will see another link on my header bar for a great CAL project on Ravelry from Sew Canny.   I will gradually add my square photos along the way.  All the links are on that page, it is well worth taking a look.  In the meantime, this is my first easy square in some beautiful spring time pastels.
My crochet hook has been out each evening while I create more and more squares.  I think I have square frenzy!  So many projects and they are all squares.  
My new project is a bunch of more squares in pastel shades.  This has been inspired from Annie's Place's Blog, such a beautiful blog.  I bought the Jan Eaton's 200 Crochet Blocks book and it is the pinstriped pattern that is used.  So simple but the squares are delightful to crochet on these cold, wet evenings.  
I really thought I would get some time out there, but as you can see from the poor daffodils, things are getting soggy.
My snowdrops are just giving their last breath of life.
And my ivy and chair are longing for me to go outside again to keep them company.

Let's see what this week will bring.

Have a lovely happy week, and thank you so much for all your lovely comments and to my wonderful new followers, welcome, welcome, welcome, you have all made me so very happy!

Take care.
This week I am linking with:


  1. Hi Chel. Love the colours in your pastel square. I wish we could see what weather's coming. We live in a bowl so never know until it arrives!
    Have a great week

  2. These are amazing! The pastel skies are great. I love that granny squares. I've been at a dead end what to do with my yarn and what little free time I get with law school....small granny squares to get a big blanket is a perfect past time when I need a break from casebooks.

    My SOOC Sunday

  3. lovely squares!

    it has to be spring soon doesn't it - I can't wait to leave winter behind!

    Nikki x

  4. One thing to be said about this weather is that it produces beautifully dramatic skies - even more so in your neck of the woods - that first picture is beautiful! Getting a bit worried about this Google reader thing now - not quite sure what it all means but I think I'm going to have to look into it. Your squares are lovely - I remember getting Jan Eaton's book and just ogling at the pictures for hours (do you know she also does one on crochet borders?) Keep looking at the flowers x Jane

  5. Loving all your gorgeous crochet squares. I also have the book you mentioned but haven't tackled any of the squares yet....
    M xxxx

  6. Amazing crochet - I have some circles in squares on the go at the moment. Not sure if I am worried about google reader, as I tend to use the blog reader on my dashboard page. Might look into bloglovin now though
    Have a great week x

  7. Your photos are fabulous, especially the skies. We've got awful snow forecast for here in the next few days. Crumbs, I hope they're wrong!

  8. Hi Chel, thanks again for some of your useful tips about blogging. I love all of the squares you have been making and the new one with all the pastel colors is just beautiful. Don't worry about your flowers because they will be looking pretty in no time and Wednesday is the first day of Spring. Take care, Julie

  9. Oooo your colors are heavenly - just the thing for spring. I just finished a Granny Square afghans, brightish colors and black joining = just like everyone had in their homes when I was a kid - and I love it. Maybe spring will surprise you this week.

  10. The sky-shots are marvellous. Thanks for a cool post.

  11. The sky shot is amazing.

    Our weather in southern California is totally out of character for right now. It has been so foggy on the coast, that we could barely see driving today. The sun isn't coming out until the end of the day.

  12. Gorgeous sky pictures Chel. The weather where we are has been diabolical - is this winter never going to end.

  13. I signed up for something to replace google reader but I can't remember what it was?
    I guess it is a sign of old age.
    Thank you for the bloglovin site I will check that one out too.

  14. I signed on with Bloglovin' too. I hope all mu blog readers make the transfer, too! You are one busy granny-square girl! Looking forward to seeing some finished projects soon!

  15. Amazing Pictures!! The weather here has been pretty crazy too. Snow today and spring is supposed to be around the corner. But we have had blizzards on the first day of spring before. You have a very fun blog. I signed up for bloglovin also...but I haven't had time to figure it out yet. Take care and have a great week:0)

  16. Those cloud photos are beautiful and so nice that you get to see the weather coming from such a distance. Your granny squares are so pretty, I do love them, especially the gray. Oh, spring just can't make up it's mind, is it here or is it not? I see your flowers are sulking, so are mine. Hope you have a sunnier week. xx

  17. What beautiful photos of our big sky. That's what I first noticed when we viewed our house for the first time - we saw a storm an hour before it arrived - I had never lived anywhere with that kind of far-reaching view. Thanks for the tip about bloglovin - I will take some time out to have a look at it.

  18. All your photos are pretty but that first one is spectacular! What a delightful sky view :) Thanks for coming by my blog today and leaving a such a kind comment.

  19. I love the sky photos, too! I'm always going outside at sunset to see our skies. Love your crochet work, too. I'm going to put your blog in my blog favs. I know I'm missing some of your posts and I don't want to miss any more! Sweet hugs!

  20. Loving the sun streaming down from the clouds -- amazing captures! xo

  21. Ahhhh yes - good old blighty and her weather! I can't believe this time last year we were on the beach.

    Nina x

  22. Lovely to see your crochet squares. I have just had some crochet lessons -- from Leah a wonderful teacher I met in blog land:, and I've also got that 200 square book. Now I just need to learn how to read a pattern!

    Love the sky photos too. Such a feeling of hope on that horizon.

  23. Hi Chel....your photos are all beautiful! They make me feel like I'm on vacation every time I "visit"! Your crochet squares are beautiful as well. That's something I need to try again. I have always wanted to learn how, but never have quite caught on! Maybe soon...:)

    Blessings, Vicky
    Life On Willie Mae Lane

  24. Hi Chel!
    I love your beautiful sky photos and lovely granny squares. Have a great day.

  25. The lovely colors in your beautiful sky photos really caught my attention!

  26. Lovely photography of sky, needlework, flowers ~ great post ~ very creative ~ Enjoy ^_^


Thank you so much for visiting, I love reading your comments and will answer either by email or on the blog. You can also email me privately in my side bar. Have a great day x