
Friday 29 March 2013

A Sunlit Walk and a Visit to the Cathedral

There it is!  After a week of extreme cold and darkness the sun gradually fought its way through the clouds.  At times the snow tried its level best to beat any warmth reaching the ground, but today, there it was!  Yes it was still bitterly cold with the wind chill factor but the sky was crystal blue and clouds icy white.
The snow had started the day, thick and fast.
And from my study window it started to settle once again.
But by lunchtime the sun was shining once more and me and Mr Teenager went for a walk to blow the cobwebs away.  My red boots surrounded my feet with their warmth and protection from the swampy, boggy ground.  Trip trap, trip trap we went over the bridge, but no trolls interrupted our journey!
There were some cuddly creatures though to welcome us.  This pony was a little beauty!
 And, could this be mum?  Showing off her baby?
And could either of these be Dad?  Now the one on the left of the photo we have called Poirot because of his mustache   However, approach with caution!  He picked up hubby last year by the shoulder, not a pleasant experience!
Our walk was bracing, icy, fresh.  The type that makes your ears burn with the cold, but the view across the fens was so beautiful in the sunlight.
The river was swollen and the sounds of the water passing by was gentle and comforting.
The sun kept going behind the clouds but soon came out in any gaps it could find.
When the sun was at its strongest, the colours brightened and we gave a satisfied sigh.  Mr Teenager was wrapped up nice and warm and trotted off amongst the mole hills.
The sun glinted on the river.
The wildlife was enjoying the little warmth that the sunshine was gifting them.

Flying across the cold waters went the goose.
Closely followed by the ducks (I really must get a faster camera!)
And then back we went, giving the nesting swans plenty of space.
And so back home we were, hot drinks in hand, warming our frozen ears and numb fingers.  Outside the sun was still battling with the clouds.
But one of our friendly blackbirds was happy to absorb the sun's warmth and also have his photo taken!
And now to the Cathedral...

After a very busy week at work it was the time to sit back, relax...and eat chocolate enjoy four days of family time.  The Maundy Thursday service was lovely with my colleague doing the first reading, I probably felt more nervous for her than she did herself, but she read beautifully with lots of positive comments afterwards.  The lunch afterwards for over 130 clergy was testing, but we got through it with only two glasses being broken!  When we ventured back up to the office afterwards, we had a very welcome cup of coffee and then went back over the Cathedral for some 'down time', so out came the camera.  Firstly to take a photo of my colleague standing at the amber as she did for the reading and then just to walk around this majestic place and try to capture some of its beauty for you.  Now, I should explain, I have been trying out my camera, and even though some shots are exactly as I planned, some just need a bit of 'doctoring' because it just doesn't perform as well as I hoped.  So, here is a little tour of this beautiful place (if you click on my links for Cathedral you will see more of my visits over there).

Now, as you may already know, I am a sucker for architectural delights, I think this is why Peterborough Cathedral is one of my favourites.  You just look up and marvel at the ceilings and the structure itself.
I thought you would like to see where the Bishop sat for the service.  Notice his chair has a holding place at the back of the left arm for his crosier.
This view is taken looking towards the altar.  Notice the organ and the choir stalls to the left of the crucifix.

And here we are next to the choir stalls.  So much detail.

In black and white, a little more detail.
The ceilings are all different through the ages that the Cathedral was built, and all so intricate.
And then to the high altar.  To the right you can see a flag which depicts the burial place for Catharine of Aragon, and on the left of the altar, (where you can see two chairs and the red signage) is where Mary of Queen of Scots was buried after her beheading (she was later moved to Westminster Abbey on the instruction of her son).
Here is the opposite view where Catharine is on the left, and you can see the Scottish flag on the right of the photo.
And then we head out through a side door to the Cloisters  (c1100)
Can you imagine the sights and sounds these walls have seen and heard?
The workmanship that went into this building?
It still blows me away.

And so, another visit to the Cathedral tomorrow for the Easter Vigil Service.  I love this service as at the beginning a fire is lit at the front doors and then we all hold candles that are then lit.  Such a beautiful service and even more beautiful being in this wonderful building.

But now, time to rest a bit (and stop eating the chocolate - why is it I always do that when I am writing up my posts!).  And, catch up on my blog reading.  

Have you visited Julie's Lifestyle yet?  She is a great blogger who tells her stories from New York, pay her a visit to see what she has been up to.  The link to her blog is here.

And then there is the lovely Karen at Beatrice Euphemie.  She writes such an interesting blog and beautiful photos. The link to her blog is here.

And lastly this week is another lovely blogger Lorrie at Fabric Paper Thread, such a wonderful visual blog.  The link to her blog is here.

So there we are me dears, a bit of a heavy post this week, but so much has been done and seen and I thought I would share with you.

Thanks again for all your sweet comments and welcome to new followers.  You are really truly appreciated.

Have a wonderful Easter...and don't overindulge too much (as I am sure to!).

Take care.

This week I am sharing with:


  1. Thanks for another lovely walk around your part of the UK. So much to see on such a chilly day! Those ponies you found remind me of the Shetland my Opa had while I was growing up. Her name was Donna and she used to always greet us at the fenceline, too.
    The cathedral looks as lovely as always, but I am really drawn to the pictures of the cloisters. Whenever I visit an ancient church, I am always moved most by what happened within the walls 500+ years ago. What different lives they lived. So simple compared to ours. Thanks again for the tour!

    1. Ah, the cloisters (c. 1100), they are amazing and I will have to do another post on the rest of the walls and the designs on them. We walk through these when we are going to a service in the Cathedral from our office which is one of the oldest parts of the Cathedral grounds. Our office is actually called Heaven's Gate and is where the Abbots used to live hundreds of years ago. Steeped in history. Have a wonderful Easter with your beautiful family. Chel x

  2. Dear Chel,wonderful pictures and amazing landscapes!!I have a lot of blackbirds in my yard!I wish you Happy Easter to you and your family!

    1. Thank you. This blackbird is quite tame but I couldn't believe how close it was yesterday. Have a wonderful Easter. Chel x

  3. Incredible photos - such a treat to see these! So glad you linked to "Open House"!!!!

    1. Thank you for hosting such a great linky party. Thanks also for your nice comment on the photos. I'm still not happy with the camera but think it may be something that isn't set up right. Ho hum! Have a wonderful Easter. Chel x

  4. Lovely images, the landscapes are beautiful. And I love the horses. Stopping in from Green Day, have a happy weekend!

  5. wow, the cathedral looks amazing! all your photos are just beautiful

    Nikki x

  6. Oh, Chel, you are a Dear *blush*, thank you. But I must comment on your amazing post, first the walk - oh to see nesting swans! The countryside is so lovely and you can just see forever! I've been bit by a horse and I know how amazingly strong they are! But so beautiful! I love the little family. The Cathedral is just, well, I have no words. How fortunate you are to have services in this amazing place. I wish for you and your family to have a lovely Easter! And yes, I need to stay away from the chocolate! Hugs, xoxo

    1. It is my pleasure. I always love visiting your blog. My hubby had bruising for months afterwards and had to have a scan due to the tissue it had damaged, so a very wide berth is needed around that one. The Cathedral always blows my mind, especially when the big services take place. Hundreds of years of the same services and occasions. Truly amazing. Have a wonderful Easter. Chel x

  7. Hello Chel,
    Your pictures are fabulous! I enjoyed the walk you took me on and the Cathedral is spectacular! So much history! Thanks so much for sharing this at my HOME and have a wonderful Easter weekend.


  8. Thank you for the lovely walk, Chel. Your pictures are wonderful! So much history in that Cathedral! What a splendid place to have the services. Thank you for sharing at my HOME and have a beautiful Easter weekend.


    1. Thank you for hosting Sandi. A splendid place for services...but cold!! I think a hot water bottle will be in order tomorrow night! Have a wonderful Easter. Chel x

  9. Belíssimo...impossível dizer qual imagem mais linda. Uma braço, feliz páscoa!

  10. Thank you so much for another little "vacation"! Your pictures are always so beautiful. Have a wonderful Easter weekend!

    Blessings, Vicky
    Life On Willie Mae Lane

    1. Thank you Vicky. I think if the photos came out as I wanted them to in the Cathedral there would have been more detail with the lighting as I wanted it. I'll get there with this camera one day. Have a wonderful Easter. Chel x

  11. A charming post - I loved the pony and the blackbirds. I hear a lot of people talking about them, but had not seen them. They look a lot like our Robins - but our are brown on top with a red breast - but the shape of the bird and the eye ring are very similar.

    The cathedral is past amazing - I long to see your country and see the antiquities. The oldest buildings on the west coast of the US are from the early 1800s - on the east coast a bit older - but not much.

    1. Thank you for your lovely comments. Our robins are like sparrows so a lot smaller. The Cathedral is wonderful isn't it. One of my favourite buildings in the country. I'll be visiting others throughout the year so watch this space. Have a wonderful Easter. Chel x

  12. That sounds like such a lovely, if braving walk. Loved the photos of the horses. Your photographs of the cathedral are wonderful. Thanks for sharing.
    M xxxx

  13. How glorious that cathedral is, and the lofty skies of the Fens equally so in their own way. Asked to choose between your two outings I would have been desperately torn, how lovely that you managed both :)

  14. So beautiful nature photos!! Especially the little ponies, too cute ♥.Thanks for sharing!

  15. Hi Chel, thanks again for mentioning me in your beautiful blog, I am so honored! It was a wonderful post this week of the countryside, the horses and the closeup shot of the crow! You are really lucky to attend Easter Vigil Mass in such a beautiful church. Thanks for showing us all the inside of it and explaining all of the details. With the weather I can't believe that you had a little bit of snow yesterday and hopefully tomorrow Easter you will have nice weather and sunshine. Wishing you and your family a Happy Easter! Take care, Julie xx - USA

  16. Chel, you live in such a lovely area, walking must be a joy. I love the horses and the pony and the other wildlife. And the cathedral! I cannot comprehend all the work that went into building these glorious edifices. The detail, the soaring ceilings, everything! Thank you for sharing it with us. And thank you for joining in this week.


  17. What a lovely walk and such a beautiful cathedral. Such history! If only walls (and ceilings) could talk. :) Easter blessings, Tammy

  18. I shivered as I read about your walk. It's so hard to believe that you are still frozen over there!
    The cathedral is beautiful, and one I'd love to visit on another trip to the UK. It must be quite something to attend a service there.
    Happy Easter!

  19. It is always a joy to see your blog and see the beauty you are surrounded with, keep sending the pictures. They are wonderful. Have a wonderful Easter (tomorrow) and many blessings to you,

  20. The Cathedral is breath taking! Lovely tour and my how I love those ponies!! Wishing you and yours a very Blessed Easter.

    Big Hugs,
    Susan and Bentley

  21. I thoroughly enjoyed this post. I can't help but compare the incredibly beautiful, traditional, and holy cathedral you have with my state-of-the-art-media-centric church auditorium. Both dispensing the gospel, though ~ which is what matters. Easter Blessings to you.

  22. Lovely post full of great photos and interesting facts, I love history and the Cathedral looks beautiful. Thankyou for sharing and have a lovely Easter! P.s. naughty poirot! :) Karen x

  23. Wonderful pictures both from your outside walk and that amazing cathedral!

  24. I love this post! Thank you for the scenic walk and beautiful pictures of the Cathedral! Happy Easter to you!! : )

  25. I really enjoyed seeing your wonderful photos and reading about your walk and Cathedral activities.
    What a beautiful place you live in, Chel!
    Such lovely, lovely countryside..and such an awesome church!!
    My hubby and I love ancient architecture and often go on a "church crawl" when we go to the city.
    Living in an Aussie country town affords us pretty little village churches to visit, but nothing near as GRAND as you have over there, lol!
    I'm glad all went well for you and the clergy.
    I can just imagine how inspiring your Easter vigil will be.
    I get spine tingles remembering that moment when the lights come on and the choir bursts out with their high praises to God!
    I love it, lol!
    Thanks for visiting my little blog and leaving kind comments.
    It's lovely to meet you :-)
    Happy Easter to you and yours...Trish

    1. The Easter vigil was lovely thanks Trish. Very cold in the Cathedral but the warmth of the candles that we were holding were warming our fingers just like Bob Cratchett in Scrooge!! The Cathedral has been in construction for nearly 900 years now, which is probably why bits fall off occasionally! Take care. Chel x

  26. It's ages since I've been to Peterborough Cathedral, which is mad since my brother lives just outside the city and we're only half an hour down the road! Lovely photos - the swooping birds just make my heart soar!

  27. The weather here has been much gloomier than you show...and our creek is very very high now. We are told to expect rain this week, which I guess is better than snow. I'm ever so impatient to garden....

  28. Wonderful photos. Cathedrals are such amazing places aren't they. Incredible that they were built without machines or any of our modern technology. xx

  29. Oh my - what a beautiful tour - outside and then inside! I am always struck by the feeling of being in a forest glade, whenever I am in old churches or cathedrals. I hope you had a wonderful Eastertide xxx

    1. What a lovely way to describe the interiors! I hope you are keeping warm up there! Chel x

  30. Beautiful images! What an amazing cathedral.

  31. Such a beautiful cathedral!

  32. I really love all the photos of the cathedral. I'm not a very religious person but I can never resist a beautiful church. I always stop to have a long look inside.

  33. I am so glad to have stumbled onto your blog; it is lovely. Your pictures of the Cathedral are amazing and I can't image being able to go there all the time.

    I am your newest follower and I look forward to visiting you again...

    1. Thank you and welcome Nancy. I've just popped by your blog too, such a happy loving family you have. Take care. Chel x

  34. Chel, I enjoyed the journey of your walk. The little pony is so cute. The craftsmanship on the cathedral is amazing! You really got some great pictures. Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  35. Thank You for visiting my blog and becoming a follower. I love your horsey photos! Don't like the sound of your hubby being hoisted by the shoulder though!
    NB Just to let you know I'm having a problem with my blog posts updating at the minute. I am posting but no-one knows as the system is not updating itself with my followers:(


Thank you so much for visiting, I love reading your comments and will answer either by email or on the blog. You can also email me privately in my side bar. Have a great day x