
Friday 5 April 2013

A Medieval Walk

After last week's post, I was itching to get outside to take you on a little tour of the Cathedral grounds after your lovely, wonderful and kind comments.  Today, just before my week's break from work, the sun decided to make a very strong appearance, even though the wind was bitterly cold and I had forgotten my gloves (an essential when taking shots!).  But I was determined, not only because I wanted to share what I was seeing, but also to feel some warmth of the sun once more (and's been ages since my eyes did that!).  So, have you got some nice comfy shoes on? A nice warm drink and a comforting snack?  All set?  Ok, follow me from this door from the Bishop's Palace... 
 Isn't this a beautiful view of the side of the Cathedral (that you don't see from the front). We have the sweeping view of the cloisters where I took you last week (here), except this week it is a bit more sunny!
In the middle of the picture can you see a little eye brow window?  Here it is close up...
This is on the site of the Ancient Chapter House.  I have looked at various web sites and I think this was built about 1117, but most of the cloister was built in the 1200's.
Just along from this is such a cute little door that I have nicknamed the Alice in Wonderland door.  It is so small and sweet and must lead back into the Cathedral and served a purpose at some stage in its life.
Now opposite the door we came in is this one, the Dean's door that leads into the central nave of the Cathedral.  It may look small and innocent in this photo but it's about 15ft high and extremely heavy to open due to it being solid oak.
I know this is going to show that I'm a little bit sad when it comes to some architecture but I really love this door!  It is a favourite of mine (I know, I'll shut up in a minute!) I love the work that has gone into this and the surrounding stonework, not to mention the hundreds of years of graffiti!  I love the way that the door has been cut into the oak as it would probably be impossible to open if this was the whole structure.  I keep looking at the shot I took below and I am so in love with it!  Oh dear I have door love!!
Ok, are you still with me?  Well let's go through this archway to make our way to the front of the Cathedral.
This walkway makes you feel like you have stepped back completely in time.
Looking up. you feel the magnitude of the place.
And now to the front, extremely windy and my fingers are about to fall off!
Now,  do you love to see what is behind the face of a building? From the front you think, yes there is the entrance and two other arches, but let's take a closer look just behind...
More exquisite old windows, stone work and yes! oak doors, and now the vaulted ceilings...
Staggering aren't they?  And now all together with the Knight's Chamber to the right of the photo.
And behind us Beckett's chapel and the Norman Archway leading to the Cathedral Square and shops, but no shopping today!
 Let's continue with our walk through the cloisters and other medieval the corner is the point we started our tour and the wall where I took my photos last week (here).  The building on the right over the wall is the Bishop's Palace and over the wall in front is where the Bishop's orchard sits with its ancient apple trees.
Along this wall which is c. 1100, the fine stonework can still be seen.
and partially protected by this magnificent roof...I wonder how old this is?
 Through another arch we then enter the outer walls of the Refectory...
and as we keep walking we come to the corner wall with it's gargoyle and boarded up windows...
 As we keep walking round, we come to the remains of the Infirmary...
 Now, I have always described this part of the buildings as the top of the Harry Potter bridge (you know the bridge they cross in each film and overlook the lake?)  It reminds me so much of this from a distance as the arches are HUGE!  I have been told that this is in fact the ruins of the ancient hospital which was built to look like a church all of those years ago.  The arches are just beautiful.
 Now we are at the back of the Cathedral with the flag dancing in the wind against the beautifully blue sky and that solitary tuft of cloud.
The statues still proudly standing and looking down on us.
The spring bulbs still desperately trying to bloom...and now starting to win, with the trees standing guard to give them shelter.
The 'Narnia' lamp that was one of the lamps featured in my post (here), is now basking in the sun...
...and the variety of houses that occupy this wonderful medieval site are now beginning to enjoy the spring.
So here we are again, full circle and back in the cloisters and protected from the wind by that amazing roof.
I hope you have enjoyed the little tour and kept warm with your drink and slippers!  I warmed up eventually, especially with looking forward to a week with Mr and Miss Teenager.  I wonder what adventures we will get up to next week?!

Have a wonderful weekend with whatever you are doing.  I'm looking forward to reading your posts from all your different climates.  Send some warmth my way...please!!

Take care.

This week I am sharing with:


  1. was sunny and warm here in Florida, but the past three days have been dreary & rainy and today it has turned cool again...ugh! Hopefully it will warm up again soon....for you and me! Once again I feel like I have been on vacation....I love how you give the history with the photos and I learn something along with seeing such beautiful, historical places! What exquisite architecture and to have withstood the test of time and weather is amazing! Thanks you for sharing sweet friend!

    Blessings, Vicky
    Life On Willie Mae Lane

    1. Thank you Vicky and I hope that the weather warms up for you again soon! Take care. Chel x

  2. Amazing and beautiful so thankful for your blog, it's like I can travel while sitting on my computer chair.

    1. and warmer! Loved your post this weekend. Take care. Chel x

  3. Thanks for sharing, and in the sunshine, beautiful :) xx

  4. What a lovely tour, Chel - I am speechless at the beauty and grandeur which you highlight so well with your amazing photography! I especially love the 'little' flower shaped windows at the tops of the cathedrals and the beautiful paned arched windows - Oh, I do love doors and windows, and those ancient walls of the old hospital with the garden in front is so charming. Hugs, xoxo

    1. Thank you, you are very kind! Still getting to grips with the camera, when it behaves it does really well, it's the amount that don't come out that drives me mad. Just imagine how many people have gone through those doors and looked up at the windows over the centuries? Mind boggling! Hope you have some dry weather tomorrow. Take care. Chel x

  5. This I all just beautiful - so much history that we don't have it America. Thanks for the tour :-)

  6. Hi Chel, yes I did have my cup of tea and a few chocolates while you took me on the tour with you! I loved it all and it is amazing how different the lamp post looks in the sun without any snow and I love your the pictures they are magnificent! It is still cold here too in NY and hopefully it will warm up for us all soon. I hope you enjoy your week off with the kids and have fun. Take care, Julie - USA

    1. Well, I'm out of chocolate now! Yes, really! All gone, no temptation at all, so will have to do more writing instead of clicking photos into my posts! Had some warm weather today so hopefully yours will pick up soon. Take care. Chel x

  7. Stunning - and such a nice history and lovely tour. We just don't that long past here. Thank you.

  8. Wow,this pics are amazing.*__*
    I like your blog. Maybe follow each other on bloglovin???
    Let me know follow you then back.
    Lovely greets Nessa

  9. Beautiful photos! My type of tour. I love old buildings, abandoned buildings, interesting architecture...and so on... I can spend all day touring and taking photos like these!

    1. So could I Martha, but I think my fingers would have fallen off with the cold...still checking for frostbite! Have a great weekend. Chel x

  10. I enjoyed that tour very much. It would be wonderful to walk under those arches and imagine hearing the swish of robes and click of beads from the thousands who have walked there, to and from prayer, for all the hundreds of years.
    I understand your 'door love' - I have it too!

    1. Glad I am not the only one! Mr Teenager couldn't believe I'd written that! Take care. Chel x

  11. What wonderful architecture and your photos really do them justice. Thanks for sharing something that I would not have otherwise seen. Love looking at churches, old buildings and architecture so much, so I really did enjoy this post.
    Rosie xx

  12. I very much enjoyed the tour you took us on there! Beautiful, stunning photographs as well. Have a great weekend.
    M xxx

  13. Thank you so much for braving the cold to take us on such a wonderful tour - I hope your fingers have warmed up! I love the pathway that takes you back in time - it's so sheltered I imagine things sound different as well. Hopefully those little bulbs will be saying hello verrrrry soon x Jane

    1. Jane, my fingers were a lovely luminous blue by the time I went back in! A bit warmer today though. Take care. Chel x

  14. I enjoyed the tour of the cathedral very much, it has such beautiful details. It was sunny today in Brittany, but too cold for April (barely 6°C in the afternoon).

    1. Well we had a visit from the sun today and the wind died down...I actually sat outside for once (even though briefly). Brittany must be looking gorgeous now. Take care. Chel x

  15. Well, you've shown me parts of the cathedral I have never seen before - I had no idea the hospital remains were there. We usually rush to the inside and miss all that interest outside - thank you for showing us!

    1. Next time you are there take a walk around, you'll be amazed at what you come across. Try the Heritage weekend in June where the Bishop also opens up his gardens and you get to see the oldest part of the Cathedral grounds, the misericord, and the orchard. Chel x

  16. This wonderful architecture takes my breath away! Thanks so much for sharing.

  17. Wow, Chel....that place is just amazing! Old architecture is so beautifully interesting and intriguing. Love the ancient history behind this cathedral. The doors, arches, statues.....incredible!! Thanks for taking us on this great tour today! :)

    xoxo laurie

  18. I think I might have door love, too. Such history those doors have seen. Think of all the people who have walked through them. It stuns the mind. I love reading about medieval history and these walks are so interesting to me. Thank you for taking us along.

    Now I'm wafting some warm air your way. I spent the afternoon in the yard, digging a new flower bed and transplanting some perennials. A few raindrops were a good excuse to come indoors.

  19. Beautiful. I almost feel as if I was there! I can imagine how it must have been back then.

  20. Thanks for walking us through this lovely cathedral! Your gorgeous shots made me feel that I am there with you. Hope to visit this place in my lifetime ....

  21. Chel, oh how I love all this old architeture! I have such a fetish for windows and doors so I enjoyed each and every one. Thanks so much for snapping these (even without gloves) and sharing them with Share Your Cup.

  22. Wow, what a thorough tour of a stunning place! I'm blown away by the architecture, what beautiful detail, and there's so much to admire! Thanks so very much for sharing it with us at WWDD - have a great week!


Thank you so much for visiting, I love reading your comments and will answer either by email or on the blog. You can also email me privately in my side bar. Have a great day x