
Saturday 2 March 2013

A Host of Daffodils

The days are getting longer, the nights are getting shorter, the birds are singing early in the morning, car headlamps are not on constantly and the blinds are pulled later on in the night...yes SPRING is finally knocking on the door.  You can smell it and feel it.  The air that you breath in doesn't hurt the back of your throat because of the icy cold, instead it is clean, fresh and filled with new scents of the growing surroundings.  The smiles that appear on people's faces as soon as the sun appears through a cloud lifts the heart and mind.  I now hope to give you a smile with this uplifting shot I took today.
Aren't they just perfect?  The sun made it's long awaited appearance a few times this week, albeit rather briefly.  I popped over to the Cathedral and whilst walking through, all of a sudden, the sun made an appearance and for a brief moment each stained glass window in turn down the nave shone it's colours to fill the dark, grey interior with warmth and beauty.  It literally stopped me in my tracks, making me absorb this memory.  Isn't it amazing what a brief few seconds of time can do to you.  (Now, I should explain, on Friday I revisited the Cathedral and had my camera ready, and managed to take some wonderful shots.  I started loading them last night and for some unexplained reason my camera card decided to 'die' and I lost every single one of them!  One word...disappointed!).  

Today me and Miss Teenager went into Spalding to get a couple of bits and pieces but were struck by the sun being out again.  We went to Springfields but couldn't resist taking a look around the gardens.  So, want to see some more daffodils? Oh alright then!
A few more?
How about some blossom to break up the wonderful yellow?
A bit more pink?
Now how about some purple?
 The sun wasn't beating down, but it certainly made itself felt.
When we walked through the woods, the sun coming through the skeletons of the trees made me long for the  leaves to clothe them, not long now me dears!
The lakes were surrounded with vegetation.  I just loved these bulrushes waving in the light breeze.
and look, our first sighting of a honey bee this year!
This hellebore was just simply beautiful.
and even more blossom...
and primulas...
The life belt was standing redundant and abandoned by visitors making their ways to see colour once more.
Even the ducks had smiles on their faces!!...
And so, it was goodbye to Springfields...
and onto Spalding town centre...
We watched the people fishing for a while, again taking advantage of this wonderful weather.
And then grabbed a gorgeous, yummy sandwich to eat at Ayscoughfee Hall.
This place has beautiful gardens and an ancient tall yew hedge (which were planted in the early eighteenth century).  Just look at the gnarled twists and turns of these trees.  Mr and Miss Teenager are still nervous about going through these on their own as they think witches live in the tops of the branches! (a tale I told them a few years ago...that stuck!)
 The lake was so beautiful to look at while we ate.

Along with the newness of the plants that are filling my world at the moment, I have some wonderful news...we have a new addition to the family!  My youngest cousin gave birth to a beautiful, healthy baby girl. So pleased and happy for her and can't wait to take a trip to Northumberland to visit them all.  This lovely news made me think that the newness of a baby, the beauty of the soil, plants and trees coming back to life again with an abundance of shoots, bulbs and blossom, it just feels so 'right' doesn't it?

Thank you for your continued support on my blog, it's lovely to see new faces following along with my ramblings and gives me a chance to find blogs that I may not have seen before, and in turn follow back.  It's funny how many miles distance us all but we all have similar lives, anxieties, interests and patience.  We are often in different seasons but we can look forward to the next season by following each other to see what we can do to our own patch in the months ahead.  The information out there is astounding, and all tried and tested by people who are actually doing it!  So thank you again, you have made me a very happy, bouncy bunny!!  (notice Easter references there!).

Have a wonderful week everyone.  I've got a treat for you next week as I am off to my home city of LONDON on Thursday for lunch at Lambeth Palace!  Yes, Flo (my camera) will not be leaving my side!

Take care.

 This week I am sharing with:


  1. Hi Chel

    Beautiful photos and wow isn't that duck fat!!!

    We had sunshine here in Ireland today and as you said in your post it just makes things so much brighter and people are happier.

    I dragged Mr. Teenager on a walk and he was reluctant to go but in the end loved it as we were up the mountains.

    Your photos of the flowers are wonderful.

    I'm looking forward to reading your London post...

    Enjoy your trip.

    x Fiona

  2. Hi chel, thankyou for popping by to say love love all your Spring photos, especially the duck! You take amazing photos..I am a complete beginner in that department, I need lots more practice! Look forward to following you and reading and enjoying more of your posts....bye for now Karen x

  3. What a lovely post! Not often that I read about spring and hope mixed with teenagers. The touch of family in your post makes it special!

  4. Wonderful!! Love your photos and now can't wait for spring to come to my area!

  5. These photo's are amazing. I so appreciate them, it is like viewing the area through your eyes. Wonderful. Thank you.

  6. Such a beautiful post and gorgeous photos. I love those twisty trees. Amazing. Congratulations on your cousin's new baby!

  7. Look at those blooms! The buds and birds were busy on the day of your little journey! Why does everything in the UK always look PERFECT to me? I think I may have been an Englishwoman in a former life - it all seems so "homey" and welcoming to me. Looking forward to seeing the pictures of your visit to London ! Hugs, B.

  8. Sounds like a perfect day after the drabness of winter your post has brought some colour into our lives. You are so lucky having these wonderful places right on your doorstep.

  9. Springtime is so pretty (I know we're not officially there yet though!) and looks like you had a fab day. Have a lovely time in London, and looking forward to seeing your pics.

    Love Claire xxx

  10. Thank you for taking us along on your beautiful day! I so enjoyed seeing all the pretty blooms and the lovely view you had while lunching and your sweet conversation to go along with it all! I did get the shivers when you told us there were witches in those trees, though. Can't wait to see your photos of London. Have a lovely week! xx

  11. Beautiful photos again Chel but if I had to choose one it would be the duck - how did you get her to pose so beautifully! It looks like you and Miss Teenager had a perfect day with some lovely memories x Jane

  12. No daffoils out completely yet but plenty buds and hellebores, some crocus

  13. Aahhh these beautiful pictures certainly make me smile! Liefs Else X

  14. Lovely photos and the flowers always put a smile on my face. The duck pic is awesome.

    Congrats on the new baby girl to love. Lucky you to have a loving family. My family is loving too. We are blessed.
    Jeanne xo

  15. Some lovely pictures, I have to say. You got me longing for spring now, I have only seen snowdrop buds this far... Winter is longer in Sweden, that's for sure!

  16. Some lovely pictures, I have to say. You got me longing for spring now, I have only seen snowdrop buds this far... Winter is longer in Sweden, that's for sure!

    1. Thank you for sharing your photos of spring! I live much farther north and won't see these scenes for quite some time :) Found you on A Favorite Thing and I would love to have you share this on The Creative HomeAcre Hop today!

  17. I love this glimpse into your life - your beautiful town, the surrounding buildings, spring starting to show itself. The photos are beautiful!

    Thanks so much for joining in this week!


  18. I love your amazing pictures!Visiting from Sunny Simple LIfe.

  19. Hi Chel,

    What gorgeous images and lovely photos! Spring is definitely on its way... these pics are proof!

    Your newest follower,


  20. Gorgeous, gorgeous photos! Yes spring is definately on its way. I love the photos of the daffodils and the duck especially. Thank you so much for your lovely comments on my blog.
    M xxxx

  21. Thank you for coming by sharing your creative photography on Weekly Top Shot #72!

  22. So lovely to see the daffodils blooming brightly. They certainly cheer up the landscape. Hooray for spring.

  23. Sooo beautiful photos!! Thanks for sharing :-). Congratulations to your cousin and all the best for her and the little baby! I hope you will get a lot of sunshine furthermore, and best conditions for your greenhouse. It's so wonderful when everything starts growing and blooming!! Thanks as well for your comment to my latest crochet motifs. There are still frequently some new pleasing motifs to find in this book. By the way, I wanted to anser you by e-mail and found out that you're a "no-reply" blogger. If you like, have a look at my sidebar about this (the girl with the sign) :-).

    1. Thanks for your comment and thanks for the tutorial on the 'no-reply' blogger that I read last week. The trouble is I went over to Google+ and I can't get to that part of the profile page to change this anymore. I've checked on other sites and everyone seems to have the same problem. If there is any advice out there I would love to hear it as it a pain to remember all the sites I have commented on and to then look back to see if there was a response. Thanks. Chel :-)

    2. Have now moved back to Blogger and hopefully this will mean I am no longer a 'no reply' blogger. They try to scare you into not reverting back but the only thing I have had to re-do is my profile. Thanks so much and I will take another look at your comment on your blog to make sure everything is as it should be. XX

    3. This is why I am resisting Google+ ... we Blogger bloggers lose our lovely Blogger profiles when we switch.

  24. No daffs here, not quite, but the sun is shining here today too, and you're right, it makes all the difference :)

  25. Chel, I loved looking at the pictures this week and looking forward to spring the daffodils are really pretty.
    Julie - USA

  26. Oh! Thank you for the beautiful pictures and the reassurance that it will not be cold and miserable forever. Spring IS on the way. Cristos Enviat indeed :)

    Here in Ohio its still super cold and miserable, still snow in the forecast and everything.

    Looking forward to more beautiful blog posts from you! You can check me out at

  27. Thanks for sharing your talent on The Creative HomeAcre Hop!
    Our next party goes live Sunday morning at:

    If you have a blog hop, please check out The Linky Love Party...a place to share your parties with other bloggers! Grab the button for an easy way to search for parties every week!

  28. Hi Chel, thanks for leaving your lovely comment under my yellow hat blog post, I bet you are glad to see the yellow daffodils. I remember seeing them in early spring when I lived in London, under trees without leaves and thinking warmth is coming soon. Hope it's not far off. Wishes to you from where the leaves will soon turn yellow and brown. :)


Thank you so much for visiting, I love reading your comments and will answer either by email or on the blog. You can also email me privately in my side bar. Have a great day x