
Sunday 24 February 2013

A Week for All Seasons

This week has been 'Half Term' week and time for me to spend time with Mr and Miss Teenagers.  We have been all over the place and in between, finding time for our own hobbies.  This time round I felt as if I had more 'me' time.  Maybe because they are getting older and they don't need to be asking me for everything all the time or, just because I was in a routine with them and things didn't get on top of me like they can do.  We started off having real spring time weather.  Everyone had smiles on their faces, were able to go outside without heavy winter coats and also to feel the sun on their skin.  I even managed to have a nice cup of tea at my garden table and do some gardening (my post about that is here).  The jasmine in the birdcage that was photographed on that post has blossomed inside and is strategically placed by my front door in the hall so the heady scent hits you when you come in.  So welcoming and beautiful to look at.

The trip to Norfolk mid week certainly brought us back to earth with a bump.  FREEZING temperatures and biting winds not helped by the fact that we were on the beach (the post is here).  I have never seen snow by a beach and to see and feel it falling was a novelty...and a cold one at that!

I had to think quickly about the plants that I had put in my kitchen window baskets, but they look happy and healthy enough next to the warm bricks.

The potatoes in the greenhouse are being tucked in at night, but they look so regimental in their boxes waiting for their shoots to appear.  Some have!  I'm so excited!!  I have only ever done these once before, and half heartedly, so this year I think is my year of the potato!
Along with the gardening, I have been so busy with my crochet blankets.  I want to get all my 'works in progress' finished and then start to do a bit of work on my dollshouse street scene.  I am doing so many granny squares, but this is just how relaxed I am, just happily hooking along watching such warmth and colour growing through my fingers.
The designs are from Sandra at Cherry Heart, and the daisy blanket idea is from The Patchwork Heart.  These designs are so easy, simple, quick and you can go back to them again and again.

So now, it is the end of our break.  The school uniforms are ready, the school bags packed, my suit is ready for tomorrow to start my week of getting up to speed again and my record of four blog posts in a week has come to an end!

So time to have a quiet day at home, take pictures of Mr Teenager feeding his collared dove called Clover. One of a pair that was born in our garden a couple of years ago.  Shamrock the other one was sadly attacked by a hawk while in our garden last year, survived but was very poorly and has not returned for a couple of months now.  Mr Teenager can hand feed Clover and I have even managed it a couple of times!

A brisket of beef is now slow cooking in the oven, rhubarb pie for dessert and I'm now going to have (yet another!) cup of tea!

It has been a wonderful week, fantastic, lovely people writing such kind comments (and an award)  and thank you to my new followers, you are so lovely and talented!  So now my week off is at an end and work beckons.

Have a wonderful week everyone and thank you.

Take care.


  1. You've had a wonderfully full week, Chel. I was admiring your crochet work, not having developed the knack for it yet, but still holding out hope.

    I'm still happy with it being winter here, but must confess that my fingers get a bit itchy for planting when I see what you've been able to do already. All in good time; pansies are hardy and April will find a few pots here.

    Thanks you for sharing your gardening and yarn projects, among other things, at "Sunlit Sunday"!


  2. I really enjoyed this post. You have such a lovely garden and some wonderful hobbies. I just love that your son can hand feed the wild dove. So sweet that they stayed and loved it there. Sorry about Shamrock. I once had a cat named Shamrock. :) Enjoy your Sunday!

  3. After seeing your garden photos, I can hardly wait for spring to plant my veggie seeds. I'd gladly join you for tea to talk about more about your gardens.

  4. That bird didn't look real until I saw the other shots he was so perfect. I love rhubarb pie. Do you add strawberries to yours?

    1. Now, that's something I haven't heard of. Will give that a try next time. Thanks for the idea. Take care. Chelx

  5. Greetings from Ireland.

    Lovely photos.

    Have a good week


  6. Sounds like a great week and your photographs are beautiful. Thank you for visiting my blog and for your lovely comment - I am so glad you did, because now I have found your gorgeous blog and I will definately be back to visit soon!
    M xxx

  7. The grannies are lovely, the multi color yarn in the pink blanket is really pretty! What yarn is it? Elisabeth x

    1. Hi Elisabeth, thank you for your comment, it's Sirdar Folksong Chunky Shade 381. It's really lovely to work with and the colour combination is my favourite. Chel x

  8. Ahh I love your cute coffe/tea cup! Your story about the dove being attacked by a hawk reminded me of an incident here a few years ago. A hawk attacked one and took it right on the deck by my back door. I stood in horror as I saw it happening. It was just a matter of seconds and it was over.

  9. Oh Chel have you ever given me Spring fever. Can't wait till I have herbs popping up in my garden! Your plants look happy and healthy indeed. Sounds like you and the teens had a great time. I love that you had Doves born in your garden. She too looks right at home. Going to check out a few other posts.

  10. It sounds like you had a lovely week. Your crochet is so sweet and will be a nice and cozy wrap for these cooler spring days and your herbs are so pretty in their homes against the bricks. What a pretty dove and too bad about it's mate. We have wild doves here and occasionally the Cooper's Hawk will claim one. They must be tasty as they are the favored prey, poor things. I do love when they coo in the summer. I hope you enjoy your tea and have a nice week. xoxo

  11. Glad you enjoyed your break and hope you feel fully refreshed to get back into the fray.

  12. How lucky having a bird feed from your hand! It looks like you have lots of things to look forward to x Jane

  13. What a cute looking dove, and how great you can hand feed it. Great tea cup also!! I'm glad to hear you enjoyed your break! Liefs Else X

  14. I LOVE your crochet work! Those reds are simply gorgeous! What a busy life you have! Enjoy your week!

  15. Just read the sweet comment you left on my blog and decided to pop over and visit! I have been checking out some of your older posts and just love your photography! Simply beautiful. I am your newest follower and will definitely be visiting again!

    Life On Willie Mae Lane

  16. It all sounds wonderfully idyllic! I hope your 'back to work' week is going well... thanks so much for visiting 'Day by Day' earlier :-)

    Hugs from Miami

  17. Beautiful images, I am so looking forward to Spring. I'm just wait for this snow to melt. Thanks for sharing your photos and for the inspiration.

  18. Thanks for commenting on my blog. I've put you in my google reader list and have become a follower too so there's another wonder of blogging! :o)

  19. Beautiful photos, Chel! Love your window baskets-looks like spring is on it's way. I'm now following. Have a great weekend.

  20. Hi Chel. This is Rosie from Old Magnolia Tree. When i saw the comment that you posted I popped over here for a peek. Wow there is so much that I can learn from you. i only started in May of last year and I still have so much to learn. I didn't even know what a link party was until I saw it here. Watch out I'll be asking lots of questions!! You have been warned.
    You blog is really beautiful and I'm looking forward to making a bit of time over the next few days to read a bit more.
    Rosie x

  21. Chel, It sounds like you had a really good week off and you were able to spend time with your kids, do gardening and your crocheting. I do love when the kids have their vacations from school. I love all those photos and sounds like you are going to have a really nice garden. Looking forward to spring!

  22. Thank you for joining in 'Rurality Blog Hop #4' Hope to see you next Wednesday for #5...

  23. I have potato envy, I can't start any of my vegetables yet due to moving :( Hopefull I will be able to catch up when we're settled...I wonder what the chances are of getting the green house up before the shed ?
    Your blankets look lovely and I love your bird house, I'm so glad you found my blog as it led me to yours which is lovely.
    Emma x

  24. Beautiful blankets!! Especialle the one with red, white and red-white-green ♥


Thank you so much for visiting, I love reading your comments and will answer either by email or on the blog. You can also email me privately in my side bar. Have a great day x