
Friday 15 February 2013

A Birthday

15 years!  15 years of being called 'Mum', 15 years of being responsible for this bundle of joy who now towers over me, 15 years of watching him grow up into a teenager and all the angst that comes with it.  From the moment my 'baby blue' was born, I have protected him, nurtured him and loved him.  Motherhood changed me to the point of me not knowing what life I had before.  He has grown into a sensitive, intelligent and reasoning lad and I have become the protector, counsellor, nurse, teacher, chef, taxi driver, cleaner and on occasion, enforcer.  Nothing prepares you for the road ahead when it comes to parenting, but I wouldn't ever change it.  My 'baby blue'  was the first grandchild and great grandchild in the family and to see my Grandma cradling him and looking at him was luckily captured on camera.  She has now very sadly passed away but the love in her face was quite clear to see.

There are going to be two new mums in the family this year, what an adventure they have to come.


  1. A lovely tribute to your son and your Grandma. My little one is also fifteen now (can't believe how quickly the time has gone) and also towers over me = I now have official Mrs Pepperpot status!

  2. My boy's 32 this year and the adventure still goes on. Watching him grow from school, to college, to uni and now owning his own business. Hopefully one day I will be a gran but that will be when they're ready, not me.


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