
Saturday 16 February 2013

Spring is Springing

After a very cold start to the week and...yawn...even more snow!  The sun decided to make an appearance and all of a sudden the birds were heard in the morning and different colours started making themselves noticeable in the garden.  On one of the lanes I drive down it became apparent that spring is very nearly here as it is surrounded by fields of daffodils (a sure sign that Mother's Day is on the way!).

Already the yellow is starting to tint through the greenery.

And the buds are nearly perfect for the land workers to start bunching together, just waiting for the stems to reach the right height.

Here in my own garden I found a wonderful clump of snowdrops.

I love these delicate, clean, fresh bells of spring

The heather looked resplendent by my front door.

Buds had magically appeared on the bare wood.

And in amongst this, a very large clump of hellabores hiding away.

Even in the garden centre, the peacocks had decided to take in the sun by sitting on one of the pergola roofs.

Inside, my thoughts were with my 'works in progress' blankets.  The lovely woolly items that had been keeping me snug and warm during the winter months were still far from finished.  I have obviously been neglecting some as I had forgotten about a few.

However my 'grown up blanket' will be growing this weekend after a lovely, wonderful, glorious visit to my favourite shop (Hobby Craft) to buy more wool .

And whilst there, yes it had to be done, some more wool for yet another blanket.  I couldn't resist!

Those beautiful rich pinks are gorgeous!

We will also have to finish off the yummy cakes and gingernuts I made last weekend.  Nigella came up trumps again with Christmas Morning Muffins (I had a load of cranberries to get rid of).

Have a wonderful 'springy' weekend with whatever project you are currently doing.

Take care.


  1. How lovely to by neat to fields of daffodils - they certainly knock spots off oil seed rape

  2. Loved all of your photos, snowdrops my favourite. They are always the real sign spring is coming. Hee in NZ I'm going to be thinking of planting them while you will be enjoying the flowers.
    Love Leanne

  3. Oh! Those daffs! We are so far from spring flowers here in Canada. We had another 10 cm of snow fall again today!! I did purchase some red tulips for a jug on the table. They do remind me that spring WILL come!

  4. Such pretty images. Snowdrops are so sweet. I want to grow some in my garden.

  5. Oh lucky you! Icicles and snow still here in Ontario. I won't be weeding for a long while! ;)

  6. Lovely signs of spring in your area it's an exciting time of year seeing things burst into life one by one - it's been a long, long winter.

  7. What a cozy post. Your images are lovely and as a weaver I am particularly drawn to your handwork. Thanks for your visit. Do come again.

  8. How lucky you are to see daffodils and other blooming beauties! I'm afraid that's still a long way off for us here in the Northeast USA. Love your blankets - all the different textures and colors.

    Thanks so much for joining in this week!


  9. Gorgeous photos! How fun to be able to see a field of daffodils! Love seeing the beginnings of Spring. Your blankets look so yummy, comfy cozy.

    Happy weekend to you!

  10. Beautiful pictures, that blanket looks lovely. I so enjoy your blog~ glad I found it.

  11. That field would, indeed, provide "a host of golden daffodils".

  12. Beautiful! We've had the snow drops since mid-January, though not many bulbs coming up yet. When I was at Longwood Gardens on Friday, I noticed the witch hazel flowering.

  13. Hi Chel, your springtime photos are beautiful. I thought for a moment you were from Washington State, as we have daffodil fields here and all the same flowers blooming, but then I read you are from England! I love your blog and am now following. Visiting from Madge's Rurality blog hop. xx

  14. Gorgeous... Thank you for joining in 'Rurality Blog Hop #3' Hope to see you next Wednesday for #4...

  15. Nothing quite like Daffodils to welcome Spring. Although we still have snow on the ground I have spied my bulbs coming up and buds on my Heather. My Hellebores are on the N. so they are still buried. It amazes me every year what beauty awaits us after a cold winter. Especially this year. It has been record breaking cold and snow here in UT. Can't wait to see more of your garden!


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