
Friday 8 February 2013

Memories of Summer

I brushed past my little lavender plant this evening and was instantly taken back to the memories of last summer and the couple of dry days we had.  I have a number of these deliciously scented plants, my favourite being the old English lavender whose scent reminds me of my very happy childhood memories of being in my Grandparent's garden.  Another variety I have is the French lavender which is slightly sweeter and has a beautiful colour.  I love the petals on top which remind me of butterfly wings.

I can remember the bees being so hard at work trying to collect the pollen before the next shower descended upon us.

And my flowers being so hospitable in helping them gather their prize.

I can remember the beautiful subtle scent of the different roses dotted around our patch.  On the gazebo...

 On the fences (this one being my favourite, the Geoff Hamilton)...

and over the garage roof...

I would escape to my beautiful pergola, built by Hubby, which gave me the shade I needed on a very sunny day (we did get some!), covered in the heady jasmine, the bountiful grape vine, passion fruit and figs, early yellow roses and an evergreen clematis.  The contrast between light and dark has really worked.

And then spending evenings under this glorious canopy with the latest project.

These are just some of my memories of summer in my garden last year.  Autumn is my favourite season, but on these dark, dismal and damp days, the urge to get outside and pick up a fork and spade makes me very impatient.

Happy gardening everyone.

Take care.


  1. I think we have the same garden! What a lovely evocative post - and although it's difficult to believe on a cold February night (with the prospect of more snow!) those days will soon be here again x

  2. Lovely evocative summer pics could do with some of that right now.

  3. On this cold February morning, your beautiful garden pics have me dreaming of spring. I am your newest follower. Stop by for a visit sometime.

    Susan and Bentley

  4. When it is cold like now and seven layers of clothes are not enough, I think of summer when we wear nothing at all and are still hot. Have a nice weekend. Regula

  5. Oh, how I needed a shot of summer this morning! Thanks for sharing your lovely photos! Found this on A Favorite Thing. :) I would love to have you share this tomorrow on The Creative HomeAcre Hop!

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  6. On this snow-covered day, it`s lovely to see all your summertime blooms.

    1. Thank you for linking your beautiful post to "Sunlit Sunday".

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. How glorious, I want to come and visit. I too am dreaming of summer but the wind id howling, the temperature is 8 and the snow is blowing everywhere! So I am enjoying the pink photo book that pink Saurday provides!
    Happy Day

  9. Oh, what gorgeous roses.

  10. I am missing summer too. Yours looks beautiful.
    Smiles, Dottie

  11. Your garden is BEAUTIFUL. I love your roses and what an awesome and sweet spot to work on a project. You are very blessed and so are we because of your sharing. Can't wait to see pictures of your garden this summer!

  12. Good Morning

    I'm popping over to visit after linking with Karen's Sunlit Sunday.

    Great photos of a beautiful garden
    and your crochet is fantastic too.

    Have a good week


  13. What a lovely reminder that the sun does actually shine sometimes, and flowers bloom and bees buzz :) Meanwhile it is raining again in North Wales :(

  14. Beautiful! A reminder that spring is just around the corner. My grandmother did most of her planting on Good Friday. It was a busy day! I like your crochet, too. What a wonderful spot you have to *get away from it all*!!! Happy Sunlit Sunday!

  15. I enjoyed the tour of your summer garden. The French lavender is a favourite of mine too, I wish it would overwinter here as a perennial.

  16. Love seeing flowers in mid winter ... visiting from Sunlit Sunday where I'm sharing some snowy scenes today ...

  17. Sounds like everyone north of the equator is dreaming of summer weather. Gold rainy snowy here in central Ky. What a pleasing sight to visit your blog and be blessing with such color and great photography. Blessings for a good week, Chel.

  18. Loving the pictures from your garden. I love taking a step back through memory lane with my pictures of my gardens too. That's another reason I take when these dismal winter days drag on I can remember there is light at the end of the tunnel!
    How sweet you have the fond memories with your grandparents garden- that's a great gift!

  19. Your photos are wonderful. Thank you for sharing.

  20. Thanks for all your lovely comments, I am glad you enjoyed the photos of some of the flowers last summer, especially in this awful spate of weather that we all seem to have at the moment in different parts of the world. I hope the snow will clear soon to those of you in the New York and surrounding areas. The better weather will soon be with us. Take care everyone. Chel xx

  21. Lovely photos to remind us of what's coming in a few months. The pergola would be a wonderful place to sit in the summer.

  22. Beautiful summer pictures you show. Wish you a good day :) Hanne Bente

  23. What a beautiful lavender photo! We have some massive lavender plants on our street. One has very intensely scented leaves -- far stronger than the flowers. It's very old, and I don't know what variety it is, but I'm planning on taking some cuttings soon.

    Isn't it nice to have your summer photos to look at in the middle of winter. Way better than a seed catalog!

  24. We have lavender borders round a couple of fruit beds on the plot. When in flower the bees and butterflies love them

  25. Dear Chel,
    Your gardens are fabulous! The roses and lavender are beautiful. I can't wait for spring and summer to enjoy my gardens. Love your pergola and lighting. So pretty! Thanks for sharing.

  26. Chel, I love your garden so much and it looks so beautiful and pretty! You are a great gardener and it takes a lot of work to make it look so nice. I also love all of your projects that you work on and create and your blog is very pretty also. Thanks for sharing. Julie - USA

  27. Those are such pretty plants! I love Old English Lavender too - it's so tough, yet so beautiful and is one of my favourites to propagate.

    Isn't it funny how scent can trigger so many memories?

  28. Chel, Congrats! I'm featuring you tomorrow at Simple & Sweet Fridays for the inspiring post. Thanks so much for sharing.
    Happy Valentine's.



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