
Friday 11 January 2013

Ripples and Owls

Phew, such a busy week.  After two lovely festive weeks being 'mum', it was back to work again and the kids were back to school.  A sense of normality has filled the evenings again with homework, hobbies and snuggling down together.

My organised mind has been straying here, there and everywhere.  I want to start so many things, but decided no, one thing at a time.  So, firstly we have a new second cousin due to be born next month, a girl.  The hook has come out and a lovely ripple is in progress.

At the same time (I know, I said one thing at a time!)  I have made this absolutely gorgeous owl to sit in the nursery.  You can buy the pattern from ATERG Crochet.  Greta is very fast in sending the pattern and it is so easy to follow.  I am really pleased with this and her Etsy shop is a visual delight, so will be buying more patterns from her.

The garden?  Well last weekend started off so well, everything looked so promising, but it's gone downhill since then (well it is January after all in a very dark England and we have the "Beast of the East" coming bringing snow with it!).  I have one of my seed catalogues which has just been delivered and I have been joining communities on Google to read what everyone else is doing (Gardening, Our Tomato and Vegetable Gardens, Vegetable Garden Photography).  So I think a nice snuggle up on the sofa with my organised list book and I can dream what I will grow this year.  I want the greenhouse and garden to be productive and delicious to both taste buds and visual.

And, remember I said I wanted to take up knitting.  Well, this is now out in the shops, Knit & Stitch.  I will have a little go this evening, especially as the free wool is in two of my favourite colours!

Happy gardening (to those lucky enough to have the weather for it) and happy hooking to those who are creating.

Oh and p.s. ... I found some snowdrops ready to bloom in my front garden.  I just hope that the impending snow won't destroy them!

Take care.


  1. I think we are on the same wavelength here. I am itching to plant up the little tete a tetes I bought from the local supermarket today but this 'beast' might mean they don't get in over the next few days at least! I'm doing some lovely armchair gardening instead with the traditional 8.30pm Friday night gardening programme on BBC2 - thoroughly inspiring! The ripple looks beautiful - lovely colours x

  2. Love the colours of your ripple. The little owl is adorable. I have been thinking about planting a few things too, but have put it on hold since I heard the forecast! Oh well, more sewing time!
    Wendy x

  3. Must be a baby girl on the way! She'll snuggle with that gorgeous blanket for years to come!! I just checked out that Etsy shop you mentioned. Wow! Absolutely amazing. I may purchase some stuff from her tomorrow! I hope the knitting went well. Take some pics and let us see!

  4. What a beautiful blanket! And I really love your owl, what a cute little fellow ♥. Oh and thanks for joining my blog! I immediately signed in here as well, love your blog :-)). Have a wonderful new year, Chel!!


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