
Thursday 3 January 2013

2013 A Year to be Organised

My first post of 2013, a new start.  How was your Christmas and New Year?  I have really enjoyed reading your blogs over the festive season, your new ideas, resolutions, time with family.  I'm not really one for New Year's resolutions as I always feel that these set me up for failure and then my doubting self can surface.  No, this year I just have some lists (no surprise there).  Lists of things that need to be done to the house, lists of things that I want to do that are achievable and...lists of things to do for next Christmas!  Yes, I am going to be so organised.  I seem to have been taking a back seat in all areas of my life for the past year and I need to 'get a grip' and become 'me' again.

I get all excited when I buy new note books, the newness of the paper and the expectation of what I will fill it with.  This year I have bought a lovely project notebook with pockets.  All my thoughts and ideas for the year will go in here  i.e. magazine articles, paint colours, ideas for the house, crafty projects etc.

As well as planning the lists for the house and crafty projects, I really must spend some time creating my dream greenhouse.  The structure is there, the bunting is up, the staging is painted.  It now needs the planning of what I will grow in there this year, instead of it being the usual dumping ground!  Looking back at my posts last year, I was mortified to see that I started this in July and haven't touched it since!

My kitchen window boxes also need some serious TLC.  They are now completely empty and need to be filled with herbs, bulbs and flowers.  Definite planning needed here!  No picture as I am really ashamed of them at the moment.

I really must fill up my Pinterest board too.  I just hate seeing something on the web and then forgetting where it was, I must remember to Pin It.

So the first part of January is going to be like structuring a skeleton, getting the bare bones and then the plans will eventually put the meat on them (what a saying!!).

When anything has been achieved, a large tick will be put against the item and that will give me immense satisfaction.  Positiveness is a wonderful ego booster so maybe not a tick but a bright gold shiny star!!

I feel that 2013 will bring about a lot of changes in mine and my family's lives.  '13' usually brings me luck.

So that is my first post of 2013 finished...shall I?  Dare I??...Oh go on then...

Take care.


  1. Love your greenhouse. Mine has now been upcycled into a wood store so the only things it grows are spiders and mice. I'm a list and notebook person as well - one for each list!

    Have fun
    Anji x

  2. Love, love, love the bunting in the greenhouse - I really should try to pretty mine up - at the moment it is very basic and full of overwintering pots and containers. I am not a listmaker as it makes me feel pressured but good luck with your 'ticks' of plans realised.

  3. Look at that greenhouse! People would kill for that! It already looks adorable with the festive bunting - now get something growing in there! We've got 3 months of hard winter left here in Canada and I need some glasshouse action to give me hopes of spring! Looking forward to it all!

  4. Me too, Chel--Organisation is my top priority for 2013. Good luck with it--it appears that you're on the right track! I am totally coveting your greenhouse--what a beautiful space! Enjoy it!!!

  5. Just discovered your blog and I so love your greenhouse, wow that is exciting. Its one thing I'd really want for Christmas. I'm sure you will soon be filling it up when the weather gets better. Have fun.

  6. Such a beautiful greenhouse. I love the white shelving. We got our greenhouse for tomatoes and cukes, but I've abandoned that plan and we now have a wee table and two chairs in it, and use it for an inside-outside sitting, thinking and writing spot. It's still a great place for raising seeds, but even better for germinating ideas and blog posts (yes, it has wifi)!

  7. Thank you all for your very kind comments. I can't wait to get in there and brush out the spiders!! Happy growing xx


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