
Monday 31 December 2012

Happy New Year!

What a year it has been!  I think the fastest one I have ever lived through.  Looking back I am so fortunate to have such lovely, happy kids (even though they don't want to admit it as they are teenagers where everything is 'so unfair'). We have laughed so much this year - I love the teenage years.

Along the way we have lost two of our elderly relatives within two months of each other.  The end of that generation in our family.  So sad.  But a baby was born to my cousin and next year we have another baby due to my other cousin and of course, I am going to be an auntie in May.  Life continues.

I have also discovered 'blogland' and some lovely people who are following my ramblings and leaving comments so I don't feel like I am talking to myself!  Thank you so much.

So, may I wish you all a very 'merry' Happy New Year/Hogmany.  I look forward to reading your blogs in 2013.

Take care xxx


  1. Bledhen Nowyth Da Chel. Here's to 2013 with all it's dreams and aspirations.
    Anji x

  2. Hi Chel, Just begun following you on Twitter and reading your lovely blog. We share a lot of interests like photography, cooking and of course blogging.

    1. Thank you Gill, we certainly do! I also noticed that you live in Essex, my old haunt! I look forward to catching up with your blog. Chel x


Thank you so much for visiting, I love reading your comments and will answer either by email or on the blog. You can also email me privately in my side bar. Have a great day x