
Monday 14 January 2013

The Cathedral Grounds in the Snow

The snow finally arrived today, as promised by the Met Office!  It was so lovely to look out on my garden and my road to see the fresh, clean and white snow.  The drive to work was a little cautious and looking out over the fens it soon became apparent that there was more snow to come.

The photos have been taken around Peterborough Cathedral's precincts.  It looks so wonderful in the snow.  You forget you are in the 21st Century at times as you are surrounded by the medieval buildings.  My favourite photo has to be this one which was taken just as I got into my car to go home this evening (transported to Narnia!).

 This was the view of the majestic Cathedral from my office this morning...

 and then my walk around...

This was taken just before lunchtime...

and this was taken a couple of hours later...very large flakes that settled everywhere.  I had about 3 inches of snow on the top of my car when I left.

I can't wait to see it all tomorrow!

Take care out there.


  1. Absolutely gorgeous. Thanks for sharing these....

  2. Thanks for stopping by my blog and adding me to your list, I hope you enjoy reading. I'm quite jealous of your snow, as usual we have missed out on the white stuff in Bournemouth! x

  3. What a beautiful place to work in, and stunning pictures.
    Thank you for sharing.

  4. Oh goodness, that has to be one of the best office window views! Lovely images ... snow is so much preferable to all the rain I find :)

  5. Chel,
    What beautiful pictures. We have snow here again in Canada which everyone thinks is normal. We haven't had quite as much as we have had in years in our town.
    It makes everything look so fresh and new when it finishes falling. Have a great weekend xx

  6. These pictures are beautiful. I always think snow adds a timeless quality to everything - plus you have the most gorgeous view. We had the onslaught yesterday with more due - very exciting at the moment but not sure how long that will last! Hope your knitting is still going strong x

  7. Wow!! I really love that picture with the lantern, so adorable :-))

  8. Wow I enjoyed seeing this! What a great view you have from your office! To be in the company of such a magnificent place everyday must be a treat! I enjoyed all the different areas you took pictures of- great job! I wish our snow would melt and be gone quickly but I'm stuck with it through April!

  9. What can I say,UK is a truly magical place :)


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