
Sunday 2 October 2016

September 2016

As well as September being the best of months for me, it is also the quickest!  Where on earth did it go and how, while I'm typing today's post, is it October 2nd already?

Looking back through my camera card for September's photos, I can see the subtle changes developing.   The crisper mornings, the misty landscapes, the gradual return of heavier jackets and boots appearing as I walk down roads and lanes.  And yes, the little sniffles and massive sneezes making all those in the immediate vicinity run for the nearest pharmacist to stock up on cold and 'man flu' remedies!

It's been a full working month with no new trips anywhere.  I'm still getting used to my new role and had a little scare with my eye (thank you for the visits and comments on my last post).  It turns out I have a retinal hole but no detachment, just have to monitor once per week for any changes.  The truly horrible thing is that it is my view finding eye, but I now have some new corrections to my contact lens and it is a little clearer.  

During October I am just going to capture and share, there may be more posts than normal, but as those of you who have been following and reading for the past few years, you will know that I get so excited about this season and the exquisite changes it reveals.  I want to capture moments and share them on this little corner of blogland so I can look back in the coming months to the season that swells my heart.

So, watch this space, I'm going to be SEEing how much clearer my view finder is going to be!

Have a great week.


  1. Sorry about your eye problem Chel - do be careful, our vision is so precious.
    Yes, Sept. is now a blur for me and Oct. will be another. We're heading to California end of this week for more time with friends.
    Kenya trip was awesome and still have a million (well almost!) photos to share in my posts. Time is my enemy as always.
    BTW - Heathrow Harrods does not stock the cheese paper, BUT I have found a place here, just 2 mins. from the cottage, that has a similar sounding product so will give it a try - thanks for your kind offer to assist dear.
    Enjoy the Autumn days and walks Chel.
    Hugs - Mary

  2. Sorry to hear about your retinal problem and that it isn't detached. Hopefully the new view finder will really help you out. I look forward to seeing your upcoming photos!

  3. Hi Chel! Take care of that eye. Hooray for October. It IS glorious! Looking forward to your photos!

  4. September is a wonderful month, I agree. October can be lovely too and we're enjoying ours here as the cold hasn't come in yet!
    I like your collage of your September activities!

  5. Actually autumn is my favorite season so I understand the enthusiasm you have for October. Hope your eye does not give to much problems we love to see your wonderful photos.

  6. Pupster Charlie knows how you feel. He's had an ulcer in his eye for weeks I keep treating him for. Already had two vet visits. I do love fall photos the best!

  7. Although not one of my favourites, I agree this September was quick. I hope the problem with your eye will be solved soon.

  8. Enjoy your fall. I know you've been longing for it! Any eye condition is a scare. l'm glad yours has been diagnosed and is being watched.

  9. September flew by in a blur. The mornings and nights are now a lot cooler but I am still enjoying the dappled sun in an afternoon. Hope your eye problem improves.

  10. Good Morning Chel. Sorry about your eye but glad it is not a detached retina. I bet that was scary. We are moving into fall here in the midwest too. Loving seeing all the trees begin to change color. So pretty.
    Have a great start to the new week.

  11. I love October too, but the funny thing is I am having a hard time find my way to posts this month and last month I posted like a mad woman. I know it will come back, I must be patient.

  12. Chel,
    I'm sorry to learn about your eye problem. My mom had the same a few years ago. She had surgery and now she's fine, so I hope it'll bbe the same for you.


Thank you so much for visiting, I love reading your comments and will answer either by email or on the blog. You can also email me privately in my side bar. Have a great day x