
Tuesday 27 September 2016

The Power of Sight

If I had to pick one of the five senses that I couldn't live without, it would be sight.  I am very much a visual person, looking at my surroundings the whole time and trying to see things differently.

You can tell while talking to someone their emotions, their engagement, their cheery smile.

The colour of the day, the sunsets, the sunrises.

I love to take photos as you know and tell the story behind them.  I see something and straight away I can visualise that moment in time and what it means to me.

My camera, Big Bertha, invites me through its viewfinder to capture those moments that sing to me.  My left eye looks through this little piece of glass and the moment is framed and captured.

Unfortunately my view finding eye is a little sensitive at the moment, so I have put together some of my favourite shots for this little post.  So many photos that desperately need to be put in a better order... one day, one day!!

The power of sight, to me such an incredible sense that needs looking after and respect.

When was your last visit to the optician?  If not for a while, make that appointment today.  You never know what may be happening in the background.


  1. Yep, totally agree. If not for our eyesight we'd never be able to take such lovely pics - enjoyed yours!

  2. And again you show us some wonderful pictures, a real feast for the eye. And that´s what is most important good eyesight.

  3. It's a blessing to have good eye sight and this is a good reminder. LOVE the smiling face he turned around and gave you. It makes people look so much more beautiful...or handsome to smile! Hugs!

  4. We so easily take too much for granted. Hope the problem resolves itself soon Chel x

  5. Wonderful photos, each and everyone of them. I agree, sight is the sense I would hate loosing the most.

  6. Wonderful photos, I would definitely hate to lose my sight.

  7. With my problems and I visit the optician and ophthalmologist probably more often than most and I can easily empathise with your sentiments.

  8. I too am such a visual person. Your photos are beautiful! A great reminder to take care of our vision! Trusting you will soon feel well again!

  9. Beautiful pictures, as always!!
    Thanks for the advise!

  10. I love that top image of the autumn leaves.
    Yes, sight is so important and I appreciate mine as I take in all the details of my everyday life. Regular check-ups are important with an ophthalmologist and I go every year.

  11. Oh dear. I hope your eye feels better soon! I'm with you, I would not like to lose my sight! I go have my eyes checked every year. Like you said, too important to ignore! Love your photos and the perspective you capture. Take care!

  12. I agree! And have enjoyed these gorgeous photos. I hope your eyes get plenty of rest and are back to working order very soon.

  13. Beautiful photos Chel. Hope your eye is better soon. Yes I go to the opticians every year as I wear my eyes out at work, then reading and blogging!

  14. Hope you are Ok soon. Take care of yourself in the meantime. xx

  15. I have to go to the eye doctor every year because of thinning retinas.

  16. Thanks for sharing the wonderful photos and good reminder, Chel. I am due to have my eyes examined.
    May your eyes be well! xx

  17. Lovely post and photos . Sight is one thing I could not stand to loose either . . I have always used my left eye for viewing through my camera as my right eye has always been weaker . We go to our eye Dr every year for a full check up as we age so do our eyes . Hope your eye gets better soon . Thanks for sharing , Have a good day !

  18. Sight would be a terrible thing to lose. I hope whatever is straining your eyesight will soon be resolved. I do need to make an appointment for myself soon. Beautiful photos.

  19. Wonderful photos and reminder of how important our eyesight is! I just went to the eye doctor and have new glasses. I was amazed at how much clearer I can see now! Hope all goes well for you.

  20. I had never thought about a favourite sense... But I am very shortsighted and I'm lost without my glasses or contacts, so I guess sight is very important to me.

  21. Your photos do tell stories. They invite the viewer to participate. I just had my yearly eye exam - something I think is very important, especially as I age.


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