
Friday 16 September 2016

The Indian Summer

Isn't a jewelled web a thing of beauty? (Even though the creator isn't in my eyes).  A similar photo was taken last year in November (here), but on a much colder and foggier morning.  I was so pleased that the hot humid air was lifting after experiencing the hottest September days that anyone could remember.  Standing here under an acorn tree on a telling misty morning, I knew the heat would come again later on today but I would be savouring every moment of the coolness while I could.

Summer has been been wrapping itself around my beloved love of Autumnal September and I think it's time for the wire cutters to let Autumn have its glory (well, in my eyes anyway!).

On the hottest day I took myself down to the river to catch any cool air I could.  I was happily rewarded with the sound of birds, lapping water licking at the banks and drying grasses rustling around me.

The rickety bench that someone had placed voluntarily at one clearing had been replaced with a more hand made version.  Clearly there for long term use, and for those who just wanted to sit awhile to do exactly what I was doing right now.

The heat was intense and the white brush strokes in the blue sky showed that this heat was going to get harder to deal with even with the breeze making the changing leaves dance above me.

Occasionally the thump of wing on water broke the symphony around me.  A feathered friend cooling its body while taking a dip in the water.

Seed heads still clinging on, waiting for that extra special gust of wind to carry them away to their permanent home.

Some seed heads providing short respite to the summer bugs.

In the distance my favourite tree was providing welcome shade for anything that cared to sit beneath it now that the harvest had been brought in, but this was a fair walk away and one that I needed to be near as the heat was getting more and more intense.

How I wanted to to just dip into that Fenland Drain, but it was time to be sensible and get into a cooked car to get home for a cool shower and plenty of water!

Summer, it's time to go and sleep until next year!  Please let Autumn have its dance and showcase the colours that you have carefully put in place.

The good news for this Autumn loving blogger is that the heat is dissipating from this evening and into the weekend.  My Autumn clean up in the house can continue, sleep can be caught up on without trying to keep cool and breathing will be easier.  THANK GOODNESS!

So, without further ado and with the hope of a happy and less oppressive weekend, I bid you a wonderful Friday and a fantastic weekend ahead!  Thank you so much for your comments, emails and Instagram messages, I really do appreciate the time you take to make contact.  I feel a weekend of catching up with everyone coming on!


  1. Looking out of my window at the torrential rain, I think it is safe to say our heatwave is over. The open window is rewarding me with beautiful cool, fresh air. Your photos are as stunning as ever. The escaping seeds in particular. Enjoy the cool week ahead.

  2. Indian summer maybe, but the monsoon is on its way!

  3. Beautiful shots Chel, I particularly like the web and the swan. I have loved the recent weather, but sleeping should be easier now we've had rain.

  4. We didn't have the heat that you had - we had east coast fog. Ahhh, the joys of the British weather, eh? :o)

  5. It has been very warm hasn't it? Your photos show the heat of the day wonderfully. The rain overnight has cooled things down a little and it looks as if cooler days are on the way:)

  6. Ugh, I'm so over Summer myself! Love all your photos...that spiderweb! Gorgeous! We are going to the coast this weekend. Still plenty warm (ok, hot) for that. But Autumn is a promise away and I'm soooo ready!

  7. Such beautiful photos you certainly painted a beautiful picture of the coming season. We are experiencing a lot of mist here on the coast which doesn't clear away until the afternoon.

  8. Hi Chel, yes August was so brutally hot here and I'm so glad that it's Sept. and finally cooler weather. It is really starting to feel like fall. Thanks for sharing those lovely photos. Enjoy the weekend and next week. :)
    Julie xo

  9. Love your first photo of the dewy spiderweb! Yes, I'm not a fan of August either and am eagerly looking forward to the chilly fall weather.

  10. We are back to hot weather too. I was hoping it was on a cool down but not yet. Lovely photos. I love how you see beautiful in simple things. Have a great weekend.

  11. Gorgeous captures of nature Chel. So pretty.

  12. We had such hot weather too, I just loved it for some days. I'm glad we are going to normal now, today it was at least 5 degrees lower than yesterday, more my type of weather. You made a great series of photos, I'm especially fond of the seeds almost blown by the wind.
    Enjoy your weekend!

  13. I'm definitely sending you some cool air! Our leaves are changing rapidly - I think next week will be fantastic for color. There is snow already on the high peaks. Your close observations in photos are wonderful. Love the seed heads, and the barbed wire, and the web!

  14. Wonderful photos and post . We had a bit of a cool down and it was nice but the humidity has returned YUK! Hope it cools down there for you . Thanks for sharing , Have a good weekend !

  15. We have a a much cooler weekend than last week, I hope it's the same for you!

  16. How lovely to live near the pond. Love watching ducks, geese and entertaining. Your pictures are superb, Chel!

    I love the slow arrival of fall, it's magical!


  17. The heat continues here too, although today is less humid than it has been. So tired of being sopping wet after being outside.

  18. Thanks for your beautiful post, Chel! Across the pond here near Portland, Oregon, our days have cooled down, we've had a bit of rain, and some of the trees are sporting burnt orange red colored leaves. I love the Autumn, too. xx

  19. You take the most beautiful photos! I just want to give you a big hug when I read a post like this. It makes me that happy! Sweet hugs, Diane


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