
Monday 19 September 2016

From Little Acorns

It's not a day of the week that I usually post, but I couldn't resist putting up an autumnal shot. 

This morning the alarm sounded and my eyes woke up to the deliciousness of  cozy darkness.  
My raincoat beckoned me as I stepped out to start my journey to work.  
Walking along the road, the ground crunched a little with the early falling leaves.
Sitting in my office, the windows remained shut, no cooling air was needed to blow inside today.
Instead of a frappe for an enjoyable coffee break catch up, a warming latte was snuggled and savoured.
On the way home, the windows of the bus started to steam up reflecting the drop in temperature.

Yes, I am one very happy lady, walking along the road with a comforting umbrella above my head, and clean fresh air filling my lungs!

Have a wonderful week everyone.


  1. Not for me waking up in the dark. I need a blue sky to get me in that kind of mood. One of the joys of being retired is that I don't have to get out of bed until I can see daylight.

  2. We have had rain most of the day, so all my outside jobs are now f the rain is that I as able to do a whole load of crafting

  3. Waiting patiently here for your kind of weather today, we are just to hot for
    moving into fall. Always enjoy your post.

  4. You lucky girl! Here it is 80 degrees when I wake up and 100 degrees in the shade in the late afternoon. Wonderful photo!

  5. I do love early Autumn weather. Great post :)

  6. I do love early Autumn weather. Great post :)

  7. Those beautiful autumn days.....sounds absolutely lovely, Chel! x

  8. Autumn is a lovely season but we are experiencing a very changeable spring at the moment.


  9. Love the photo! Happy Fall ♥

  10. Hi Chel. Lovely imagery, both in the photo and written word. You take of yourself.

  11. I meant to say, 'take care of yourself'. Woops.

  12. I'm with fun60 I don't like dark mornings or dark early evenings.

  13. Oh my! I'm jealous! Our temps are predicted to be near 100 today. I may just cry! I'm so over Summer but I live where it hangs on a very long time. Guess I'll live vicariously through you and others until we finally get our cooler weather. :)
    Thanks for sharing! Gives me hope! Ha.

  14. We are still having summer. Just will not let go here in the Midwest states. Enjoy your early autumn arrival.

  15. Yes it's Autumn here in sussex today, grey and not as warm, I feel the change in the weather and am ready for it now! cosy nights, candle light and Autumn leavesxx

  16. Time for hygge! I love the simplicity and effectiveness of this post. It really made me feel autumnal!

  17. Yay! You capture it well, that cozy fall feeling!

  18. I hope we get some of that cooler air soon.

  19. Hello Chel, and happy fall! I love that acorn shot. We still have summertime weather here and hot. I can't wait to have it feel like fall weather here.
    Hope you have a wonderful week.
    Julie xo

  20. It sounds like fall weather has hit there Chel. I love this photo of the acorn. Wishing you a beautiful fall.

  21. We are so ready for a break in the weather so that we can get outside and WALK! We talked about it at lunch. (still very hot here) Enjoy your day my friend! Hugs!

  22. Oh my, this sounds perfect. I want to come along. I love to walk/hike.
    The good news is we are off on a hiking vacation on Sunday. I am so excited. Praying for great weather. :-)

  23. Bring it on ---come on Autumn I am ready for you! Loved visiting here today and have decided to follow along to keep up with your comings and goings :)

  24. The temperatures are cooling here as well... But I'm not fond of driving in the dark in the morning!

  25. I love Autumn and you acorn image is just perfect. Have a wonderful week :)


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