
Saturday 2 July 2016

It's all Rush Rush Rush

Is it really July?!  The rain pours, the hailstones fall, the wind knocks you sideways and my impression of Alice Cooper is plain for others to see as I emerge from Tia's walks on the Fens (note to self... WATERPROOF mascara!!).  The last two weeks have however brought some sunshine to my camera card, brief but bright.  So here's some snippets of where I have been.

There has been a visit to Castle Howard (famous for Brideshead Revisited)...

So many photos taken both inside and outside that are just waiting to burst through the screen at you, but for now, just a taster.

(Blog post being written once I have decided on the right photos I promise!)

Miss Teen needed to top up her art supplies and of course, we just HAD to go to London's West End.  A visit to Oxford Street first...

... then on to Liberty ...

... and then Carnaby Street ...

Each year I have posted about the Peterborough Heritage Weekend and each year this event has never disappointed me.  Again, many many photos which need to be sifted through and another post will be written (I promise, again!), but here are some tasters...

So it's all rush rush rush!  

Time to sit now and reflect (and get posts up to date and scheduled!).

Have a wonderful weekend, I know I have so far.


  1. Looks like you've been busy, Chel. I love that first photo! It's fun visiting the city with you.

  2. I love the photos you posted... I so would love a garden like the Castle Howard one, smiles

  3. Great shots Chel. I so LOVE Liberty's shop and could spend hours there. Oxford Street's bunting looks good. Yet to visit Castle Howard - so beautiful - and those trimmed box hedges, sigh!
    Happy weekend - busy is good I guess. I hope to be busy again starting this coming week - I'm doing much better and think more normal days are on the horizon thankfully!
    Hugs - Mary

  4. Just tantalising enough to make us come back to see the rest of your photos and stories. I love the places you take us :)


  5. Lovely shots of your outing. I especially love the first one. I've just come back from a week in England where we had virtually non-stop rain and I couldn't do half the things I had planned on doing! I did bring back some nice shirts and beautiful greetings cards though and unfortunately a very big head cold!!!

  6. It's ages since we went to Castle Howard. It is almost local to us too. I used to take school trips there.

  7. Oh you teaser, you. I want more! Haha. As always beautiful pictures. Hugs

  8. It's been a few years since we were at Castle Howard so it'll be nice to go back again via your blog post. :o)

  9. How wonderful Chel. It all looks so wonderful. I cannot wait to see more.

  10. Oh boy ... I am chuckling here to your Alice Cooper ~ metaphor with your mascara in rain!!! Yes, same weather here ~ not leaving my house without umbrella. Hoping there will be more sun - one week to go until summer holidays start.
    I just love your photos, especially the first one ~ flowers on focus and the tower with a romantic blur.
    Love from Nina

  11. You are certainly a tease, lots of great outings.

  12. Lovely photos. It's been a while since I visited Castle Howard, your shots inspire.

  13. Great tasters! Looking forward to the posts.

  14. Lovely photos! Always love seeing these! I've never seen Brideshead Revisited but it's on my list to watch. Have a great day.

  15. I hope that the rush rush rush gets easier. Castle Howard looks really beautiful!

  16. Looking forward to your sharing these adventures.

  17. Looking forward to sharing your adventures! Intriguing 'peeks'! xx K

  18. Great photos, I do love to see what you take with your camera...
    Amanda xx

  19. Summer only made its way to Brittany yesterday, for the first day of the holidays! I'm looking forward to nice moments reading your blog!


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