
Wednesday 22 June 2016

A Blog Anniversary! Four Happy Years!

Time has flown by during my four years of blogging.  Journaling my weeks, learning different techniques, expanding my love of photography and 'meeting' wonderful and creative bloggers all around the world.   It has been amazing to connect with so many of you either through you visiting, commenting, emailing and following.  You have certainly kept this blogger smiling!

I feel as though I can sit under this tree with you all, enjoying a summer's picnic and catching up with all that tests our lives.

The different paths we take through our writing and photography.  Taking risks occasionally, but doing what we feel is comfortable.

The people that stay with us through our journeys and the ones that visit occasionally before heading off for further adventures.

 The colour that many bring us through our screens with their positive thoughts and humour.

 The sunshine with their posts and dreams, inspiring us all to continue with our own. 

 The dark times shared on occasion and the joy of witnessing the further posts showing that life does get better. 

 The brightness shines through eventually and new growth comes through enriching our own vision and minds.

Blogging sometimes feels as though we are swaying like grass on a breeze.  The ups, the downs, the being knocked sideways.

But, if you are steadfast and true to yourself, your words will remain and the world seen through your eyes will give comfort and happiness to more people than you will ever know.

Strawberry Moon taken at Summer Solstice
So from one person to another, thank you so much for following along, commenting, emailing me privately and reading my ramblings.  I really appreciate the support you have given me through all the different social media platforms.
You're wonderful!!


  1. Hello, happy 4th anniversary to your blog. Lovely collection of images! The moon shot is awesome! Happy Wednesday, I hope you have a great day!

  2. Enjoy this so precious moment, my lovely friend, I wish you so many happy years more ... and even more !!

    Hope you're having a beautiful week I'm sending blessings of joy to you

    Dany ♥

  3. Happiest anniversarie to you and your wonderful blog! I have not often commented but I always enjoy reading. Wishing you all the best always and thanking you for all that you have shared. x

  4. Chel - Congratulations on your four year anniversary. Love reading your posts and looking at your gorgeous photos. Here's hoping for many more years.


  5. Many congratulations. Your photography skills are amazing, I always love to visit for the beautiful pictures.

  6. Happy blogging anniversary. I love reading your blog. You have a wonderful way with images and words. hugs, LJ

  7. Happy anniversary, Chel! It's always a joy to stop by for a visit to see your lovely photos and catch up on your life. Here's to many more years! Cheers! x Karen

  8. Sweet Chel, the past 4 years of reading your posts, loving your words and photos, have been a huge blessing. You have shared so much beauty and very interesting stories of London, the city and environs, your family, and work - and I especially love your shots taken in the beautiful English countryside such as these today.
    Congratulations on this auspicious anniversary - blogland is lucky to have you dear.

    I've been MIA somewhat! Had major surgery last week to remove my complete thyroid - was a bit more involved than expected but I'm doing OK and thankfully there was no cancer. I do look a mess though - today was my first day out but, because I'm not even allowed to cover the incision with a scarf yet, I felt very conspicuous! Bob is full of 'Sweeney Todd' jokes!!!

    Love and hugs - Mary

  9. Happy Blogaversary!! Here's to many more great years of blogging!! I started to read your blog as soon as I started blogging - my 3rd anniversary is next month - and I have so enjoyed reading your posts, getting to know you a bit and our e-mails from time to time. I hope that we will continue our blogging friendship for many a year!

  10. Happy Anniversary! Love your blog, keep up the good work.

  11. The time has flown by, hasn't it? And it's a good way to document things in your life as they happen...the good times and the bad. I'm so glad we've been friends for so long. You've given me a glimpse of what it looks like on the other side of the world! Happy blogging my friend! (I love the bees in the fields) Hugs, Diane

  12. Congratulations on your 4th anniversary. I have enjoyed each and every visit here and I look forward to many more. I'm so glad I found you.

  13. happy Blogiversary :) I love the photo of the bees I saw on your FB. Blogging has been great for me to and I've had a couple of bloggy holidays but its good that it's always there when you want to get ac to it and check in on virtual pals :)

  14. Congratulations on 4 years, Chel. How time flies! :o)

  15. Congratulations on your blogaversary. It has been a real pleasure getting to know you and maybe one day we might meet up for a cuppa in London.

  16. Happy blogiversary hope that you stick with it for another four years at least.

  17. It is so fun to share and watch each other's growth over the years. Happy four years!

  18. Happy Blogging Anniversary, Chel! I've enjoyed getting to know you through your blog. Thank you for sharing your slice of life with us! Have a piece of cake to celebrate!

  19. Happy Anniversary, Chel! Whenever I stop by, I am mesmerized by your beautiful photos and thoughtful words! You are the gold standard! Wishing you many more years of blogging happiness!

  20. Happy Blogiversary, Chel! I am so happy that I found you and your are one interesting lady and I so enjoy your travels. Your pictures are lovely.

    Many more years of happy blogging, my friend!


  21. You have captured the countryside beautifully, loving all of your wonderful images.
    Happy Blogging Anniversary Chel and a toast to many more creative years ahead :)

  22. Happy Blog Anniversary and wishing you many more. Your photography is beautiful as always.

  23. Congratulations on four years of blogging... It's been a pleasure to discover your blog over the past few months. I've forgotten how long I've been blogging it has been so long!

  24. Happy fourth anniversary! I always love seeing your beautiful photos. You find the most amazing things to capture. Here's to many more journeys for us to tag along with!

  25. Hello Chel,
    Happy Anniversary. Blogland is such a wonderful place to meet and bond with like peeps. It is amazing how we all find each other in this crazy land and become friends like we have known each other forever. Your photos are gorgeous. Love how you caught the bees. Beautiful.

  26. Happy 4 and many more, Chel! A good commemorating post.

  27. Happy Blogsary. I would love to sit under a tree and have a picnic with you...oh the talks we could have, smiles.

  28. Congratulations and I hope for many more blogging years. Your words together with the pictures are so true.
    Regards, Janneke

  29. Congratulations on your 4th year of blogging! Love your pictures you post here and your blog, of course:) Cheers! Ping

  30. Oh! That poppy photograph is stunning. You really have a good eye for composition. Happy blogaversary Chel! xx

  31. Love your beautiful posts, Congratulations on blogging for 4 years, that is quite an accomplishment and a wonderful gift to all of us who benefit from your lovely pictures and inspiring words. Blessings to you and yours!! and thank you.

  32. Love your beautiful posts, Congratulations on blogging for 4 years, that is quite an accomplishment and a wonderful gift to all of us who benefit from your lovely pictures and inspiring words. Blessings to you and yours!! and thank you.

  33. Happy Blog Anniversay Chel! It is always a pleasure to visit you here!
    Helen xox

  34. Happy blogiversary! Beautiful words and beautiful photos. The moon is stunning. X

  35. Wonderful photos ! Happy Blogversary . Blogging is fun and there are so many wonderful blog friends to share with and see what they have been up to as well defiantly all a wonderful universal friend ship . Thanks for sharing , Have a good day !

  36. Happy 4 years! I have enjoyed popping in and seeing what lovely photos you have to share as wel as catching up on what's going on in your life. I look forward to the next 4 and many more! Hugs! Vicky

  37. I love the parallels you make Chel - and of course the photos. Thoughtful and stunning, as always! Happy anniversary!!

  38. Hello Chel, wow congrats on 4 years of blogging. Boy that sure went fast and I remember when I started blogging and you were my first blog friend. I have enjoyed these years visiting your beautiful blog through the good and the bad. Thanks for sharing your wonderful photos and taking us on all of your sightseeing trips. Wishing you many more years of blogging happiness.
    Hugs Julie xo


Thank you so much for visiting, I love reading your comments and will answer either by email or on the blog. You can also email me privately in my side bar. Have a great day x