
Saturday 14 May 2016

Springtime in Oxford

Well summer came and paid us a visit last weekend.  Soaring temperatures and blue skies were welcomed so gratefully especially with another little trip planned.  So without further ado, here we go again, boil up the kettle and grab yourself a cup of rosy lee and a cupcake and let me take you around Oxford, one of our University Cities.

We started in Balliol College, one of the constituent colleges of Oxford and established in 1263.  The perfect gardens, wisteria climbing the stonework and the carefully placed rusty gate.  Music to my eyes!

What is it with me and windows?  Especially stone ones!  The chandelier through the window took my eye and the more I looked the more I loved.

And aren't these fun...

Of course, we all know someone who does this...

Wisteria and stone in the sunshine, such a beautiful combination.  The oak door welcoming scholars inside.  What a wonderful environment and can you imagine the book lined rooms that lay beyond this?  Yes, my longing for that particular room made another appearance in my mind!

Being a University City, every nook and cranny had students either studying, socialising or working.  This student was capturing the building on her canvas just as I like to with my camera.

It was also degree day (well, it certainly was with the degrees of heat!!), and gowns and mortarboards were seen everywhere.

Because of the celebrations, there was a lot of this going on (a tad disappointing!)...

... and lots of party preparation...

We were a little disappointed that we couldn't get into places, but we could still see the amazing architecture so my finger was poised over the shutter button to keep on capturing the day.

Hertford Bridge that joins two areas of the Hertford College but also known as The Bridge of Sighs...

I just love little streets such as this one.  I lose myself in space and time when I see such quaintness.

Colourful houses lined some of the streets, each pastel shade complementing its neighbour.

Eclectic mixes of different eras of architecture.

Hidden windows behind thick stone walls.

Stone walls providing the steady protection for hundreds of bicycles.

We made our way to the Bodleian Library which opened in 1602 and has been a library legal deposit for 400 years and has over 12 million documents.

We would have loved to have gone in but all tours were sold out and at the time of us visiting it was, you guessed it, closed to visitors!  Grrrrr!!!

Remember how proud I was when walking around London a few weeks ago?  Well, maybe I was a little too confident when walking around Oxford and by this time I was feeling it.  For those who have been reading my ramblings, especially since last December, they will already know that my feet have been on one hell of a health journey after an operation on both.  I have been walking very nicely especially five miles in London recently, but Oxford... apparently 11367 steps according to my phone and now my face couldn't hide the pain anymore.  So a slow walk back was in order with frequent stops along the way.

Pretty benches to take the WEIGHT off my feet.

Pretty flowers to take my MIND off my feet!

Of course, we would have loved to have gone punting but that will have to wait for another day.

As you can see, the weather was changing and the sky was getting darker.  It wasn't long before the rain set in, so the slow walk back to the transport taking us home was very welcome indeed.

Back on the coach, my shoes eventually came off with some prompting and pain killers were taken.  I'm glad to say that the following day, all was well, but I now know my limits!!

Have a wonderful weekend and week ahead everyone.


  1. I spent few days in Oxford last summer; it's so cute.
    Thanks for these pics.

  2. That is beautiful architecture. It must be nice to finally be able to get out and enjoy it. Thank you for sharing the journey. Hope your feet are doing well? Prayers for you, Tia and all there. Luv ~:)

  3. 40 odd years ago I lived just outside Oxford, and spent many happy times wandering the streets, the river banks, and gazing!

  4. Beautiful. One day, sigh, one day. smiles

  5. Thanks for taking us along with you on your visit to Oxford. Take good care of yourself!

  6. Thank you for the great tour, Chel. I only know Oxford from TV and films, but nevertheless I love it.

  7. It is a wonderful place, really try and visit it one day, wonderful photos as usual. Love the photo of the "little streets " you are right you could spend hours looking round here.
    Amanda xx

  8. We didn't get in to Bodleian on a tour either...grrr. We enjoyed the things we did see. Love your photos that bring back beautiful memories for me. Since we travel all the way across the U.S. and the Atlantic to see your lovely land we've learned the hard way to choose the dates carefully because of school holidays and bank days.

  9. I sent off that comment too soon. Hope you feet recover well from all those steps!!

  10. It's good to know one's limits, but I hope you are not paying too high a price for those lovely photos. I think that I've commented before that this is a place I'd love to visit, as I am an Inspector Morse lover and feel as though I've been inside every hall and corridor in Oxford. This post was a real treat.

  11. Thank you for sharing your beautiful photos. I enjoyed them thoroughly!

  12. What beautiful architecture in your country. I really need to go visit it in person one day. What fun it would be to travel down a few of those narrow laned streets.
    Thanks for sharing, Chel...hope your feet are back to feeling better.

  13. What a beautiful tour you took us on Chel. The old stone buildings and narrow streets really appeal to me. I'm glad you now know your limits as to how much your feet can stand (walk). I think you are doing really well! xx Pam

  14. A wonderful college visit in Oxford through your lens and your own personal choices! So lovely to see!

  15. Summer also arrived to Brittany! It seems we just skipped spring this year. I love Oxford and I'm so glad you took us there today. I'm sorry though that your feet hurt while there. It'll improve with time, hopefully.

  16. Thanks for the tour Chel. I always enjoy my walks with you. Look those feet though.


  17. Enjoyed your tour and fabulous photos. I know, when the feet are healing it's easy to overdo things! Rest, ice and "vitamin I" (ibuprofen) will help get them back in good shape.

  18. I am new to your site and enjoyed all your marvelous pics. Thanks for the tour. I especially loved the tiny quaint street. My imagination went wild. Hugs, LJ

  19. Thanks Chel for the wonderful tour of Oxford! I totally enjoyed it and the lovely photos. ;)
    Have a wonderful week.

  20. What wonderful photographs, I love the architecture. I hope your feet have forgiven you and allow you to take another trip soon!

  21. What wonderful photographs, I love the architecture. I hope your feet have forgiven you and allow you to take another trip soon!

  22. Lovely images of Oxford. It used to be my local shopping town so it's good to see it again through someone else's eyes. I hope you've recovered!

  23. Oh Chel, those windows, that architecture! Wonderful! I'm sorry your feet bothered you but you're making progress and one day all this will be a distant memory. It took me a year with my knee to be close to normal. Love Oxford and I would adore visiting some day. Take care!

  24. You certainly took us on a beautiful tour, what an amazing place to visit. Hope your feet are feeling better.

  25. Lovely photos, Chel. I hope your feet recover quickly! xx

  26. What a wonderful day out you had despite the closures. I hope that your feet are now well rested and feeling much better!

  27. Ah Oxford I know it well. I love how you've captured it through your words and photos. It's always lovely to see a place through different eyes.

  28. Such great pictures, almost felt like I was there without all the feet pain. It is so difficult to give in to aches and pains when there is so much we want to see and do. I commend you for all your travels. I so enjoy traveling around with you in your beautiful villages and thank you for enduring. Have a good week.

  29. Thank you for the tour.
    Praying for your feet! Hope you feel better soon!!

  30. I love taking a walk in springtime with you, Chel - and my feet don't hurt a bit! All those old stone buildings, archways, and windows are intriguing. Who doesn't make up stories and pretend to be walking those streets way back when... I love the Bridge of Sighs and the pastel architecture, too.


Thank you so much for visiting, I love reading your comments and will answer either by email or on the blog. You can also email me privately in my side bar. Have a great day x