
Friday 20 May 2016

Five on Friday - Moments Captured

We've been walking back on the Fen again this week which has been a wonderful way to end each working/school day.  With GCSE's in full swing for Miss Teen it's been stressful so with each ending of the day just to walk along the quiet pathways, pass the time of day with friendly walkers and just listen to the wildlife surrounding us is sheer heaven.  The colourful crops sway in the breeze, not minding the winged birds and insects, enjoying their dance as the wind blows gently through the once neat rows where they now rebel against the uniformity of their prepared beds.

Wednesday night brought on a whole different conversation as we happily walked along one of our favourite pathways.  The air was still, geese flew low above our heads and then... we saw this...

It was an interesting conversation.  We were in the middle of the Fen next to water filled ditches and a copse of trees with a funnel cloud above us.  If the funnel touched the ground, things would be a lot different and a tad bit uncomfortable for us.  Mr Teen said he would go into the ditch but me and Miss Teen opted to try our luck in the copse of trees.  Thankfully within a few minutes the funnel slowed and the cloud separated scribbling  thin clouds in that part of the sky.  Phew!

Looking at the sparse trees around, the weather leaves its scars to make the normal look more interesting.

Sneeze makers surround us in abundance, but surprisingly the only sneezes come from our lovely Tia who is getting used to the night routine again of a longer walk in the light.

At the end of the walks we have our treat (to boost our energy of course!).  Chocolate and long quiet walks - a perfect end to the day!

 Sharing with the lovely Amy at Love Made My Home's Five on Friday.  Go along and see some lovely blogs sharing their five.

Have a great weekend lovely readers.

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  1. Your moments are so wonderful and the cake delicious!
    Happy Friday

  2. Wonderful photos. You surely need an energy boost after a long walk - with a good conscience :) Happy weekend!

  3. Great photos, Chel. Scary thought on that funnel cloud...I had no idea y'all got those, smiles.

  4. I'm glad I wasn't there when the funnel appeared, very frightening. Your chocolate cake looks delicious!

  5. Wonderful photos to go along with your five. How scary to see the funnel cloud...I am glad it went away before touching down. I think I'd enjoy your evening walks especially the end of them with that scrumptious cake waiting. :-) Hope you have a wonderful weekend.

  6. That's an impressive "almost tornado" shot you got. I'm glad it went away. The chocolate cake looks good enough to eat! Have a great day.

  7. What a lovely selection of 5. it's left me feeling good about the world. Beautiful photography especially of the rape field

  8. A wonderful selection, the funnel cloud was a little scary. Cake is definitely needed after a long walk.

  9. I think I would have followed Mr. Teen to the ditch. I have seen what a tornado does to trees. Yikes! So glad it dissipated and you were SAFE. That cake looks pretty amazing. Yum!

  10. A funnel cloud? Eeek! Great capture and glad it didn't touch down. I think you definitely earned that chocolate cake.

  11. Oh!dear I don't like funnel clouds at all.Happy it went away for you.
    I have been catching up and you live in a beautiful place. loved the photo's in last two post.

  12. Thank you for showing us where you live through your delightful post. I love nature and that cake if only you could post some, ;)

  13. Fabulous pics of the rape and funnel cloud. Can I have a virtual slice of that cake please...? (make it a large one.)

  14. The photos are wonderful, Chel. That funnel looks scary though. I like seeing what's blooming by you. Happy walking - and chocolate eating.

  15. I really hate oil seed rape! Looking at that tree I think Mr Teen had the right idea

  16. Your five moments are all wonderful, except perhaps the funnel which could have been quite scary. It is so good to get out and walk after a day of hard work and how lovely to have a chocolate treat at the end:)

  17. So lovely to go on your walk with you and to get cake at the end! That is a real treat at the end of a walk. I am not sure about that funnel cloud thing though, not friendly at all!!! I hope that your daughters exams go well! Thank you for taking part in Five On Friday, I hope you have a good weekend!

  18. What a lovely walk you all had and lovely photos. That is a beautiful chocolate cake!
    Enjoy the weekend Chel.

  19. Beautiful photos! Thankful with you that funnel cloud went away.

  20. A quiet walk after school on the Fens sounds perfect, but that the funnel cloud could have spoilt it. I hope the exams go well for Miss Teen.

  21. Wonderful photos. What an experience seeing the funnel cloud and actually having a camera handy! x

  22. You captured some great photos! That cloud is really something...scary! Have a wonderful weekend.

  23. You must have been very nervous with that funnel cloud so close. Glad you were all safe.

  24. Hi Chel! Yikes! A funnel cloud! It's as if you are in Kansas!
    I love the treat at the end of the walk. We have sneezy things floating around, too.

  25. Hate tornadoes, scare me to death, glad yours didn't touch down.

  26. What wonderful pictures. I love the funnel cloud one. That is a great moment captured.

    Have a great week

  27. Enjoy the weekend after the stress of exams. Enjoyed your post.


  28. Yes to everything wonderful except that funnel cloud. Yikes! That would have been a bit scary. I'm with your boy ... go for the ditch. A grove of trees would not be safe at all.

  29. What a lovely five on Friday. The funnel cloud was a bit scary though exciting you had your camera handy.

  30. Beautiful descriptions of your walks and the amazing funnel cloud. That chocolate cake looks amazing!!

  31. Wow! Scary to see the funnel cloud, but glad it didn't cause much damage. PLEASE can I have some of that amazing chocolate cake!!!!

  32. Oh goodness, that cloud.. I'd have been having kittens!

  33. Oh Wow how fascinating! love this post, I am sure the walks will be doing your Miss Teen and of course the chocolate cake! xxx

  34. Wow and YUM.

  35. Wow what a sight that funnel cloud.

  36. Wonderful moments through your camera. The funnel cloud photo is amazing - so glad it dissipated without incident. A yummy cake to end a walk sound like a good ending.

  37. Wonderful photos, the funnel cloud is an amazing capture. The chocolate cake looks so yummy. xx

  38. Now that's what I call a chocolate cake!

    Angela - Garden Tea Cakes and Me

  39. Wonderful five on Friday, not Friday now, days whizzing by.Great set of photos.
    Amanda xx

  40. Wow I would have been a bit panicked to see a funnel so close by. I din't know they appeared in your country. There has already been a lot of tornado activity here in the U.S. but I am fortunate that basically don't have any where I live.
    The walk sounds wonderful. I like to sit out back and enjoy the sounds of nature in my garden area. That chocolate cake look like a wonderful way to end the day with!

  41. I am way behind on my blog reading, having been on vacation. It is so nice to be back and catch up on all your news. Hope you're having a lovely weekend.

  42. Ooh a funnel cloud, I'd head for the ditch if I'd been with you! That looks like a proper chocolate cake :-) xx

  43. Oh my, Chel! Seeing that funnel cloud must have freaked you out! Great capture and glad you are safe! Best of luck to daughter with exams and wish I could join you on your fabulous walks across the fens. Such a nice treat to come home to! xx Karen


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