
Saturday 2 April 2016

Little Pink Boots

Walking through Peterborough today in the welcome sunshine, I couldn't help myself and took a mobile photo of this sweet little girl in her pink welly boots playing in the fountains.  She made me smile, as well as all those who saw her.  Not a care in the world, just enjoying life and taking no notice of those who just skirt the edge and don't live life to the full.

Thank you for the smiles little pink boots.

Thank you all so much for your visits and your comments last week, I have been so busy that I haven't been able to respond to you all.  Hopefully time will be kind to me in the not too distant future!  We are visiting London next week so my trips are beginning at last!


  1. sweet post, love those little pink boots.

  2. Everybody should have a pair of pink boots.

  3. I'd love a pair!
    What a clever photo.

  4. I just love this...thank you sweet friend. Blessings

  5. Those are cute welly's. Hope the trips are easy and please stay safe. The world is getting a bit weird these days. Pat Tia for me. Hope your day is blessed. ~:)

  6. We should all get ourselves some pink wellies and run through the fountains wearing them! :o)

  7. Pink boots would make a grey day much brighter! Great photo, Chel. We're going to be in London for 1.5 days (so, so short) this summer and I'm trying to decide what we want to see. Maybe a big bus tour to get an overview. Enjoy London!

  8. That IS a darling photo and such a message it sends. Thanks, Chel!

  9. We all should do so sometimes, but for me with my hunting green wellies, haha.

  10. Those pink boots just make me smile!

  11. Lovely pink boots!
    Wishing you a nice week

  12. I love this so cheerful post of yours, my wonderful Chel !
    Hope your week is off to a great start, I'm wishing you wonderful days to come
    sending love to you


  13. That brought back sweet memories! My daughter had pink cowboy boots that she stomped around in all the time. She loved them! Sadly, I never got a picture of her wearing them. Thanks for the smile. Have a wonderful week!

  14. Such a great sentiment and so cute! My little miss would be in the very centre of that fountain and yes, she's got the pink wellies too :-) Enjoy your days out, Chel xx

  15. A lovely, happy image! Take care xo Karen

  16. That girl looks so cute in her pink boots! I hope you have a nice week Chel!

  17. Gorgeous, we all need to smile more. Enjoy your week :)

  18. Have fun in London! That little girl has the right idea - make a splash when you can!

  19. Made me smile too...lovely!

  20. That is the sweetest photo! I love how you did the color.


Thank you so much for visiting, I love reading your comments and will answer either by email or on the blog. You can also email me privately in my side bar. Have a great day x