
Monday 28 March 2016

Snippets of a Bank Holiday Weekend

Snippets of a Bank Holiday Weekend @

It's a Bank Holiday in England and Wales and true to form the rain returns.  Bank Holiday = Rain, we should just accept it.  I sit here tapping at my keyboard just as the storm 'Katie' taps away at the window panes.  I think it's going to be a cozy day inside.

Snippets of a Bank Holiday Weekend @

At the end of a very busy week at work, I needed to get my home looking more like a place to live rather than a place to collapse.   Luckily I knew Good Friday was going to be a good weather day so the housework was done, the washing had been line dried, the ironing mountain had been conquered, the surfaces were polished, Tia had been bathed and the weekend was now mine!   I had such plans for each day, but the only good weather day was Good Friday and another ridiculously 'named' storm was coming our way - those of you around the world that have real storms stop laughing now (why the met office have had to feel to name them I don't know).  Knowing that this would make the Fen a very soggy place to walk, I took full advantage and me and Tia enjoyed the firm pathways before the storm hit - nothing better!  The daffodils are about to turn, so seeing them still dancing in the fields and against the backdrop of the ever swelling ditches was satisfying to see.

Snippets of a Bank Holiday Weekend @

In the distance the wind farm stood steadfast waiting for the winds to start.  It was already blowy and the sails were all turning, along with the waves of yellow rippling like the sea.

The wind was blowing Tia and her gorgeous long ears.  She loves this place so much, including the car journey to get here.  The back window of the car gets rolled down and from the wing mirror I can see that happy little face looking out with ears and jowls dancing in the air as we make our way down to the Fen.

Snippets of a Bank Holiday Weekend @

The horses at the side of the path were far too busy enjoying their lunch to notice any changes in the weather.

Mind you, they did look cozy in their coats.

Saturday was going to be Mother/Daughter time and lunch was decided in Peterborough at the Handmade Burger Co with Miss Teen followed by some retail therapy.  We don't get enough time together lately so we thoroughly enjoyed lunch and then hurriedly searched for Easter eggs!

Being the bad mum that I am, I had sorted everyone else out with Easter eggs but Mr Teen and Miss Teen!  All the major stores were telling me that they had sold out (hmmm, I thought, let's see how many magically appear on the shelves on Tuesday!).  Luckily a smaller store had a couple of little beauties left, so panic over!  Yes, yes, I know, they are old enough to survive without this level of sugar on Easter Sunday, but traditions are hard to let go sometimes for this mum.

... along with a bit of baking!

Unfortunately this holiday means that Miss Teen will be at Easter School.  Each day she will have to go in and study with her fellow GCSE class mates.  I know it is a good thing for them to do, but she is so tired and with no break now until after her exams, it is a little unfair.  Other schools have study leave, but not her one.  So, early mornings and late nights for the homework to be completed is just too much and I feel that many will burn out before their big days.  She will eventually be an Art student, and I am going to do my very proud mum moment and show you just one piece of her art work for her GCSE project.  Every piece she does has me speechless, so talented.

And so, before another busy week, I will my third cold of the year to pack its bags, and settle down with the blanket that is driving me slowly mad, and make lists for when the weather actually cheers up a bit.

Have a great week - here comes the storm!


  1. Love your wind turbine photo and your blanket looks to be coming on a treat even if it is driving you mad. Can see where your daughter gets her artistic talent from.

  2. Hello Chel! (this time no typo in your name, I am really sorry about last time).

    Your daughter is really talented and you have the right to be proud of her. I am sure when she comes back home after her day at school you pamper her and help her relax.
    Tia is such a cute dog. She sure is happy to be with you.
    To finish, those photos of the rain falling are beautiful. You are so talented. Like mother like daughter.
    Have a lovely Monday!
    By the way, where I live it is no longer raining but the sun is hiding behind some grey clouds.

  3. We've had some rain the last couple of days. I'm glad you got out to enjoy the outside before yours began. Love the doggie and the horses. Your daughter is very, very talented! Have a great week.

  4. It's definitely been a weekend for battening the hatches. But it's passed through here now and the sun is out. Hold on there... there is light at the end of the tunnel!

  5. That's a great piece of work from Miss Teen - she should do well :) Lovely spring photos - shame you couldn't take one of Tia with her jowls and ears flapping in the breeze and a big grin on her face, but then I suppose that wouldn't be conducive to good driving!!

  6. It was so nice to visit with you today! It has been far too long, and I am ever so grateful to have stopped by and read your wonderful post. Your daughter's artwork is truly amazing. And that Tia is just adorable! So thankful you had a nice Easter, and so grateful that our dear Lord and Savior arose! What a wonderful comfort to know that He is now seated at the right hand of the Father interceding for us! I couldn't love Him more or be more grateful for all He suffered for me! Thank you for your precious blog and this wonderful post. It was so sweet to catch up with you this morning.

  7. Happy Monday Chel! Your daughter is very talented. Beautiful work! That Tia is so precious.


  8. Your photos and posts are so amazing . We had lovely weather this Easter weekend and all was wonderful celebrating with family . Glad you had a lovely weekend and Easter to . Yikes for another cold though hope this one goes fast . Thanks for sharing , Have a good week !

  9. What a wonderful proud Mum moment, your daughter certainly has a rare talent. Sorry to hear about another cold, its probably the same ones that hasn't cleared up, there has been some terrible virus's around. Take care.

  10. Always happy to see your fun post!
    Happy Spring!

  11. Your photos are beautiful and I especially loved seeing Miss Tia again. I liked seeing your daughter's art too, she is very talented. I hope you feel better soon. Take care of yourself and have a good week, Chel.

  12. Your walk looked wonderful, even with the rain. We've had a lot of rain over here but the sun has come out for the holiday and we area appreciating it fully! Good luck to your daughter!

  13. Wonderful post with lovely photos, daughters work is very good, hope her hard work pays off..
    Amanda xx

  14. Glad you were able to get outside before the rainstorm hit!

  15. Horses and dogs are always photogenic in my opinion. Lovely photos.
    Hope your day is blessed. ~:)

  16. That storm we had this morning, but it was only for a short time in the afternoon it laid down. I love Tia with her ears dancing in the air, such a sweet little dog.

  17. The (stupidly named) storm didn't reach us - thankfully. I hope you're all dry and cosy now!

  18. It is a crazy world so its nice to have things to depend on, like rain on a holiday or a special weekend. Lovely photos, Chel!

  19. A lovely post, The Handmade Burger Co is a favourite haunt for me & my daughter. Very clever artwork your daughter does! The daffodils do create a quite a carpet of colour don't they!

  20. Mesmerising photos, as ever. I agree with you about Easter School, it seems so unfair when they are exhausted at the end of a term anyway and really need a proper rest. Why can't the schools organise the school year so that teaching can be completed during the term, including teaching pupils how to revise independently? Madness. I hope Miss Teen copes well. x

  21. Always enjoy your posts.
    Your daughter is very talented. The best to her!

  22. Such busyness going on over there. Boo to the rain.

  23. Hello Chel, I love the photos of the flowers and rain. Tia is adorable and must love those walks. Your lunch looked yummy and love her art work! Your crochet project is beautiful!
    Hope you have a nice week.

  24. As always beautiful photos. I bought my 20 something year olds an Easter chocolate bunny so I get it. I did tell them this was the last time. Kind of sad really. Your daughter is very talented! I do hope she doesn't get too worn down. Miss Tia looks adorable. She's come a long way!

  25. I'm sorry to hear you have another cold. I hope your cosy time has helped to get rid of it xx

  26. Great post. Absolutely LOVED the first photo. - So pretty.
    Mmmm that cake looks oh so yummy.
    Your never to old to enjoy Easter goodies!

  27. Wonderful to catch up with you, Chel. Hope this finds you feeling better and the storm long gone. How beautiful it is out on the fens with the daffodils stretched as far as the eyes can see! The scent must be heavenly! I had to laugh at the naming of the storms - we name hurricanes here and for many long years they were only named after women, which many found insulting, so now the men get to join the fun. Your daughter has extraordinary talent - you must be a proud Mum! I still give little chocolate treats to my now 30 somethings every year. It's a hard habit to break! Loved seeing little Tia and your beautiful crochet. Take good care. xx K

  28. Hi Chel - we were away in Sussex for a wedding over Easter- very cold huge storm Sunday night, some rain but lots of sunshine! Lovely photographs as always - and I LOVE your daughter's art work! Such a shame she is under such a strict school regime- I'm sure it will all pay off in the end and she will have a great future, she seems very talented.

    I also love the colour scheme of your crochet! Lxx

  29. The blanket will be so worth it in the end, it's looking great already. Wow to Miss Teen's artwork, it's stunning! xx

  30. Hi Chel! Wow! That WAS a big storm. We heard about it.
    I love the chocolate eggs you found for your kids. So sweet (and kind!)
    Your blanket looks lovely! Well done.

  31. Wow! Miss Teen is very talented. Katie was absolutely dreadful here. I thought my roof wasn't going to survive. It hit us during the night, though, as I'm a little more to the wes than you.

  32. I love your photos. All so beautifully done. The first photo of the blossoms is exquisite. I noticed the naming of these storms in the US now but not here yet except for the tropical storms that arrive from hurricanes. We are under the Polar Vortex this week and it's very cold. I am waiting rather impatiently for more spring-like weather to arrive! xx Pam

  33. Is that really a huge field of daffodils? Wow! Your daughter is one talented teenager! Hope the rain has let up by now, so that you and Tia can enjoy a dry (and hopefully warm) walk together!


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