
Friday 5 February 2016

Oh That Dreaded Lurgy

Just a short post this weekend as the dreaded lurgy has decided to give me a visit.  After many weeks off after surgery I should have known that travelling to work once again would make me more susceptible to the lovely germs that love to be social.  After a visit to my GP, and getting a rather severe talking to, I have had to take his advice and rest.

Hopefully next week I will be back on fighting form once again.

Have a safe and germ free weekend.


  1. Take care Chel and get well soon xx

  2. Such a shame, hope you are feeling better soon. Take care.

  3. Do take plenty of rest. Hope you will be well soon.

  4. Hope you get well soon....
    Amanda xx

  5. Wrap up and demand pampering Chel!!! Hope you feel better really

  6. There's a lot of lurgyitis around at the moment. I somehow survived a week of looking after a young man who coughed and sneezed all over me at frequent intervals. I hope you're soon back to full health.

  7. I think for once you will have to do as you are told and rest up.

  8. Oh dear ... Wishing you patience and a good rest, Chel!
    This quote has helped me, when I have needed to slow down and just rest:
    "Take care of your body. It's the only place you have to live".
    Jim Rohn

  9. I was just saying this morning that it was this time last year that I got the flu and I do NOT want it again so I've decided I'm not going out of the house at all until March just in case! (Just kidding!) Feel better soon, Chel. :o)

  10. Hope you get well soon!!
    I've the same blanket as you; an old lady made it for me when I was a child and not that I'm 40, and I have my own home, my blanket is on my sofa ready to warm my family

  11. Public places are germ factories, especially if there are small children involved. Rest and I pray you're better soon. Hugs for Tia. Hope your day is blessed. ~:)

  12. Public places are often not our friends. You've been isolated and now must build immunity. Feel better fast!

  13. Sorry you feel bad, we are just waiting for it to hit here
    in out retirement community. Flu and colds are about.

  14. Hope you get plenty of R&R and hope you feel better soon !

  15. Be well soon and stay home resting til you are all well.

  16. There now, under the covers. Take this hot toddy and sip it slowly. Need a magazine? Here you go....just so long as you stay in bed and get better!

  17. Oh, on top of all you've been through......Follow Dr.'s orders and cuddle up with your sweet little pup and rest. Everything else can wait. xx K

  18. I hope you feel better soon.

  19. Oh, no - take care and get well soon:)

  20. So sorry to hear that you're under the weather, Chel. Have a restful weekend and I hope you'll be feeling well again soon. xo

  21. I hope you are feeling better soon. Take care

  22. Oh, you poor thing. I'm sending you a virtual cup of lemon-ginger tea, my cure for all things. I'll hold off on the virtual hug until you're germ free :-)

  23. Do take the time to recover fully, Chel!

  24. So sorry to hear you are under the weather, hope it passes soon.

  25. Be careful and seriously take your rest only then you recover soon and get your fighting form back.

  26. oh no! Do hope you are feeling much better soonest. x

  27. Oh dear so sorry to hear you have caught the lurgy....there is a lot of it around at the moment. Take good care of yourself, get lots of rest and keep cosy.
    Helen xox

  28. Take care of yourself, get well soon. xx

  29. Get well soon Chell.
    Jacquie x

  30. Hello Chel, so sorry to hear that you are not feeling well. Take care and rest.

  31. Take care of yourself and don't do too much! Have a nice restful Sunday.

  32. I'm sorry to hear this, Chel. Hopefully, some rest (again) and lots of hot soothing drinks and warm blankets will help you weather this illness.

  33. Oh dear! Hope you feel better soon.

  34. Take care, my dearest one, I hope you're already feeling better, sweetest Chel !
    May your week be blessed with the recover of your health,
    sending love to you

  35. Be good to yourself, Chel. Get lots of rest, and may you recover fully very soon. Nancy


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