
Friday 12 February 2016

Five on Friday - Breathing Fresh Air Once Again

Oh my word!  What a virus I have just had.  This positive year has certainly thrown some blows so far and I feel as though I have been constricted in both having to stay in after surgery and then to follow this with my throat burning from what felt like cuts from barbed wire has certainly taken it out of me.  I have to thank you all so much for your lovely comments wishing me well, they were really appreciated believe me.  I was so, so low but I am now on the other side of this and started to get out and about again.  So, with no further ado and to get back on to the positive trail, here are my five on friday...

1. Hi Ho Hi Ho, it's back to work we go!  It was so lovely to hobble along the driveway and look up at the office window once again.  So much history in just one window.  The office is below the turrets of the Palace and one of the oldest parts of the precincts.  Yes, I pinch myself sometimes.

The blossom against the stone walls is just delicious!

2. VIP at the Cathedral.  So many cameras, it must mean one thing... a VIP, and in this case it was HRH The Duchess of Cornwall (Camilla) who was visiting the Cathedral to read to some school children (she's the one in the purple).

Once she was safely inside, the media waited patiently, long with a few well wishers.  One came up to me and asked who was inside, he clearly wasn't impressed and said that he would have stayed if it was the Duchess of Cambridge instead!

3. Walking Again!  I can't tell you how dizzily happy I am to be able to fit my feet into my stretched old boots and hobble about without my medical sandals on!  I will never take the simplicity of walking for granted again!

4. Back on the Fens!  I took a risk and went for a short walk on the Fens with little Tia while the earth was fairly mud free.  To be totally alone (well, apart from a very happy Tia) and breathing in fresh air again was incredibly satisfying, especially on a sunny day.

5. The Painted Roses Blanket - This is coming along nicely and the joining has begun.  My faithful companion throughout this virus!

So, out and about again and so grateful!  Especially now that half term has started here and I can get out and about more - the greenhouse is calling me!

Have a wonderful weekend.

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  1. Glad to have you are doing better. How exciting to see the Duchess of Cornwall! Hanks for sharing this with us!

  2. Glad you are feeling better. There have been so many horrible bugs about. I'm struggling through pneumonia at the minute, onto the antibiotics again. Roll on Spring!

  3. Hello Chel, what a lovely post! How exciting to see Camilla and I love the budding flower. I love the blanket too! So glad you are feeling better. Happy Birthday to your son and a Happy Valentines Day!
    Hugs Julie

  4. Glad you are feeling better. Awesome photos. Ooh, a sighting of Camilla...that's pretty cool!

  5. I am glad to hear that you're able to get out, Chel. It must have seemed like forever, but now spring is arriving. So nice to have recovery mostly behind you. Your workplace and surroundings are gorgeous and I'm sure you don't take them for granted either. I love the fens shots.

  6. I'm glad you are better!!!Wishing you a lovely weekend!

  7. So glad to hear that you are feeling much better and getting out and about again! I knew that you would see the Duchess and they wouldn't hide you behind a desk! Your blanket is beautiful isn't it! Thank you for joining Five On Friday, Happy Valentines! xx

  8. So glad you are feeling better, and able to get about. The weather has not been to bad this week and the lighter nights you will have a spring in your step by the end of the month.
    Have a lovely weekend...
    Amanda xx

  9. I'm glad you were able to to get back to "normal" and back to work. I would have missed going to work in that building too! The Duchess, eh? Not my favourite royal, but exciting none-the-less. Your blanket is looking wonderful. I like the colour you have chosen for joining. I've decided I'm not joining mine until all 80 squares are done so I can lay them all out and get the perfect colour balance. Have a great weekend!

  10. Glad to hear you are doing much better. Fresh air and a walk are definitely good for body and soul. lovely images and blanket. happy weekend, Tammy

  11. Hi Chel, so happy that you are well again and able to get out on the fels once again with Tia! The beautiful green fields and big trees are so pretty to see. Your office window is quite special, especially the little bits below! Your blanket is beautiful. Enjoy your weekend and time with the kiddos. xx Karen

  12. There is much to celebrate in your post not least those wide blue skies and what looks like cherry blossom about to burst open.

  13. Happy that you are breathing fresh air again and walking about. You shared some beautiful images. Would love to be walking there! I'm visiting from Five on Friday. The link at Amy's will get you to my blog.

  14. Hope you are feeling much better now :-)

  15. Goodness me, if it's not one thing it's another, Chel! I hope you feel much, much better really soon!

  16. The Painted Roses is BEAUTIFUL--I am going to try to think and look back through your blog to see a better pic of it. I don't know what happened to you, but over 20 years ago, I broke my leg. I was in my early 40's...I tell you after I got my cast off, I don't think I failed to thank God for the ability to walk for at least a year, and it still crosses my mind just how good it is to be able to roll over in bed!

  17. So happy you are out and about.
    Lovely walk.

  18. Glad you're able to be out and about, great photos, the cathedral and the fens.

  19. Glad your on the mend and are able to get out and about . Lovely post and photos ! Thanks for sharing , have a good weekend !

  20. You must be so very happy to be claiming the bits of your life that were sidelined while you were recovering.
    I can't even imagine the beauty of your surroundings when you're at work - and then along comes an HRH - really, it's the stuff of fairy tales.

  21. The fens are so lovely, Chel. Glad your feet are taking you places again. It's not fair getting sick just as you were getting mobile. Hope all is better now. You work in the midst of hostory.

  22. I'm glad you're seeing the light at the end of a very long, dark tunnel, and getting out into the fresh air again. I really like the view looking up at your office window. The decorations UNDER the window are so interesting and unique. Is that a model of the church in the centre?

  23. hello dearie! I've been a bit amiss from blogging lately and it seems I've missed so much! I'm glad you are feeling better, yes years ago I injured my knee and, well I really learnt to appreciate being able to go up and downstairs without sitting down on each step lol!

  24. I'm so happy to hear that you're on the mend, dear Chel. And such lovely photos.

  25. Lovely! Glad you are feeling better and are able to put on your walking boots again. Lovely to see the cathedral and the fenland skies:)

  26. Oh I'm so sorry to hear you have been poorly Chel.
    Take it easy and just little steps each day!
    Beautiful photos today now I'm intrigued as to where you work!
    There's nothing quick so beautiful as the first blossom and the sight of the fens is wonderful!
    Take care

  27. What a lovely day to be out and about! Glad your feet are healing, and wearing regular shoes again. And yes I know exactly how you feel - going through foot surgery gives one a new appreciation for walking.

  28. A great post Chel , pleased you are up and away in all ways again, bet Tia missed walks out with her mum...lovely pictures and the colour combination looks fab on the blanket xx

  29. So good you are better now and can wear your boots again. Tia must be very excited to can go walking with you. Great pictures even your office window is beautiful and what makes us more happier than springblossoms...

  30. So glad that you are feeling better! Lovely blanket :) I Hope you can stop by:


  31. Beautiful pictures of the fens, I'm glad you are back on your feet!

  32. Glad you're feelinf better. I had to laugh at the anecdote about the duchess and the person who would have stayed would have it been a different duchess! Good luck on this Monday for your week at work!

  33. What amazing photographs, my dearest Chel !
    I'm so glad to read that you're feeling better and certainly now you're getting better even more !
    In the hope that you've enjoyed your weekend,
    I wish you a most wonderful new week,
    sending much dear love to you, sweetie
    with all my heart

  34. So glad you are feeling better and that you have been getting out and about.

  35. Oh, I hate being sick! I am glad you are better and able to get out and walk too (I understand the not taking it for granted thing...I can't tell you how thrilled I was after breaking my knee, to finally walk without crutches and now two years later, finally being able to do most things as before. So I know!) .
    I love your beautiful country and enjoy seeing the old buildings and pretty countryside. Thank you for sharing with us. Hugs,

  36. I know you are happy to be in a comfortable pair of boots. Don't over do it too soon! Love the photos...makes me want to travel! Hugs, Diane


Thank you so much for visiting, I love reading your comments and will answer either by email or on the blog. You can also email me privately in my side bar. Have a great day x