
Monday 4 January 2016

Oh This Rain and My Stir Crazy Mind

It's been relentless.  Mild, wet and windy.  Flowers don't know what the season is and the birds look at each other thinking "do we start building or what?".  For those who follow me on Instagram, you will have seen this capture of a poppy in our back garden that is about to bloom!  It's January!  But, thinking POSITIVE, how lovely to see some colour out there.

Also,  with the weather being like a wet blanket and embracing my free time at the moment (I won't be back at work full time until February), I've picked up my crochet hook once more and started crafting my way through Lucy's granny stripe blanket but with my favourite colour combo of white cream/green/pink (they didn't have white when I went shopping before the surgery!).  I'm doing an hour per day and getting roughly three stripes done.

Now, also there has been a few changes.  For some time I have looked at my little area of blog space and wanted to change things but ended up just going back to how it was.  With my organised positive attitude that I am still embracing, I took advantage of keeping my feet up (after all Christmas and New Year is now over and everything is back to normal), and acted on a Tweet that I saw from a Blogger design website.  Boutique Website Design showed one template called Easy Living and I had the Eureka moment!  This was what I was looking for and luckily it was a Blogger template.  I've got to say that the instructions were spot on and just what a novice such as me could understand.  And so, what do you think?  There is still enough familiarity here but I love the font and I personally feel a little more organised and refreshed for 2016.

Today I didn't sit as much as the crutches had to come out as school shoes needed to be bought and last minute panic items that Miss Teen just simply couldn't go out and get during the two weeks holiday!  Teenagers - I despair!  The problem was the looks I got in the shoe shops from my gorgeous hospital supplied sandals, how the shop assistants wanted to get their hands on me!  Soon my dears... soon!  It's been almost four weeks and can say that the pain has subsided but they are uncomfortable if I am on them too long.  Oh the swelling if I over do it!!  Aren't they fabulous?!!

With the quiet days ahead with my two back into their routines, I can now go back through my camera card and relive some trips before Christmas.  Can't wait to put the posts together and then I will be back on track instead of just rambling on in my stir crazy mind.

Have a wonderful week and for those who are having to deal with this awful rain and flooding, my heart sincerely goes out to you.


  1. It is very pretty here, Chel, very serene and peaceful looking. Your lovely sandals must have been the envy of everyone who saw them! I'm glad your feet aren't hurting you and are healing. Have a great day. Stay dry.

  2. I like the new look of your blog. I need to update mine but keep putting it off. Those shoes are a wow.I'm sure you could start a trend! Keep your chin up, it won't be too long before you are running around again.

  3. It's been rainy and warm in SE Georgia, which is very unusual for us. Even witnessed a Blue Bird checking out the bird house ... in January!? Yeah, everything is confused. With all the flowers still blooming, I guess we'll have a barren Spring. I know the mold is having a heyday. Time to break out the bleach. *lol*
    Now I want to start crocheting again. Gave it up when the arthritis in my hands started getting, well, out of hand.
    Hope you're healed soon. God bless. ~:)

  4. Love your new sandals, before you know it you will have started a trend, hope you're up and about properly soon. :)
    We have had a lovely sunny Christmas and New Year, but it has cooled off a bit now. Had a lot of wind as well.
    I like the new look of your blog, very nice and fresh looking.


  5. Oh I don't envy you and your "very posh sandals" just take care and enjoy your time off to crochet, cull thru your photos and relax and heal.

  6. I had those exact "lovely" sandals for my right foot! Glad to hear your feet are healing and you will be glad you did me! Like the blog makeover. Happy New year!

  7. You did do some changing here--I noticed it right away, smiles (and I love it). Glad to read your healing---want to trade weather? It is -5* with blowing snow. Many Happy New Year Blessings to you.

  8. I like your clean, new design. I often think about a change, but then I chicken out! My feet hurt just hearing about your discomfort! We had blue sky and sunshine today, and I think the temps got to just above freezing. No buds here - I skied.

  9. I understand about the weather. Rainy and cold here and we're supposed to be in mid Summer. I really like the format of Easy Living and will check it out for my own blog. I hope all heals up soon and you can go shoe shopping crazy! :)

  10. I love your rambling mind and hope the mending keeps going. Glad you survived the holidays. We are having the same problems here with the weather, but think winter has finally arrived. So many things were budding and dandy lions were blooming in the yard. Thought about mowing before Christmas, but the lake (aka yard) is preventing that now. It has gone down quite a bit and we are fine here- no loss of flood waters inside. Love your color combo- one of my favorites. Blessings coming your way and prayers for a grand week.

  11. I think your new look is great. The sandals, well maybe not ;)

  12. I agree with Tracey love the new look but not so much the sandals. Glad you are able to get about a little now and that you are starting to recover albeit slowly.

  13. Well, if ever there was a 'good' time to be laid up, this is it. When the weather is truly horrible outside. Take care Chel.

  14. The new look is fab - very clean and soothing. I need to change my blogger header but it's hard to think of taking Rosie off even after 2½ years! Your sandals have a certain "je ne sais quoi"! :oD

  15. Gorgeous feet Chel! Love the new template for the blog. We have sunshine too, isn't it lovely for a change.

  16. Love the new look! So clean and fresh...kind of like a new year. :-) Beautiful photos as always. We've been mild and rainy too. Crazy. Finally got a couple of days of sunshine. Lovely shoes but we do what we must - glad your feet are better and pray you continue to heal. Have a wonderful week,

  17. I like your new always feels good to start a new year with a fresh clean start....We have been experiencing the same kind of weather and I even saw bulbs starting to sprout last week. They are so confused. Today it's 37 and they are talking about snow...I am familiar with your 'shoe' situation and I hope you are soon free to wear what you would like....Happy New Year...

  18. Hi Chel,
    Glad you are healing well. Sorry your weather is so yukko! Our weather here in Chicago is just cold. The sun is out today so that helps. Keep those toes elevated!

  19. The blog is looking good, but I can't say the same about those shoes! :) But seriously - I hope your healing is going well. Enjoy this downtime before February arrives and you are back to work.

  20. love your new look, my blog changed too, a bit more simple. not as much white space as yours but still it's nice. Good job.

  21. Yes, Easy Living definitely works well with your blog - I like it!

  22. Hi Chel, Glad you are doing well and healing from your surgery. I understand the beautiful boot. I had to wear the same one when I broke my ankle. Stay elevated and enjoy your crochet. It looks so pretty and I love those colors together.
    Our weather here in Texas is very different this year too. We are cold but the azaleas are blooming. I have some roses in bloom too. Poor confused flowers!!
    Your blog is beautiful. Thanks for stopping by and your kind comment. Happy New Year! xo

  23. Dear Chel, I'm so behind with visiting my blog friends that I've missed many posts but I'm glad to hear you are doing quite well after your surgery and have the month off of work yet. Your new blog look is nice. I like the colours of yarn in your new project. The weather sure is wacky everywhere and we've had it pretty mild here until last night and today. I do feel very badly for those in Britain and parts of the US affected by all the flooding. Snow and cold are fine and expected so I won't complain. Take care and have a good week ahead. xx Pam

  24. I'm glad you are slowly improving. Perhaps you could add some sparkles to your sandals - that would really make the shoe people take notice! The flooding and rains are terrible and I feel for those affected. Enjoy your quiet time and crocheting.

  25. Happy healing on those feet of yours! A good idea to start an inspiring crochet project to keep your mind occupied and hands busy during your sitting and healing time!

  26. Hi Chel,
    Happy New Year! We must have been thinking the same thing about our blogs! I had my D install one over the weekend for me from the same place. love your new look!
    Your crochet is so nice and will be the perfect project. Rest up and be well!

  27. Hello, sweetest Chel! I love what Sandra said...happy healing on your sweet little feet :) I am so sorry about that, dear friend.

    Your photos are always so lovely and inspiring. It was a real treat to see the peony since we won't see any until May or June :) Love to you, dear one!

  28. Hi Chel, I really like your new blog design. It's very crisp and clean. I hope your feel continue to heal. It sounds like you are well on your way back to normal now. Take care and have a good week.

  29. Oh I agree! The rain! The plants are so confused too aren't they. Let us hope that it sorts itself out soon. Your new blog look looks great! There is a technical term in our family for those post foot op shoes. Munster Boots! Several people have had to wear them, unattractive they are, but the results of the surgery are well worth having to wear them! xx

  30. Those are some special booties, but the worst is behind you. Enjoy January before you have to head back to work. I like the new look to your blog, well done!

  31. I love rainy days, they're so inspiring to me, and here we would need some rain or, better, some snow, but we have only a cloudy sky, every day, every day, uff !
    The gardens pray for some water, and the river is almost dry, alas !
    I'm so glad that your little feet are getting so better, darling,
    have a blessed weekend

  32. The weather is crazy all over, we finally have some rain but it is not cold. I like the new look of the blog and the beginning of the blanket, looking forward to seeing more.

  33. Your blog redesign looks very nice - good, clean lines. It's on my to-do list, as well, so I'm going to check out the design site you mentioned. And how can I not mention your sandals? They make quite a statement! Glad your pain is gone, and hoping you'll feel 100% soon!

  34. Love the new blog design, but not as much as your new sandals... I'm wondering if you're going to send a new trend here...

  35. I've followed you over the hols but have been so lax with comments whilst time was so busy and fleeting - please forgive me, and know I've been thinking of you and hoping your tootsies are healing well.
    Great macro shots here dear.

    Those 'designer' (BTW who IS the designer, haha!) sandals could start a new trend Chel - you know how kids are today, something new and funky required weekly!!!!

    Happy New Year to you all and your near and dear.
    Mary x


Thank you so much for visiting, I love reading your comments and will answer either by email or on the blog. You can also email me privately in my side bar. Have a great day x