
Friday 8 January 2016

Five on Friday - Getting Back to Some Normality

Five on Friday - Getting Back to Some Normality @

1. The first month, January.  The garden shows decay and darkness settles in.  It's always a tough month but if you look deeply you can still see some imaginative beauty.  I have been looking at the crispy, brown paper petals of my white hydrangea from the kitchen window, swaying in the wind, hiding from the rain and trying desperately to soak up any sun to dry its petals.  Now the skeleton starts to show which adds even more poetic beauty to this ever interesting shrub.

2.  I can now sit and enjoy the heady scent of the hyacinths that have finally opened in the house.  This was a gift from hubby when I managed to use my strength to walk briefly in the garden centre.  They greet me with their fresh colour and promise of spring (but let's get winter going first shall we!).  The useful case will be recycled again with even more blooms.

Five on Friday - Getting Back to Some Normality @

3. Those familiar routines are now in full swing.  The arguments first thing in the morning with the younger ones who swore blind that they had everything ready when asked the night before.

Daughter: Where's my bus pass?
Mum: Where you said it was last night!
Daughter: It's the wrong year!
Oh and my bag's broke!
Mum: RANTS!!

Normally I would be half way to work by the time they venture out into the darkness so I can avoid this stress, after all they are old enough to look after themselves, but my goodness they do test my patience sometimes.

Five on Friday - Getting Back to Some Normality @

4. With the house quiet, apart from the budgie chirping, Tia snoring and hubby trying desperately to keep away from his cabin crazy wife, I've been able to sit at my dining table and do some de-cluttering on the laptop, photography, read, answer emails, make lists.  Oh the joy and self appreciation.  I've even started a photography course on line and started questioning myself on things I want to achieve and are not so happy with.  I am really enjoying this as I have the time at the moment, it will be all change in February when I get back into my normal work routine.  The free course link is here and is called Makelight by Emily Quinton.  I've gone for this one to prettify my Instagram as I do love posting on this and following others.  Are you on Instagram?  If you are, please leave your profile name in the comments, I would love to visit you.

Five on Friday - Getting Back to Some Normality @

5. The glorious thing about today was the sun.  It actually made quite a strong appearance which was very unfamiliar after these awfully wet and windy weeks.  Little Tia sat in every space she could, chasing the sun in between the shadows.  She thoroughly enjoys the warmth and brightness.

Five on Friday - Getting Back to Some Normality @

The next thing on my list today?- writing the blog post on Chatsworth House Gardens!  I think I'm now organised enough to start.

Why not visit Amy at Love Made My Home for more Five on Friday happy moments along with Tanya's Willy Nilly Five and Cath's Fun Friday Favourites.

Wishing you all a really creative and happy weekend.

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  1. Hi Chel, I loved reading about your five on friday today! I hope you enjoy your quiet time and that is great that you are doing catch up work on the computer. Wishing you a wonderful weekend and week.

  2. Ooh so much to say. Number 3 resonates way too much. I rant in the mornings at mine too they just aren't ready are they to go out the door for school. And as to the photo course I looked at Emily's one but wasn't sure I would have time. The hydrangea photo is superb. My IG account is selmaeclectichomelife

  3. I am going to take a look at the photographic course when I have a moment, thanks for sharing. Love the beautiful hyacinth and the stunning case it is in.

  4. Glad to have found your blog...your house sounds as chaotic as mine! Love the sound of a free photography course, think I may take a peek. I am on Instagram as well ( search with coastalripples) make the most of your quiet time. Barbara

  5. I must take a look at the photography course and yes I'm on instagram but keep forgetting about it. I'm lindasolaiman. my garden looks a complete mess at the moment and there's no way I'm venturing out there. I love the smell of hyacinths, I went to chatsworth house and gardens last years the gardens are amazing. Have a great weekend. :)

  6. I always enjoy so much my time here, darling Chel, thank you with all my heart !
    Sending blessings on your weekend too

  7. What a lovely set of photo's..
    Amanda xx

  8. What a lovely set of photo's..
    Amanda xx

  9. OHHHHHHHHHH(smiles) and here I thought I was the only one with teenager issues, LOL. Thanks for the smiles Chel, I really get where coming from. Regardless, many Happy Friday Evening Blessings to you.

  10. I love your photos. Have a great week :-)

  11. super set of photos and tia is adorable!! thanks for the link to the free course, i just joined! thanks for linking and have a great weekend!!

  12. My senior boy still hasn't gotten his act together with the morning school routine. He's never organized even though I always ask the night before. Tia sure is a cutie! I'm following you now on IG. Best wishes, Tammy

  13. I should think that Tia is adoring having you home with her all day, she will miss you when you get back to work. Lovely of your husband to buy you flowers! What a sweetie he is. Enjoy the photography course, that sounds like fun! Thank you for joining Five On Friday again this year! Happy weekend! xx

  14. Lovely post and photos ! Yes nothing worse then crazy cabin fever thankfully our snow has held off and Miggs and I have been able to get out every day and the sun has been shining on and off . I remember those days with our kids to lol ! Good to hear things are getting back to normal for you now . Thanks for sharing m have a good weekend !

  15. Tia is just adorable! She looks quite content there in the sun. I aways enjoy seeing your photos. You have such an eye for beauty. Have a blessed weekend.

  16. Your withered garden flowers still look good in black and white! And yeah, teenagers can test ones patience sometimes. After days of dreary rainy skies, you really learn to appreciate the sun!

  17. That's a beautiful photo of Tia

  18. It must be such fun to have children in the home; those years are long gone for me but what precious memories. I loved your photo of the hydrangea. I'm sure you will enjoy your photography course. Tia is adorable! Enjoy your weekend, Pat xx

  19. What a sweet dog! I was hard to get back into a routine this week, but we made it!

    I hope you can stop by:


  20. Sounds like the kind of conversations or rather shouting matches in our house first thing in the mornings!
    Lovely photos of Tia and the hydrangea!

  21. Oh I'm so glad I don't have teenagers any more! :oD

  22. Cabin Crazy is the name of the game this month. That's happening to me too because of the icky weather. Please send some sunshine this way? *giggle* Hope the blog post went as planned. Keep healing and remember Spring is just around the corner. Have a blessed day. ~:)

  23. Your photographs are wonderful. You have a great eye. Tia is stunning. Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving the nice comment. I read your Sweetbriar Cottage page. How on earth did you ever find the power to leave that enchanting place? A thatched roof cottage in a charming hamlet would be a dream come true for me. Seems you have a very interesting life; very creative. Looking forward to reading more of your blog. Warm regards ~ Nancy

  24. I love your photo's and thank you for linking up and sharing them at Fun Friday Favourites with Cath@Home. I do love Hydrangeas and they also look stunning when they are dried (as far as I am concerned, anyway) and your little dog is so very sweet. I hope you will share often.

  25. Your writing style is so lovely and engaging! I need to look into that photography course too, that's been a New Years resolution of mine for, oh, a few years now, at least! 😉 You've put the link in front of me now, so I have no excuse! My Instagram username is sahanson, I believe. Would be absolutely thrilled if you stopped by! Your blog is such an inspiration, thank you for every post!

  26. Hi Chel, That course sounds so interesting. I love the b&w of the hydrangea. It has such depth and texture. I think I'm under writebreck on Pinterest - I have it listed on the sidebar of my blog. I post in stutters and starts.

  27. As I read through your post, I thought, "my, these photos are gorgeous, Chel must be practicing while she's convalescing." Then I got to the part about the photography course and thought, "what a great idea," and "how well she's doing her homework."
    I'm not on Instagram - can barely keep up with blogging and facebook, so I'll not add more to my days just now.

  28. Looking forward to the Chatsworth post!

  29. You take such beautiful photos, Chel. I was intrigued by the photog course you are taking, and I just might do that, too. I immediately followed Emily Quinton on Instagram (her photos are gorgeous). Tia in the sunlight is just precious! Of course, I can relate to the teenagers testing your patience.

  30. I'm so much better with teens after I read that they are basically brain damaged until about 22!! Lovely flowers and a cute pup!

  31. Tia has the right idea of how to get through a winter day, I think! Lovely photos and so nice to hear that you are enjoying your time at home despite the morning hassles. The photography class sounds interesting, too! Hope you and Tia have more sunshine for the weekend. xo Karen

  32. My cats are doing the same as Tia, moving around the back of the house to find the sun spots. Enjoy your forced rest while it lasts.

  33. I love the use of light in your beautiful photos, Chel. I'll check into that course. Sounds interesting. I hope you and your new puppy will enjoy this long January, and that you'll get better than average sunshine. Have a nice weekend.

  34. Chel, I love your pictures!!!
    Have a nice weekend too

  35. Dearest Chel, how I adore seeing your pictures! Each one is beautiful and unique.

    I hope you are doing well and enjoying the weekend.... I got your email, dear one, and shall reply soon. Much love to you!

  36. The papery dying hydrangeas are really lovely. I always love using dried ones. Back to there such a thing as normal? :-)

  37. Hi Chel, just a lovely post ... I so relatere in getting back to the daily routines if everyday life ... The pros and cones ... Survived the first week! And thank you for the link to the photo course ~ I will sign up too ~ Inspiration is always welcome! You'll find me in Instagram as @billenina ... I am posting a few times a week (missing the natural light ... As the days get longer, we'll get more light after work 😊)
    Enjoy the weekend!
    Nina xxx

  38. Five lovely and thoughtful things. Like Tia our cats follow the sun and or heat around the house on days like today. We have had a few sunny breaks from the continuous rain over the last couple of days thank goodness:)

  39. Beautiful photos and of course Tianis my favorite!

  40. aahhh that is a most beautiful serene photo of Tia. Number one - oh dear, my garden is looking dismal.

  41. It sounds like this time is treating you well, and isn't it so grand to figure things out about ourselves.

  42. I bet Tia is LOVING having you home all day! Are you getting tons of extra cuddles on these cool, wet days? Your new blog header looks great - bright and fresh and ready for a new year. I'd like to do something new too, but I just need to find the time....... Hope you are healing well, Chel!!

  43. That is a beautiful FIVE there, Chel. Bless you and I am glad that the new year is a good one for you so far. xo Diana

  44. I'm with Tia, love chasing the sun! We are buried in snow, but the sun still managed to come out and shine. Loved it and I find myself longing for Spring. Nice to get back to normal isn't it?

  45. That last photo of Tia is amazing. You captured the sun shining on her fur beautifully. My cats also chase the sun in winter.


Thank you so much for visiting, I love reading your comments and will answer either by email or on the blog. You can also email me privately in my side bar. Have a great day x