
Friday 29 January 2016

Five on Friday - Little Indulgences

Five on Friday - Little Indulgences @

1. It's been another week of pottering around and feeling a bit more productive I am glad to say. There were some little indulgences which will affect the hips I am sure - chocolate in the form of Cadbury Mini Eggs (I am positive that the contents have lessened in quantity!) and bars of gorgeous rich plain chocolate which were melted and made into something absolutely delicious (will be shared with you in my next post).

Five on Friday - Little Indulgences @

2. This winter is incredibly confused.  I walked Tia down our road and couldn't believe that there was a tree full of pink blossom which is so beautiful but I hope will not be short lived if a winter bite surprises us.  The pink blossom made me potter into the garden and see what life was being born out there.  I was surprised at the blossom, daffodils, clematis and little yellow roses that were bobbing their heads in the wind.  The hellebores had hidden their heads away so I was lucky to see and pick some to bring into the house. 

Five on Friday - Little Indulgences @

3. A couple more pretty deliveries were received this week in the form of some flowery scissors (I don't think Mr Teen will nick these!) and some colourful hooks for up and coming projects.  Just have to remember...

One project at a time!!!!

Five on Friday - Little Indulgences @

The Painted Roses Blanket is coming on leaps and bounds, so only one hook will be used here.

Five on Friday - Little Indulgences @

Five on Friday - Little Indulgences @

4. Another potter was to go back into Spalding to see if my feet would fit into ANY boots or shoes yet.  I was so full of hope, thinking positive, sure of finding something.  Let's just say "Oh well, never mind!".  The view of the White Horse across the road was good enough with its wonderful thatched roof (some information on the new thatch is here).

Five on Friday - Little Indulgences @

5. I was so proud of myself today as I managed to travel to Peterborough to pop into work and hobble across the ancient cobbles.  I do miss this place so will be glad to get back to some regular routines next week.  It will be a long time before I climb the scaffolding again though!

Five on Friday - Little Indulgences @

So that's my pottering this week.  I am hoping to go a bit further afield next week, but let's just take this one step at a time.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!

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  1. Beautiful views. Love the look of the White Horse! I do hope you can get cobbled well soon and that you are able to walk about more! Happy 5 to you...
    my five are here

  2. You are doing well. Hope you don't push yourself too far too quickly. I am sure Cadbury's have changed their ingredients in chocolate. Just doesn't taste as good as it used to be.

  3. Isn't it lovely to see the first few flowers coming in the garden. My hellebores are looking so pretty. Spring might be around the corner!

  4. this weather is certainly weird - yesterday down here it was like a spring day but today its back to wind and rain again. Poor animals and plants don't know what's going on - we had a slow worm in the garden yesterday and you don't usually see those until the middle of summer! Glad to hear you're continuing to make progress x

  5. I love reading your post and your pics are so beautiful!
    Have a lovely weekend yoo

  6. Five lovely things! Great to see the High Bridge and the White Horse again, I found some photos the other day which we took when there was a fire there. The view of Peterborough is lovely:)

  7. beautiful photos, i really love that last one!! glad you are out and about!! thank you for linking and have a great weekend! p.s. it is really windy and cold here today but the weekend is supposed to be much better!

  8. I did happen to spot a family pack of eggs in the supermarket today... Just sayin, they had a lot of eggs in there! Your squares look really great don't they. Shame about the shoes, it will come, all in good time! Thank you for joining Five On Friday, happy weekend! xx

  9. Mmmm...Cadbury eggs and're making me hungry! Glad to see you're keeping occupied and have been out and about. Don't worry, those shoes will all fit in time - and fit much better than before!

  10. This week we're so many having thought about chocolate ... I think that Winter, or better, January and chocolate are a perfect combination ( I've talked about hot chocolate ) ... but I'm not the only one, isn't it ?

    May your weekend be blessed with much joy, my darling, precious Chel,
    thank you so much for the lovely words you always write on my blog,
    our visits mean so much to me,
    sending love to you

  11. Looks as though you've been quite productive. I love the new scissors. Now I must go and have a chocolate - my will power is very low this week.

  12. I saw Cadbury's creme eggs in the shops just after Christmas but resisted. I have also resisted the wee eggs that you showed. Although that sounds like I'm being well-behaved, it just means I realise that, if I bought them, I'd eat them all ... all by myself! Eeeeek!!

  13. I'd forgotten about Cadbury's mini-eggs - now see what you've done!
    A lot of towns banned the use of thatch because of the danger of fire, though you still find a few thatched buildings in smaller towns.

  14. I need a chocolate fix now that I've read your post! I do believe Creme Eggs have decreased in size too, plus not fair of Mondelez to change the chocolate used in them.
    Anyway, glad to hear you are out & about! I enjoyed seeing around town.
    Your crochet work is absolutely gorgeous!
    Have fun!

  15. Oh, lots of sweetness here today, Chel! Chocolate, flowers, pretty views and lovely crochet! I am glad to hear that you are getting around a little better, too. Sounds like there are new shoes in your future.....I am a 'flats' girl now, and they are finally 'in style'! Enjoy your sweets this weekend. xx Karen

  16. The chocolate made my mouth water! Love those pretty flowers, and the afghan squares. Peterborough looks like a beautiful place. Are you from there. That thatched-roof church is gorgeous!

  17. Oh, what a lovely peek into your world, Chel!

    Wishing you a beautiful weekend...

  18. I got stuck at the chocolate. *lol* More beautiful photos.
    Wishing you a blessed evening. ~:)

  19. Such a great post filled with pretty things. Chocolate mini eggs, oh my. They are out here, too, but I have so far resisted buying them. Your crochet project is coming along well - such a lovely stack of finished squares/motifs. I hope your pottering soon turns into real walking! Have a wonderful weekend, Chel.

  20. The eggs are on the counters here too, but they have yet to make into my basket. I am resisting until much closer to Easter. I know what will happen if I weaken - there will be no stopping!
    Beautiful views of Spalding. You always make me with to throw everything into a suitcase and head over.

  21. So nice and colourful. Great views too :-)

  22. Chel, your photos were a delightful way to start my day here in Wisconsin (where it's still very dark). :-) I love Cadbury mini eggs and don't dare buy more than the mini bags which I think have about 8 eggs in them. I heard that over here Hershey is making our Cadbury products. That reminds me: on one trip to England we found Cadbury vending machines at the tube stations. This time there were none. Very sad (but probably a good thing, as I couldn't resist getting the Fruit and Nut bar.

    Your crochet work looks so springy and pretty. And I can hardly believe you're seeing blossoms. We're a good three months from blossoms. Glad to hear you're progressing in your recovery. Love the city shots. Hope you have a nice weekend.

  23. Your chocolate makes me hungry. I love Cadbury but unfortunately, I can't find it anymore around here. I'm so sorry your poor feet can't get into shoes yet. Maybe soon. Love the little crocheted pieces. So cute and delicate. Have a great weekend.

  24. Back to work next week already? Wow. Time flies. I can understand why you are eager to get back at it. Routine is wonderful. I am a creature of habit too. No Mini Eggs here yet. However I am sure as soon as Valentine's Day passes they'll be no shortage of bunnies and eggs everywhere! How many squares are you making for your blanket? I have 42 of 80 done. More than half-way there!!
    Have a wonderful weekend, Chel!

  25. Oh now I was shopping this morning and picked up a packet of mini eggs which had been placed next to the till...I was very tempted, but managed to put them back!

  26. Your blanket is looking lovely and I'm loving those colourful hooks. My favourite pic though was the collage of winter/spring flowers - so pretty. Every year I tell myself I need to plant more spring flowers as my garden is so bare until late spring. x

  27. Cadbury eggs, always, always good and of course chocolate, that's what makes life worth living. Your crocheting looks amazing, can't wait to see it finished.

  28. What a fun five! Good chocolate and I love your new scissors and those roses you are crocheting. Beautiful work~ xo Diana

  29. Hope you've had a good weekend, Chel. Glad to hear you're improving. Isn't this weather crazy? We are back into Spring temperatures again too; my climbing Rose has been blooming like mad. I'm loving the sunshine! Thanks for sharing your Friday five. I had to smile about your scissors and Mr. Teen.

  30. Excuse me while I drool over the lovely pictures you've taken and know the feeling of taking on too many projects at one time.

  31. Oh good continued progress. Good thing you got all that scaffolding climbing in already. I saw some robins last week. It is still winter here, so very crazy!

  32. a lovely post Chel. love your crochet and the flowered scissors.

  33. I'm glad to read you were able to walk a little more. Sorry for the boots, but your sandals are so sexy, it would be a shame to get rid of them ;)

  34. That crocheting looks wonderful, Chel! I relax with knitting and crocheting as well ... Such a joy, and you get something pretty out of it as a bonus!


Thank you so much for visiting, I love reading your comments and will answer either by email or on the blog. You can also email me privately in my side bar. Have a great day x