
Friday 22 January 2016

Five on Friday - Just Pottering Around

Five on Friday - Just Pottering Around @

The winter chills have finally arrived and because of the mild temperatures we have been 'blessed' with, when the temperature falls it comes as a shock to the system.  And so with a Consultant and a Physiotherapist being very happy with my recovery, I can at last attempt walks and getting out a bit more without the burden of crutches (however I do miss them for support).  And so, my trips have felt like I am just pottering, but it is lovely to capture some more local shots, especially if the sky is a bit clearer.

My first 'potter' was to St James' in Moulton Chapel.  Isn't it a little cutey.  An octagon Chapel built in 1722.  It is of Dutch design due to the late 17th century fen drainers.  Unfortunately the door was locked (a sign of the times), but I have been in before and the interior is not a disappointment, especially from the gallery up some steps into the dome where you feel as though you are being pulled forward.

I think when I have the time and the inclination, I might ask for the keys to look around inside again.

My second 'potter' was to good old Spalding.  I haven't written too much about this place lately as I am always heading out elsewhere, but sometimes it is nice to walk through and see the river and its reflections, along with the old buildings.

Five on Friday - Just Pottering Around @

But unfortunately as with so many other towns these days, shops close, boards go up, windows are smashed and the town slides into decline.  I did smile at this welcoming sign though!

My third 'potter' was while we driving through Moulton for the butchers sausage rolls (they are VERY good).  Hubby went into the butchers and I very slowly walked up to the tallest windmill in Britain.  A working windmill which is spectacular when the newly refurbished sails go round.  I will have to take you around there when the weather picks up.

My fourth 'potter' was around the garden on a very frosty morning.  Out came the camera, gloves, hat, coat and Mr Teen's very large trainers, and I was clicking away to take in the prettiness of the frost on the remaining plants.  I love the difference it makes.  But boy, it was cold!

And my fifth 'potter' was in the house and my sudden addiction to wool and hooks.  That crochet bug has hit me again.  Why is it that I finish a project and then go completely off my hook for a while and then as soon as I pick it up again it takes over my life!  I have discovered the Wool Warehouse and ordered the rest of the wool that I will need for the Painted Roses Blanket and was astonished that they arrived the next day.  Not just a simple bag of wool, but this gorgeously wrapped and ribboned bag of wool.  How pretty to receive an order this way!

I hook up a few of these very happy flowers to rest the feet, and then when they get inflamed, I walk around and potter until they go down.  Then when they get inflamed again, I sit and hook some more flowers.  It's a never ending circle at the moment.

So, that has pretty much been my week.  A bit more walking, a bit more settled in my mind and raring to get back to normal very soon!

Have a Happy Friday and wonderful weekend ahead.

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  1. lots of clever things here today

  2. I love your "potters".
    It's cold here too especially in the morning brrr :-)
    Have a lovely weekend

  3. Love the first photo of the frost on the flower - just beautiful!

  4. So glad you are doing well and enjoying your pottering. I've always wanted to go to Spalding at tulip time and each year I promise myself. Hope you have a lovely weekend x PD live the wool warehouse bags, they know how to tempt us back to buy more ;)

  5. I am so glad that you are on the mend and are able to potter once again. I occasionally have a potter around Spalding but usually when I want to go to the outlets for shopping purposes. Take care.

  6. Such pretty wool colors! I love those delicate colors. I'm glad you are becoming more mobile now and can potter around. Always love looking at where you've been. Have a blessed weekend.

  7. Good to hear you are out and about again eventhough you are not up to speed yet. That delightful parcel of wool makes me want to order some!

  8. Glad to hear that your recovery is progressing. There's so much to see and do. I love the canal with reflections photo and had to laugh when I saw the Brrr tiles on the frosty plant. Hope you have a wonderful Friday, Chel.

  9. So glad you are out and about and discovering a whole lot of interesting things to share with us. Be careful wandering around without those crutches, girl!!

  10. To receive the wool wrapped so beautifully must have been quite an inspiration!

  11. Brrrr is right! It's been cold here too (SE Georgia). Lovely pictures. Hope your day is lovely there across the pond. ~:)

  12. Lovely images, as ever.
    The Wool Warehouse? I must go for a look!

  13. Glad you are able to finally get out again...but just in time for the colder weather! :-( Love your photos, though. The views of your world are just wonderful! The brrr shot was pretty clever! :-)

  14. You are pottering to some lovely places and doing lovely things in the downtime. Glad the recovery is coming along. Stay cozy!

  15. Love your photos, one always forgets that England had windmills, though I've seen more than a few there.

  16. So happy you are out and about now.
    Loved the walk along.

  17. Lovely photos ! Glad your able to get out and about more now ! Thanks for sharing , have a good weekend !

  18. An interesting post with some beautiful photos. Spalding looks like a lovely place to take a walk.

  19. Glad to see you're getting out and about. Love that windmill!

  20. How good that you are able to start some pottering! I bet that you are really glad and will be even gladder when you can get back to normal life again. Enjoy the potters and the crochet in the meantime though. I love WW orders too, and the bags! I look forward to seeing more of your crochet! Thank you for joining Five On Friday, happy weekend! xx

  21. Lovely potterings, Chel! :o)

  22. I don't know that part of the country, it looks lovely. Hope you have a better week and enjoy the crochet it's going to look wonderful :-)

  23. Chel, you did quite a bit of walking this week! I so enjoy the architecture of these towns you visited. Your yarn looks like springtime.

  24. Chex, thank you so much for taking us on all the tours of late. I enjoyed every nook and cranny :)

    I hope your feet are better soon! Take care of yourself.


  25. That octagonal church is very interesting!

  26. what great photos and i love the term "potter"! how lucky you can just ask for the keys to wander around...i think i'd be in there every day! thank you for linking and have a wonderful weekend!

  27. What a lovely photo of the rose and ivy! The chapel is beautiful.

  28. Hello Chel! Well I really did enjoy your pottering! The top photo of the frosted rose is so beautiful and ethereal I also love the reflection of the buildings in the river....I do wish cars didn't invade our photo's so much...I don't know about you, but I think them such a nuisance! Oh, I also thought the windmill interesting. Thank you for sharing at Fun Friday Favourites and for the link back.

  29. Gorgeous picture of the frosted rose and glad to hear your recovery goes well! Anita xx

  30. Gorgeous picture of the frosted rose and glad to hear your recovery goes well! Anita xx

  31. The whole post is lovely, Chel, but that very first photo! Wow!

  32. So glad to hear your feet are recovering well and it must be wonderful to get out and about again. Beautiful images as always.

  33. How nice to be getting about again, your photos are looking wonderful, not often you get to photo a frosty Rose..
    Amanda xx

  34. I really love the first photo of the frosted rosé. Glad you are pottering around again and nice to see photos of your neighbourhood.

  35. I'm glad to read you feel better. Lovely pictures, the 'brr" one made me laugh!

  36. So nice to see you up and about again, Chel! Always fun to take a little sight-seeing tour with you. The little church, the windmill, your sweet vintage town and even the 'unwelcome' sign are so charming. Your garden looks so pretty all sugar coated with frost and your crochet project looks so cheerful and happy! Take it slow....xx Karen

  37. The photo of the Rose was just stunning - it glowed from my screen. Interested to see more of that windmill. Glad you are recovering. X

  38. I love your 'potters' such a lot, sweetest Chel, to come and visit you here is always to breath some 'England air' I need so much for my heart, bless you !
    Have a most beautiful Sunday
    with gratitude and much love

  39. The first photo is simply fabulous! I haven't been able to visit any blogs regularly recently and have missed many of your lovely posts. I hope you will be properly 'on your feet' again soon.

  40. Such gorgeous photos, and I loved reading about your potterings. So glad you are on the mend and hope the healing continues well for you. Thank you so much for your kind comments recently x
    Wishing you a happy week with plenty of crochet and pleasant pottering.
    Helen xox

  41. Hi,
    I always enjoy these posts. I enjoyed your potterings. :-))
    Sending a hug and so happy you are pottering around.
    xx oo

  42. It is good to see that you are getting out and about again. Love that windmill, we have one here in our town that was a gift from the Netherlands.

  43. I am so glad you are able to get out and about more these days. Are you healing ahead of schedule? Just think, by the time spring truly arrives, you'll be free and easy again!!

  44. Glad to hear you're well on the mend. My daughter buys wool from the Wool Warehouse, it's like receiving a pretty gift. I'm addicted with my dolls house at the moment.

  45. What a great blog.
    Happy that i found you.
    Nice greetings from austria your new follower


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