
Saturday 7 November 2015

The Many Faces of Tia

Firstly, thank you so, so much for your lovely comments and visits over the last week.  You have made me feel so humble and I am so glad you come to share my little ramblings and enjoy the things that catch my eye.  My Extraordinary out of the Ordinary post was a quick one while I was waiting for my bus, it’s amazing what beauty you can pass by without giving it a second glance.  Something I am going to rectify.  I really and truly appreciate you taking time to visit me.  

But what gifts has this week given me?  Well, my shoulder has given me good days and bad days with today being a good day (until my walk!).  Miss Teen's birthday went well and she is happy with all her gifts.  And, our little rescue King Charles Cavalier - Tia went to the vets and had 20 teeth removed! 

Yes, you read that right... 20!!  

We knew when she came to us that she had a problem but we waited for her to settle in and have any other health issues resolved first so, this was that time.  As well as this, and we were prepared for the news, she has Syringomyelia which is the same as our beloved Coco who died in April this year.  Tia's medication has started and she is taking to it very well.  Our wonderful little fighter is still fighting!  So, as I haven't updated you on Tia for quite a while (unless you follow her on Facebook!), this post is going to be a bit Tia heavy with the many faces that she pulled on a very wet, windswept day on the Fens.

The walk started fairly well, the heavy rain had stopped and the sun came out leaving muddy paths but looking at the neat rows in the fields, it did look promising...

Her first look as she run through the muddy puddles was "you're kidding me right?!"

 After two days of being hemmed up at home she had to get some air into those lungs and take her mind off the discomfort of her teeth operation.  Once up on the bank her lungs were certainly full as the gusts of wind nearly blew us back down the bank.

 She thanked me though with this gummy bear smile - or should I say Gruffalo smile (she only has two bottom teeth at the front now!).

Once over the shock of the mud and the wind, good old Tia was back with her cheeky backwards glance to say "come on Mum, let's explore".

The river was very choppy with the incessant wind so we didn't walk too closely otherwise a certain little inquisitive dog may have fallen in.

Usually with these walks, I let Tia decide on which path to take.  She decided to take the slippiest and gave her "I made a mistake but won't let on" look.

She climbed up the ramparts to the underside of the road bridge and looked back to say "come on then".

And when she realised I wasn't going to come up, she decided "I'll explore on my own then".  Oh my goodness, look at the state of her coat!

Tia's view would have been this across the river but she was more interested in something nasty that seemed to be lurking behind one of the concrete slabs.

So, time to move on.  Not this way to Spalding...

... it was this way Tia, back to the car!

The wind was blowing Tia's ears and I thought she was going to take off like Dumbo!  However she was a little concerned about her Mum who had just slipped on the mud and fallen on her bum!  and guess what, used her right arm with the injured shoulder!

Yes Tia, I can see that "silly Mum, I'm so embarrassed" look!!

So, little Tia has certainly changed since June from this nervous and near bald, breeding Cavalier...

to this gorgeous lady!

Yes, she has only 14 teeth left, Syringomyelia and a grade three heart murmur, but she is ours, and we love her and her quirky ways so much.

Don't forget that you can follow her life on her Facebook page (just click on her photo in my sidebar).  There will be ups and downs as she fights with her illnesses, but we will be with her all the way.

Have a wonderful weekend, and be careful on muddy footpaths!

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  1. She is just to cute, Chel. Thank you for sharing...Blessings

  2. She's so beautiful!! Lovely little Tia!

  3. The last photo is a beautiful portrait of Tia. Despite all her problems she enjoyed her walk.

  4. What a wonderful thing to have such companion of life is, who has no pets cannot understand how much we do love them, they're part of our family !
    Your Tia is a wonder, hug her strong for me and kiss her a lot, she's so adorable ( I love the last photo you've posted ! )!

    Blessings to both of you

  5. Are these health issues common to all Cavaliers? Such a shame because she is a lovely little dog - a delightful companion for you too. I love the first picture of the teasels - gorgeous.

  6. Tia is adorable. Sorry she's got all those issues but she certainly looks happy enough. Give her tons of hugs from me! :o)

  7. Tia looks bright eyed and ready to conquer anything that comes her way. I can't believe you slipped and fell! Hope you don't have a setback with the shoulder. I love your landscape photos and, of course, Tia steals the show!

  8. Poor little angel! I'm so sad to hear that she also suffers from Syringomyelia. Praise the Lord she has y'all to take care of her. One of my little Miniature Schnauzer, Sam Jr., had to have a lot of his teeth pulled but he still managed to eat small bits OK. Anyway, Tia is looking so much healthier now, inspite of the issues. I pray her symptoms will be slight and all her days happy. Also, I hope your shoulder and nether regions are healed soon. :)
    Hope your day is blessed. ~:)

  9. Poor baby! I am so glad that she is going to be okay, Chel. You are a good mom to her. I hope she heals quickly now. xo Diana

  10. I love the photos of Tia, she is a little character. I thought for a start she only had 2 teeth left and am so glad she is not on a completely soft diet. Mum, you need to take care in the slippery bits :)


  11. I hope I haven't missed too many posts, Chel. My heart goes to to Tia. How old is she? I would hate to see you go through trauma with another well loved pup. And the teeth...Milo had his four bottom teeth pulled last summer. It makes me laugh sometimes to see him pant...he looks like an 80 year old man!!

    Your pictures are beautiful, I truly hope I'll visit England one day. The countryside looks so pretty. And Tia is in her glory, such a beauty!

    I've been a bad blogger, I truly hope I don't have so many irons in the fire after the holidays. :)

    Jane xxx

  12. she really is a pretty pup. so glad she has you to love her.

  13. Chel - that Tia is a gorgeous dog. The before and after photos of her are unbelievable. Shows what love can do.


  14. Awwwwww I love her little gruffalo smile, what a cutie! I felt very mean after Mollies teeth operation but she had a new lease of life afterwards I promise, much happier doggie! Katie x

  15. What an amazing post, Chel, of the adorable Tia and all her faces... :)
    I almost didn't know dogs can look so expressive. Your love has made her so much happier and healthier.
    Thank you for sharing and have a lovely week!

  16. She has definitely blossomed under your care! She's such a pretty little lady! My boys' coats look like that after a romp in the wet too. Ouch on the fall and shoulder. No fun. Hope you have a good week.

  17. Sweet Tia! But she couldn't have found a better, more caring mama. I will go over to her FB page. She is a sweetie!

  18. Aw, Tia is such a sweetheart! It's so great to see how far she has come since becoming a part of your family!

  19. Tia's so cute - and I didn't know a dog could have so many different expressions! She may have her health problems, but you are giving her the best life possible and that's the main thing x

  20. I enjoyed this post about Tia so much! Twenty teeth out, poor Tia, and her other health problems are even worse. I'm so glad for her she has found the best place on earth. She obviously enjoys her life, I like her when she is muddy but on last photo she looks like an ever so clean and sweet little diva.

  21. I loved reading this post that captured Tia perfectly. I am so happy you found her and she found her forever home where she is loved and adored! She is just precious. I enjoy scrolling through Facebook and seeing her little face pop up now and then. Prayers for your shoulder! I hope it heals up soon.

    Hugs, Vicky

  22. Awww...Tia is adorable! Since I'm fairly new here, this is the first time I've met her. I'm so glad she has such a wonderful Mum to look after her.

    I'm surely sorry about your fall. I hope your shoulder will soon be feeling much better.

  23. Awww...Tia is adorable! Since I'm fairly new here, this is the first time I've met her. I'm so glad she has such a wonderful Mum to look after her.

    I'm surely sorry about your fall. I hope your shoulder will soon be feeling much better.

  24. She looks so happy in those pictures. She's very lucky she met you to make her time on Earth the most pleasant.

  25. Some say that a dog's face is incapable of expression. How wrong they are.

  26. Oh Tia! That poor pooch can't catch a break! 20 teeth. Yikes. I hope you have some sweet smelling doggie shampoo, too. You're gonna need it if you keep rambling through the mud like that! Hugs to you and Tia.

  27. I am sure that Tia is in exactly the right place that she needs to be, with you and a loving home and knowing that whatever her health problems she will be loved and taken care of as best as she can be! That is what is most important isn't it! xx

  28. Oh how sweet is your little Tia, I just think it is so wonderful that you found each other. I enjoyed your walk with her. Take care of that shoulder.

  29. Fabulous photos, Chel! What a beauty Tia is and such a game girl. What lucky stoke for her to be the one that you picked - lucky you and lucky Tia! Lxx

  30. She is gorgeous, Chel. I really enjoyed this post. xx

  31. Poor little Tia, I'm so sorry to hear that she also has Syringomyelia, I hope her condition will be slight. She is so cute and very lucky to have such a loving family to take care of her. Sorry to hear about your shoulder, I hope it will be better soon.

  32. But you are giving her a great life, and that is the most important thing!

  33. Oh, isn't she just so lucky to have such a loving and caring home? She looks like she is having the time of her life - despite it all, and making the absolute best of things. She's a lovely little dear with those big brown eyes and golden tresses. So glad that you found each other. Hope your shoulder isn't giving you too much pain. xx

  34. Hi Chel, Tia is beautiful and so lucky to have the nice walks with you.
    I hope your shoulder heals. Enjoy the week.

  35. Chel, she couldn't have ended up with anyone better. I'm so glad you found her.

    I hope your shoulder gets better soon!


  36. I love that first photo of the teasel, which is a favorite of mine to add to bouquets for texture (after scraping the stems of thorns).
    Sorry Tia had to have so many of little teeth pulled, but she is happy to be in your care, Chel.

  37. She's adorable, i love her little face


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