
Sunday 1 November 2015

Snapshots of London

There's been something wrong, something that I couldn't quite get right in my mind, then the gas lamp was lit in my brain and it hit me!  It's been ages since the last time I jumped off the train at Kings Cross and walked my old home town's roads and bridges.  I needed my London fix!

This time though, my usual steadfast and reliable camera was going to have to stay at home and I was going to give my phone a test.  You see, I had a near miss in my car a few weeks ago and after x rays and a scan, it appears I have been walking around with a torn tendon and a broken bone in my shoulder!  Don't worry, I will survive and just thank my blessings that it wasn't a lot more serious. But, let's get back to the phone, it's great for quick shots and after editing with PicMonkey, here's what me, Miss Teen and a new one to you all, her friend Mr J decided to do on this warm autumn's day.

Firstly we felt the need to pop off to Oxford Street to look in the Lush store.  That distinctive, welcoming smell of home made toiletries, trying things out and being dazzled by the array of colour, smells and textures really is a wonderful experience.

How could you not go in to such a store.  Every Lush I have been in has always been so friendly and the staff are incredibly knowledgeable and helpful.

Oxford Street was busy, as usual, and above our heads the Christmas decorations were being put into place.  The picture I didn't get was of the workmen abseiling down the larger stores with strings of lights, ready to cloak them in curtains of light.

I suppose we could have stayed a bit longer but our original plan was to go along to Camden Town, so back down into the very warm underground and across London to this vibrant area.

It didn't disappoint!  No Santas this time (my last post is here), but extremely busy, probably more than it was last time.

The Mad Hatter was still here (I apologise to this family for putting this shot on who decided to take a selfie, but they were brilliant weren't they!).

The street was as vibrant as ever with its array of shops.

And of course, Camden Lock.  No narrow boats passing, just the odd duck and people jostling.

It was lunch time, and the diversity of the shops reflects with the diversity of food on offer too.  Very cramped, a 'just go with it' moment!  The trouble with diversity of street food, is that when you are hungry it makes decisions so, so hard!

Shall we go with Peruvian? Turkish? Mac and Cheese? Shrimp? Thai? Kebab? Quinoa (why?)? So many more, all offering a sample for you to try, and all cooked fresh.  

We went around again and nearly went for Peruvian as we hadn't tried that before - until I realised there were red kidney beans in there.  No, that decided that one.  Then, Jamaican!  Yes, that was the one with its jerk chicken and fried plantain.  It was delicious and perfectly cooked.  With bellies full, it was then time to have a look around the various markets.

The Stables Market is amazing and this is where I really missed by old faithful camera!  The original details are still there amongst the stalls, and to look down each alley was a sheer delight, not just with the colour and selection of goods on the stalls, but also the carvings and nostalgia associated with this area.  This is where the injured horses that were pulling the canal boats would be treated in the horse hospital in Victorian times.

Of course, you can't come to Camden without seeking out Amy Winehouse's statue!

I think because it was so crowded (and missing my camera), I was losing steam.  It was time to head off to the Thames, after all, I can't come to London without waving hello to the Thames could I?!

On the tube again, poor Mr J! and off at the Embankment with a quick walk across Hungerford Bridge to the South Bank.  

Again, another vibrant area of the City with various street acts and of course, the typical touristy views.

With the sun heading down it was time to think of home.  So let's walk some more!!  Across Westminster Bridge.

Down Whitehall and past Downing Street.

Down the Mall and into Green Park looking back at Buckingham Palace.

It was tiring (especially having to stand for a while on the train home!!), but we all thoroughly enjoyed it and my London fix was accomplished.

On other news, we have a birthday coming up... Miss Teen is going to be 16 next week!  I can't believe where the time has flown and how my baby has grown.  I'll be thinking about all the years while I carve the pumpkins and get the house ready for Halloween and the trick or treaters (or as she used to call them 'trickle treaters'.

I will do my best to catch up with you all this week once my painkillers settle in and give me a little bit of comfort... and sleep! And I can sit back on the bus and indulge myself in some blog reading while someone else drives!  I am thinking positively and as this street artist so brilliantly wrote...

You have to smile at the mirror for the mirror to smile back.
Have a Happy Halloween

ps. I am sorry for the photos and the variety of shapes, this post nearly didn't make it into blogland!

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  1. So many wonderful shots of London - and new ideas for future visits! Always so interesting when you talk about your trips and the large number of photos adds to the pleasure!

  2. Fabulous!! I really must get to Camden on our next visit to the smoke, and I can never resist a Lush shop either!

  3. So many wonderful, vibrant and evocative photos, I've enjoyed seeing them all. Hope you are on the mend soon, take carexx:)

  4. Wow,wow,wow, yet another fantastic array of pics and words about good ole London Town. The Stables Market looks incredible. Thanks Chel, you have given me the boot up the bum I needed to go visit our wonderful capital sometime very soon! Hoping you feel better quickly, and best wishes to Miss Teen xxx

  5. London seems to have vibrated you through five senses. At Oxford Street, such lots of ornaments in the air would make a magical world when lit up. Your phone did a good job though you might feel something for your old familiar camera at some places. Take care of your shoulders.


  6. What a gorgeous post, Chel! In your photos, London is exactly as urban and full of fascinating things and... well, yes,
    v i b r a n t as I have always imagined it. Thank you for the lovely tour!

  7. Thank you for such a lovely post, Chel!!! It was as if I was there; LUSH is listed on the wall in our Business Campus Building as one of the best companies-top whatever. Thanks Chel for the smiles. Blessings

  8. What a fun "tour", Chel. I loved every single picture, from the Thames to the market to the sidewalk artist. All wonderful! Happy upcoming birthday to your TEEN! The years just fly past, don't they? Hope you are doing okay and heal quickly. xo Diana

  9. Chel, thank you for the tour of London. What an interesting place! Vibrant is definitely the word. I'm so sorry you are in pain with your injuries. Not fun. I love the side walk artist. Reminds me of Bert in Mary Poppins.

  10. That's quite the visit to London! Males me think another trip is in order!

  11. What a fun visit to London seeing some new sights to me and all the vibrant colours and people. So exciting! Your phone photos and edits came out beautifully! I hope your injury mends well and soon. Happy November to you!

  12. Thank you gave me a "fix" too, over 2 years since I last went to London...once a Londoner ..always a Londoner..miss Greenwich loads..maybe next year though I said that last year.xx

  13. Your phone did great! I really enjoyed your tour of London. I hope to visit this great city someday! Hope your shoulder is healing and you are feeling better.

  14. What a whirl-wind tour of London I loved it!

  15. My goodness!! You have tickled my London taste buds, although, like you, the yearning for my roots was just beginning!! Lovely photos, maybe I will try Camden this time, it looks so vibrant!! My men are off for their, what appears to be a yearly jaunt to the Abu Dhabi Grand Prix. So I shall plan my trip to London while they are away!!! So sorry to hear of your shoulder injury, hope you are soon fit and well again. Must go and plan..... !!!!!! X

  16. A magically charming London tour, thank you, I especially liked the photo of the horse hospital during Victorian times.

  17. That Mad hatter is so Camden Town. There's not a better place for people watching. I have to agree about the pull of the Thames. I cannot resist walking along that fabulous river.

  18. Another fascinating tour, Chel. I do hope your shoulder feels better soon. Take care of yourself!

  19. I like the wow wow wow comment! It's more than my brain can take it! What a fabulous city and you got some amazing photos. They are GOOD my friend!!! Sweet hugs, Diane

  20. Oh, dear, I hope you're healed up soon. The phone did wonderfully. The photos are perfect. Looks like y'all had a great time. Thank you for sharing all the fun with us little bunnies stuck at home. *lol*
    Hope your day is blessed. ~:)

  21. WOw loving this snap shot tour --- to see your sights that you shared in this post has been a wonderful treat to me.. I've always have wanted to visit London...and my hope is still with me. My husband's family came from London. Know any Gough? I am loving number 2 - 8 -25 and 28 photos..

    Oh and So sorry to hear of your shoulder injury - hoping for you to heal completed!

  22. Great photos and things were quite a bit different than I imagined! Very fun post!

  23. What fun you must of had in London with your teen and friend! Happy Birthday to her too. I loved the beautiful photos from your phone! I do hope your shoulder heals and you feel better.
    Take care and have a nice week. Julie

  24. Truly a potpourri of sights you've captured in London and Camden Town on the phone! I can't believe you're so injured and still walking about and enjoying yourself. If I ever come to England, I want you to be my tour guide!

  25. What a great day out! I was born in Peru so I would definitely have had the Peruvian food.

  26. What a day!, you covered so much of London in one day, thanks for sharing it brought back memories of me working on Oxford St before I had picklexx

  27. Wow, as always I love you taking us on trips. :-))
    Happy Birthday to your girl! XX OO
    Get well soon!

  28. love your pictures, your phone did great and I am so sorry you are hurt. somehow I missed that news.
    I am still trying to get my blog straightened out I lost all my readers. :o( hoping to fix it soon with my blog 'tech guy'. I am disappointed the move did this terrible loss. (will let you know when I get it fixed.) take care.

  29. I really loved this tour with you in London. Camden is so nice to visit, we were there a few years ago, so I saw various memories passing by. Wish you all the best with your shoulder!

  30. Like for Paris, the charme odf London is indisputable !!
    Thank you darling Chel for sharing such amazing shots of this gorgeous city,
    have a blessed remainder of your week, my sweet friend
    with dear love

  31. How lucky for me to pop in today just in time for your tour of London. You managed to get amazing shots even with your cell phone. Hope that your shoulder heals quickly, and that you are not in too much pain!

  32. It was good to stretch yourself and be forced to use your iPhone. I am delighted you posted this! Will Mr. J be back?

  33. Great post, Chel. Photos up to your usual standard, despite the allegedly inferior kit. I must admit that Oxford Street doesn't do much for me - nothing particularly unique about it and it's full of rude people - but you reminded me that I haven't visited Camden for far too long. I don't think I'd recognise it now. Wonderful shots! Really sorry to hear that you've been in the wars - rest up and get better soon!

  34. Wow Chel, so sorry to hear about the accident - hope you are healing by now and feeling much better.

    Great pix of London, as usual, but please, please tell me what phone you are using to get these wonderful shots. My iPhone does nothing as good as these! I'm thinking you have the 6S perhaps?

    I have visited Camden in the past - but that was years back. Such a vibrant area - would love to see the Stables Market someday when back in town!

    Take care - be well soon.
    Hugs - Mary

    1. Hi Mary, I'll email you separately, but for info my phone is the Samsung S6. I had to crop on PicMonkey, but I am really pleased at how well this phone camera does. It's great for Instagram and there are some very good apps for editing if I had the time. xx

  35. Oh dear! I am so glad you you are alright! That is scary! Will you need any surgery? Yikes. I'd say your phone camera did wonderfully helping you capture your London Moments. Fancy cameras are wonderful, but really, the artistic part of the shot (angle, colour, framing) comes from the photographer - and you are an expert! My best friend bought a $1500 camera last year thinking it would give her gorgeous photos. I have to say - her pics are just as mundane as they were before. The camera didn't really help her lack of "artistic grace" and now she'd signed up for a photography class to help see the world through a more creative eye!
    Thanks for sharing you day out in London. I miss that city. I told my husband that I wouldn't go back until 2018, but I am not sure if I can last that long!!

  36. Your London phone photos are wonderful, Chel! What a vibrant city London is. Some day.....
    So sorry you were in an accident. Take good care of yourself and recover well.

  37. This post made me want to call my travel agent, Chel. What wonderful photos. Hope you are getting better.

  38. Haven't been to Camden for years and your photos make it look even more vibrant than ever! We've been looking for a special lampshade for ages - think you might have found it for us so thanks for that! Wishing you a speedy recovery xx

  39. Great pictures! I hope your injury heals quickly.


Thank you so much for visiting, I love reading your comments and will answer either by email or on the blog. You can also email me privately in my side bar. Have a great day x