
Saturday 13 June 2015

Whistling Through London

I know, two posts in two days!  Well, I had to really to share with you my latest London trip.  It's been a while since I have taken you by the hand through the streets of London.  So, let me rectify this right now.  It's a a whistle stop tour so your feet won't hurt as much as they have done in the past, but same drill - a pot of tea and a slice of battenberg and let me show you around. But first, we need to go past this very recognisable fellow first..."Excuse me Mr Churchill".

The Houses of Parliament are currently having quite a bit of restoration taking place.  It's a shame for the tourists when taking the iconic photos and selfies, but to keep these historic buildings in good order does take so much work and sets the buildings up to still be functional for many years to come.

Go on then, one more of Elizabeth Tower for you without scaffolding or cranes!

Just next door is the beautiful Westminster Abbey with its striking white stone and exquisite architecture.

We were on a quick whistle stop tour so didn't have time to go inside (or the inclination to pay the extortionate fee!), but I had to take this cheeky shot through the doors and the warm and inviting lighting inside.

And of course, I always have the urge to take a shot of a Narnia lamp with a church building in the background don't I?  I couldn't pass this one by!

If you are ever this way and want a few quiet moments but still want to see beautiful buildings, just look to your left at the front of the Abbey and you will see Deans Yard.

Through this archway you enter an enclosed quandrangle which incorporates the Westminster Abbey Choir School.  This stunning area is full of gorgeous character and bordered by the heavy leaves of the surrounding trees.

Window boxes were set against ancient windows, what a beautiful contrast!

But this one was stunning in its simplicity.

Little passages are dotted around, some leading into other buildings.  All so beautiful.

This tiny little spot in the heart of the City holds mountains of beauty in the palm of its hand.  When you are next in London take a look, if only to have a couple of minutes away from the Westminster crowds.

I apologise for this not being longer but I was quickly walking through on this day.  I am planning a trip soon but not on a work day.  I like to take hundreds of pictures as you know and that takes time!

Have a wonderful weekend and week everyone.  I'm off to shop for some gifts for the 'golden one' (yesterday's post gives a little clue!),

One more thing, Kris over at Junk Chic Cottage has featured me on her Saturday Spotlight - Behind the Blogger.  The link is here.  Thanks so much Kris!

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  1. Such lovely shots of London, Chel. I love the original angles you take them from and Cfhurchill's statue with Big Ben is just great! I'm so looking forward to my own trip to London next week!
    Have a great weekend with your new furry friend with golden locks!

  2. This is a lovely post Chel, it makes me want to visit. I'm looking forward to meeting the "golden one" x

  3. I immediately recognized Mr. Churchill's back when I saw the first photo. :) Of course the cane kind of gave it away too. Lovely photos of another side of Westminster. Pam

  4. Lovely! I've always wanted to visit London and your photos almost make me feel like I'm there!

  5. Beautiful. Thanks for sharing Chel. Blessings

  6. Hi Chel,
    I came over from Junk Chic cottage, what a lovely post..........
    Wow, your photography is amazing, love all your beautiful pics here.
    Loved seeing all these pics of London, and also love flowers, so that was a fun post too.
    Thanks for sharing your life with us.
    Blessings, Nellie

  7. A short and sweet post, but still a lovely little taste of London. Thanks for sharing, Chel.

  8. Thanks for giving us a tour of London! Fabulous photos! Enjoyed them all.

  9. Hello Chel,
    I just became a follower and jumped across the pond from Philadelphia PA when I saw your delightful spotlight on Kris's Junk Chic Cottage blog. I was featured on May 2nd and it was a fun day. I love your photo essay in this post, your photos are amazing. Looking forward to reading your posts.

  10. Great to take a bit of a behind the scenes tour with you! I loved all of the different sorts of lights - the Narnia ones and the ones in the abbey too!! xx

  11. Hi Chel. I am meeting you for the first time by way of JunkChic Cottage. You are a very interesting lady and a busy one too. Thank you for this informative and beautiful post, it sure sets the story for someone who has never been there. Since I live in a cottage that is 136 years old, I know how much work goes into keeping it in shape. I can just imagine how much it takes to keep these beauties in good working order. I am now a new follower and will be keeping up through e-mail also. It is so nice to meet you..Happy Weekend..Judy

  12. It is so nice to meet you Chel! I just came over from Kris blog. She has introduced me to so many wonderful blogging friends and now I have another. My daughter in laws family is from England so I am familiar with many things about England, in fact I live with her and my son. She has so a lot English decor in her home, and she has introduced me to a lot of the different types of wood. It has been very enjoyable. Some day I will visit England, I really want to visit the Tor in Glastonbury. I'm looking forward to your lovely posts and photos. I love history. Have an amazing day. Hugs, Jo

  13. Thanks for he tour through Some of London Chel! I enjoyed looking at the pretty photos and miss it there so much! I will have to go back for a visit. Have a wonderful weekend and week. Hugs, Julie xo

  14. Enjoyed my armchair walk. Good week end to you also.

  15. Lovely post on your friends blog. Well deserved.

  16. A great tour, I haven't been to London for awhile. Don't bother much now that my daughters have all moved out of London.

  17. I just came from Kris's blog. It's so nice to meet you and you have a lovely blog. I will be following your blogs - love the tours. I am afraid that is the only way I will ever get to see England.
    Have a wonderful weekend.

  18. I wandered over from Kris' blog. She is one of my favorites. I love your attitude and your way of expression, so English. I love teenagers. Those were my favorite ages, but I can appreciate your perspective. I have always wanted to visit England. There's so much history there. The stone cottages and the cobblestone roads and paths are like I am transported back in time. Oh how I would love to visit for a month or so. Thanks so much for sharing your journey.

  19. Great photos, Chel. Have a great weekend! :o)

  20. Beautiful shots, Chel! England is on my Bucket List. My brother and sister in law are headed across the pond with their family for ten days at the end of the month. I am SO envious. I have to keep working on hubby.

    Read your last post, as well.. I'm trying to get caught up. And I thought I was busy! Phew! I hope you have some leisure time coming your way.

    Jane x

  21. It must be nice to live near all our lovely English history. The photos are great. Congrats on the recognition! I'll pop over to Junk Chic Cottage and read all about it. Have a blessed day! ~:)

  22. Hi Chel, So wonderful to see that you are in the spotlight over at Kris's blog. It was wonderful and I loved learning a bit more about you. Lovely pics and such interesting English history. I so hope to visit one day,
    Have a blessed week ahead.
    Hugs, CM

  23. I am visiting via Junk Chic Cottage and so happy to be here. I have only been to London once and would love to go back. The only other spot I saw on that trip was Bath and the countryside we passed on the train. We stayed in a company apartment because my sister was working at the time and it was near Harrods. Our son is getting married in July, but hopefully we will be able to make plans for a visit to England again.

  24. Hello sweet friend! Oh, it's so wonderful to drop in for a I have missed you and your beautiful photos! Seeing your lovely images of London has me itching to jump on a plane and visit. There is such beauty and charm in London. I hope I am able to see it in person some day....

    Love and hugs to you!

  25. Chel,
    Thanks for the tour. It is so beautiful and so full of wonderful history. London is on my bucket list to visit. Loved this tour today. Thank you for doing Spotlight. Hope you meet some new bloggers from your feature.
    Have a great start to the new week.

  26. Great shots! I love hidden corners far from the madding crowd.

  27. Hi,
    Lovely shots, I always enjoy this.
    I am off to visit Kris. :-)
    Congratulations on doing the Spotlight.

  28. Hello Chel, I enjoyed the tour. It brings back memories of my trip to London. Big Ben was covered in scaffolding at the time. Awesome series of photos, congrats on being featured. enjoy your new week ahead!

  29. I always love your tours around London. Happy for whatever you give us.

  30. Great pictures, I love London, and always enjoy visiting it through your eyes too.
    Happy new week.
    Helen xox

  31. Hi Chel, I'm visiting from your feature with Kris at Junk Chic Cottage. Wow, your photography is stunning and I look forward to following your adventures!
    Marie@The Interior Frugalista

  32. Hello Chel, what a lovely blog you have! These pictures are a treat to this armchair traveler and lover of English movies and novels. And are they really called Narnia lamps? I read the books to my children when they were young.

    Your Coco was the most beautiful Cavalier. I'm so sorry you lost her to this disease.


  33. Dean's Yard looks like a lovely place to visit.

  34. great pics, I haven't really looked around the Abby before. We haven't been to London since January, need to go again, I love it there x

  35. What lovely photos - thank you for sharing such a pretty, secret spot in the middle of the city :)
    Cathy x

  36. I spent so much time in that area when in London, I loved going back thanks to you!

  37. I love just wandering through those historic, iconic streets! Scene of so many of my favourite stories, both fictional and historical, love our London! Great photos despite the scaffolding! :) xx


Thank you so much for visiting, I love reading your comments and will answer either by email or on the blog. You can also email me privately in my side bar. Have a great day x