
Friday 12 June 2015

Five on Friday - What a Week!

Goodness me, what a week!  I knew it was going to be busy without the usual routine but looking back I don't know how I managed it!  So my Five on Friday that I am sharing with Amy and her amazing link up party on Love Made My Home (the link is here) is a snapshot from each day.

Monday - For those who follow me on other social media platforms, you would have seen this shot - Another Day at the Office - so lucky to work in such an old and inspiring building.

Tuesday - With sore feet it was time for a trip to Lambeth Palace followed by lunch in the House of Lords before returning to work (currently writing the post for you!).

Wednesday - A home check for a future rescue furry friend.  A very nerve racking morning but the lady was wonderful and she was very happy to send through our papers for the next stage.  After one extra question later that evening we were passed!  Arrangements were made and a meet and greet were confirmed for the following day.  Coco must have been watching us from Rainbow Bridge.

Thursday - A dreaded Glaucoma check but... I was discharged!  Could this be the start of a fantastic day?  Yes it could!  A quickly organised trip to Skegness for an emotional meet and greet with a very special furry lady and fish and chips on the beach!

Friday - Back to work and now I am home!  Relaxing and dreaming of this pot of furry gold at the end of Coco's rainbow.  Just a little teaser...

Just a little longer and all with be revealed!

So, that's my five on this incredibly busy week.  I don't know how I got through it but I can tell you, I'm going to thoroughly enjoy my weekend!!

Please go and check out Amy's Five on Friday here and enjoy your visits to everyone there and maybe join in!

(p.s. Sorry about the different sizes of photos - a couple of them were with my phone and they turned out bigger than I wanted).

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This week I am sharing with:

Love Made My Home - Five on Friday


  1. Sounds as though you had a really great week with lots of good things going on!!! Great about your eyes and the doggy news too! I hope that all will go well with that. Thank you so much for joining in. I hope that you have a great weekend. xx p.s. the photos are great, all good sizes so no worry!

  2. What great photos, Chel. The office of my dreams! Lol. I am so happy that the interview the papers, and visit all went well. This is so exciting. Can't wait for the reveal. Arf!

  3. Oops, so how excited am I about the dog?? So excited that I forgot to mention that I'm glad you got a good eye report. :-)

  4. Sounds like a great week, good news that your eyes were OK. Sounds like a new furry friend is on the horizon.

  5. Yay for all the good bits this week, Chel. Can't wait to see the rest of the furry pot of gold. :o)

  6. I love that first shot of the ivy-covered tower and the lovely old lamp! You have a very furry new four-legged friend. Goldilocks indeed!

  7. Happy to hear about the eye report! Now I'm on pins and needles to see the new fuzzy family. Prayers that all goes well and y'all have a happy, healthy and prosperous weekend. ~:)

  8. A busy but beautiful weeks in so many ways! You deserve a blissful weekend!

  9. HinChel, it sounds like you had a nice week. I loved looking at your photos! Enjoy the weekend.
    Julie xo

  10. I so enjoyed seeing your beautiful photos. I know exactly where the first ones were taken as my daughter and I were in London in 2013. It's really an amazing city; probably my favorite of all places! Enjoy your weekend.

  11. Oh my goodness! A new friend, and a rainbow! How lovely. Can't wait to find out more.

  12. Amazing to be surrounded by such history! Glad your glaucoma check went well! And you have a new furry friend...wonderful! Hope next week is less stressful.

  13. Loving your pics and looking forward to meeting the new lady in your life.


  14. Lovely post and how nice for you things are just working out lovely...looking forward to seeing what happens next.
    Amanda xx

  15. What a busy week you have had and it sounds as if you have had exciting events and happy news at the end of it all - look forward to reading more. Have a lovely weekend:)

  16. Oh my goodness! I had a home check for a new furry friend this week too! I had to say goodbye to my Mollie a month ago and I couldn't bear the house without a dog in it.... If everything goes well, today is the day to make it whole again! I can't wait to see more from yours! Hope it's a great weekend!

  17. What a great week, love your photos. How exciting for you to have a new furry friend, loved the sneak peak.

  18. OHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Can't wait for the reveal. Smiles

  19. Look at that golden fur!! Ooh I'm very excited for the big reveal!!
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  20. Can't wait to meet your new furry friend!

  21. Hi,
    Love the first photo!
    Sending prayers, hope all will work out for you and your family.

  22. Sounds like you had a very good week. Can hardly wait to see your new member of the family. I'm in love with my dogs and they are my best friends.
    Have a wonderful weekend,

  23. I am so excited for you and the new furry friend. The process will be so worth it in the end. Somebody new to love and pet and hold and spoil.

  24. Love your teaser! Praying all goes smoothly and your new little golden sweetie will be home soon. Hugs for a great week!

  25. Such a good week - rainbows always seem to bring good things with them! Can't wait to hear more about your new little furry friend! x


Thank you so much for visiting, I love reading your comments and will answer either by email or on the blog. You can also email me privately in my side bar. Have a great day x