
Saturday 27 June 2015

Introducing Tia the Cavalier Angel

She's here!

The waiting is over and I can now introduce you to the little gold pot that is at the end of Coco's rainbow.  Everyone, let me introduce you to...


This gorgeous ruby Cavalier King Charles Spaniel has joined us at Sweetbriar Dreams and has made our family complete once again.  She is a rescue who I found after joining various Cavalier groups on Facebook.  I have been using this platform differently lately by joining closed friendly groups and came across 'Saving Cavaliers UK- SCUK'.  Scrolling through so many beautiful dogs, some already rescued and some looking for their forever home, I came across a photo of Tia and then realised there was a smile beaming across my face.  There was the spark I was looking for, there she was, looking at me through the screen, love at first sight!

After being directed to 'Angels Rescue UK' who had rescued her, I then corresponded with the very friendly and helpful ladies that run this fantastic charity.  The information they needed was sent and then a phone call to arrange a home check was received and carried out.  We passed and a meet and greet was arranged at Skegness.

She was adorable when we met, happy to be hugged and we could see that once her fur had grown back and love had been showered on her, she would be so happy with us. Her fosterers answered all the questions we had and were great with her, letting us know the history that they knew and what was going to happen next, especially with the vet appointment.

So, Tia's journeys on Sweetbriar Dreams will now begin.  She will come and visit you on here and I do hope you follow her progress and her happy times with us.  If you follow me on other social media platforms her hashtag is #tiathecavalierangel and she will be sharing her journeys.  She would love you to follow where her paws take her, she'll make you smile as she settles in.

Angels Rescue is a fantastic group so please do go along and join.  It would be wonderful if you also went along and made a donation to help fund their work.  This is my first adoption and I doubt it will be my last, but they have helped me every step of the way and are true angels!  Tia is proof of this so if you are dog lover, go along and show your support, even if just to follow along and write your support to others.  Tia has had to put up with issues in the past which were not pleasant and I won't go into them and also has to endure the uncertainty of a grade 3/6 heart murmur, but we will be with her every step of the way.

Coco left us ten weeks ago and it has been hard as you know, but she has guided us to Tia through the support groups on Facebook.  She still shows us how wonderful she is, even though passed.  Thank you Coco for Tia, and thank you Angels Rescue for all the hard work of rescuing and rehoming Tia.

Apologies this week that I have not visited you after your kind comments, as you will understand, there has been a lot of settling in to do and I promise I will be catching up soon along with writing up my post on Bletchley Park.

Have a wonderful weekend and week.

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Sunday 21 June 2015

The Peterborough Heritage Weekend... and a Blog Anniversary ♥

With the Peterborough Heritage Weekend making its appearance on the lawns of the Palace and Cathedral precincts it reminded me that it must be time for an anniversary!  I can't believe that it's been three years!  Three years since I pressed the publish button and out into the ether I went.  What a journey!  My blog has taken its twist and turns and has taught me an enormous amount, along with meeting so many lovely people along the way through blogging.  So, thank you for following along and leaving comments, it's made it all worth while!  But, let's get back to why you are really here - back to the Heritage Weekend!  I have taken you here back in 2012, 2013 and 2014, so let's have a look around in 2015.

The Bishop's Palace garden had been taken over with tents containing Romans and Tudors...

... and horses!

The re-enacters were more than happy to pose again.  I do love the way they play to the camera but also have a wealth of knowledge on the era they are acting.

Over in the Deanery Garden tents were up here too...

... and little nooks and crannies, such as this archway...

Up on the hill in the Deanery Garden, we stood under the canopy of the new leaves and then, "Is that rain?"  Not the sprinkling of showers promised but an almighty downpour!  Out came the colourful umbrellas to shelter (guess who didn't pack theirs?)

We stood under this thick canopy until the water started to run down the leaves on to us and the ground below.

The feathers in caps were dripping.

The Tudors were sheltering with the chaps from World War I/II.

And the jousting area was a lot soggier than when I took this shot earlier!

Now believe me, there is nothing I like better than walking in the rain, it makes my heart so happy, but I do need the comfort of a good welly boot, a kagool and a colourful umbrella and I was sadly lacking in all three departments!  My straightened hair was now in frizzy ringlets and my eyes looked as though I had been to an Alice Cooper convention... time to go unfortunately, otherwise people would have thought I was part of the show!  Unfortunately, we sadly didn't stay for the jousting.

Once cleaned up and presentable on the train, it was time to do a little bit of shopping for an eagerly awaited lady! (All will be revealed soon dear Readers).

It's going to be a busy week next week, including a visit to Bletchley Park, home of the code breakers during WWII - I very much doubt that Benedict Cumberbatch will be there though!  However, the highlight of the week will be getting to know the new addition to the family who as you know, will be so loved and cherished in our house.


Mr Teen and Hubby will go to collect her a couple of days earlier than planned while I finish up at work and then it will be happiness and laughter once more in the Sweetbriar Dreams household.  The carpet has been rolled out to greet her!

Until next week dear Readers, have a wonderful Sunday and week and thanks so much for following and commenting as I twist and turn my way through Blogland!  I am so happy that you visit me and my little journeys each week  ♥

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Wednesday 17 June 2015

Wordless Wednesday - Don't Call Me Molly!

A Molly Dancer in Whitby recently

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