
Sunday 21 June 2015

The Peterborough Heritage Weekend... and a Blog Anniversary ♥

With the Peterborough Heritage Weekend making its appearance on the lawns of the Palace and Cathedral precincts it reminded me that it must be time for an anniversary!  I can't believe that it's been three years!  Three years since I pressed the publish button and out into the ether I went.  What a journey!  My blog has taken its twist and turns and has taught me an enormous amount, along with meeting so many lovely people along the way through blogging.  So, thank you for following along and leaving comments, it's made it all worth while!  But, let's get back to why you are really here - back to the Heritage Weekend!  I have taken you here back in 2012, 2013 and 2014, so let's have a look around in 2015.

The Bishop's Palace garden had been taken over with tents containing Romans and Tudors...

... and horses!

The re-enacters were more than happy to pose again.  I do love the way they play to the camera but also have a wealth of knowledge on the era they are acting.

Over in the Deanery Garden tents were up here too...

... and little nooks and crannies, such as this archway...

Up on the hill in the Deanery Garden, we stood under the canopy of the new leaves and then, "Is that rain?"  Not the sprinkling of showers promised but an almighty downpour!  Out came the colourful umbrellas to shelter (guess who didn't pack theirs?)

We stood under this thick canopy until the water started to run down the leaves on to us and the ground below.

The feathers in caps were dripping.

The Tudors were sheltering with the chaps from World War I/II.

And the jousting area was a lot soggier than when I took this shot earlier!

Now believe me, there is nothing I like better than walking in the rain, it makes my heart so happy, but I do need the comfort of a good welly boot, a kagool and a colourful umbrella and I was sadly lacking in all three departments!  My straightened hair was now in frizzy ringlets and my eyes looked as though I had been to an Alice Cooper convention... time to go unfortunately, otherwise people would have thought I was part of the show!  Unfortunately, we sadly didn't stay for the jousting.

Once cleaned up and presentable on the train, it was time to do a little bit of shopping for an eagerly awaited lady! (All will be revealed soon dear Readers).

It's going to be a busy week next week, including a visit to Bletchley Park, home of the code breakers during WWII - I very much doubt that Benedict Cumberbatch will be there though!  However, the highlight of the week will be getting to know the new addition to the family who as you know, will be so loved and cherished in our house.


Mr Teen and Hubby will go to collect her a couple of days earlier than planned while I finish up at work and then it will be happiness and laughter once more in the Sweetbriar Dreams household.  The carpet has been rolled out to greet her!

Until next week dear Readers, have a wonderful Sunday and week and thanks so much for following and commenting as I twist and turn my way through Blogland!  I am so happy that you visit me and my little journeys each week  ♥

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  1. Oh, I can't wait to "meet" her! So very happy for you and your family! xxx

  2. Happy blogiversary! That festival looks so cool - I'd totally love to go! Nice photos.

  3. Happy blogiversary. Looking forward to seeing your new addition :o)

  4. What a beautiful and interesting post, Chel!
    Congratulations for the three lovely blogging years! xx

  5. Hello Chel,
    Very good shots of that nice event. Wonderful.
    Congratulations with your blog.

    Many greetings,

  6. Hello Chel, the Heritage weekend looks like a lot of fun! The photos are awesome. I can take a pretty good guess as to what the new addition will be. Happy blogiversary! I am looking forward to many more of your post. Have a happy new week!

  7. Happy blogiversary. The heritage weekend looked amazing such a great event.

  8. Congratulations with your blog anniversary and I'm really looking forward to your new addition......
    That heritage weekend must have been fun, a shame of the rain but nevertheless lots of magnificent pictures and lots of happy faces.

  9. Great fun visiting with you. Look forward to all the interesting adventures you invite me to see. Can't wait for the coming event-your new family member. Hugs to you.

  10. Happy Blogoversity Chel! I know we're all glad that you made that big step into the virtual world and started sharing yours.
    England is so fascinating. I hope you know how lucky you are to be surrounded by all our lovely ancient culture. You get to do things that others can only dream of.
    Hope your day is blessed. ~:)

  11. Chel, I really enjoyed seeing the photos from the Peterborough Heritage Week. It would be a wonderful event to take in but it's too bad about the rain showers. I can't wait to meet your new family member. So exciting for you all! We watched Bletchely Circle (?) on Netflix this spring and really enjoyed the series which was far too short, I must say. We haven't seen the movie with Benedict yet though. Congrats on your anniversary of your blog. I've certainly enjoyed visiting and reading of your adventures. Have a good week. xx Pamela

  12. I really enjoyed this visit, I think I have been with you most times you've been to the heritage week in blogland and it's always a pleasure. I love seeing all the costumes etc. And so looking forward to your new addition.


  13. You have taken some wonderful photos from your day out, it looks a lot of fun, well done on your blogging anniversary think I have been about the same time. Look forward to seeing some photos of the new family member...
    Amanda xx

  14. A happy blog anniversary to you, Chel! What a fun outing even with the rain but yes, I would need protection too. Had to go look what a kagool was...never heard that term. :) As for your little lady, I'm looking forward to meeting her. I know you are excited to welcome her home. Have a wonderful week!

  15. How exciting!! I've lost count how many years I've been blogging, i'll have to have a look lol x

  16. The pictures and posts are stunning always on your blog. Happy Anniversary. All the wonderful history. Congrats and heres to many more years in blogland.

  17. Thanks for taking us along to the festival! I love events like this. Costumed re-enactors always make things far more real - and I love the Tudors and the WW1 guys were hanging out! Too funny! Can't wait to meet that new pooch of yours!

  18. Congratulations with the 3 Year blog anniversary Chel! And I was so Happy to read the best news - The arrival of the new family member ... I can't wait to see the pictures of her!

  19. How exciting, Chel. I bet you're all like kids (and some adults!) waiting for Christmas! :o)

  20. "an Alice Cooper convention" HAHAHAHA! That was funny! What a lovely place to visit, although, I'm sorry it rained you out.

    Congratulations on your blogaversary :)

    I can't wait to see your new little girl!

    Have a wonderful week, Chel.


  21. Hello,
    You are so fun. I so enjoy your photos and stories. :-)
    Well done!
    Have a blessed week!

  22. Oh Chel, how absolutely delightful! How I wish I could have tagged along with you :) Thank you so much for sharing your fabulous photos.

    Congratulations on three years of blogging, weet friend! You are a joy, blessing, and inspiration to the blogging community. Also, I can't wait to see the newest addition to your famiy :) Love and hugs!

  23. What a thrill to be there and see history unfold before your eyes.
    I would love to have been there. The building is so gorgeous.

  24. Looks like a fun filled weekend. Gorgeous photos Chel. Shame you missed the jousting, it's very exciting. Congratulations on your 3rd anniversary. Can't wait for the photos of your new puppy :-)

  25. I always enjoyed going to these kind of festivals when we lived in England, so much fun. Congrats on 3 years!

  26. What a fun celebration at the Cathedral. I really enjoyed seeing the various actors in their costumes. Too bad about the rain. So happy that you have a new puppy coming to your home.

  27. Happy blogging anniversary!! The heritage weekend looks a lot of fun, shame about the downpour though. Looking forward to meeting your newest family member soon :-) xx

  28. Don't know how I missed this post but what a fun one it was despite the rain! I saw on FB earlier that your sweet little Tia is now with you and your family. She is such a beautiful little lady. I know you are all so happy to have the love and companionship of another furry family member. As I type, my hubby is laying in the floor with our Sadie. They are both loving the soft new rug I purchased. Have a lovely rest of the week my friend!

  29. What a pity about the rain at the heritage weekend; it looked really good. We've had a few days of nice weather and are back to the rain again. Hope all goes well with the new addition to your family.

  30. I really should make this event sometime, Chel - it looks amazing. Meanwhile - superbly captured by your excellent photography. Happy anniversary!

  31. I really should make this event sometime, Chel - it looks amazing. Meanwhile - superbly captured by your excellent photography. Happy anniversary!

  32. I enjoyed seeing the costumes. So happy about the new addition to your family!

  33. It's always an adventure to visit your blog and see where we are going today! Great photos my friend. Thanks for taking us along again this year! Happy blogging! Hugs, Diane


Thank you so much for visiting, I love reading your comments and will answer either by email or on the blog. You can also email me privately in my side bar. Have a great day x