
Saturday 15 November 2014

The Best Made Plans - Gone to Pot!

Well, the best made plans and all that!  I had Friday off to catch up with myself after having many sleepless nights with Coco and getting her used to her medication (thank you so much for your kind comments about her).  She slept the whole of Thursday night so I was totally refreshed and thought I could go out and have a walk around Spalding, something I haven't done for ages.  Well, it was pouring down, Coco was not coming for a walk, no way, no how! Unfortunately that meant that Hubby and Mr Teen were also very reluctant (I mean, they weren't going to dissolve with a bit of water were they?).  With Miss Teen in school I was outnumbered, so the housework was my regular friend again - time to beat the rain and get the mountain of washing dry!
Hmmm, no, washing was not going to dry due to tumble drier deciding to die on me, so there was not going to be any sitting down here...
Instead I was going to sit in here for a while... not the most riveting of places I have to say!
Luckily I was the only one in here and the drying was finished before I knew it.  So, rather than spend this week's blog post boring you with the whys and wherefores of launderette etiquette you will be pleased to know that the rain did eventually stop and myself and Miss Teen got our day out to catch up on Spalding.  It was time to leave the rain drops on the window panes and travel a handful of miles to the market town.
Our morning had been visiting Mumsy and Dad, Dad being still very poorly from a particularly bad spout of flu that has left him with various serious ailments.  As a result myself and Mumsy haven't been doing our usual visits out and about - I miss her!  Yes you Mum!  Then me and Miss Teen set off to town.  It was misty and the longer we were out the more mistier it became.
We noticed that this was going at the White Horse Pub...
The re-ridging of the thatch has certainly smartened this lovely pub up.  It reminds me so much of my old Sweetbriar Cottage and its protective thatched roof.
Time for a bit of shopping at one of the antique shops in The Crescent for Miss Teen's birthday present.  This was with some of the birthday money she received and something that she kept thinking and going back to.  I think she made a very good choice!
Then onto the fifteenth century's Ayscoughee Hall...
This Museum has many events during the year, but all was quiet today.
And here is the back, we weren't going inside today (a past post when I did go inside is here).
The gardens were quiet so we had a leisurely walk among the ancient yew hedge.  Their soft mounds of greenness are beautiful to look at.
However, walking underneath, they are a different story and quiet creepy!
Especially when I put the flash on!
I was glad to get away from there really!  Then a walk along the perimeter and enjoying the brickwork along with the street lights beyond wall.
Christmas is in the air and seeing the holly didn't seem out of place now.
The mistiness of the day was beginning to make its presence known, with St Mary and St Nicholas' spire gradually being camouflaged.
 But we just had to do a bit of this...
And of course, a bit of that...
One of things that we do like to look at is the Ice House.  This was where the ice from the nearby lake was collected and then put onto a slab in an enclosed chamber within the Ice House.  There are apparently three chambers so that the inner one is protected from any heat and is in an air lock.
The lake looked so peaceful with this low light and mist.  At the other end, the War Memorial, now quiet after the Remembrance Services.
After this little walk, we had to go to Springfields Outlet and Gardens.  The mist was really coming down now.
I was then abandoned by Miss Teen while she caught up briefly with some friends, so I thought this was the best opportunity for some quiet time for me and a walk around the gardens.  I felt totally alone while the hustle and bustle was kept for the Christmas shoppers in the Outlet shops.
The trees are all shedding their leaves now and the bark set against them was beautiful to capture.
Springfields has many sculptures and this one wasn't turning today.  It reminds me of a water mill decorated with cushions!
There were also some interesting mushrooms... I wasn't touching this one which was dripping its ink.
The mist was incredibly low now, so it was time to meet up again with Miss Teen and head off home.
With plans in place for the next few weeks (Sandringham next week, Hampton Court Palace the week after and then Camden Town and Trafalgar Square the week after that) when am I going to fit Christmas shopping in??!

I hope you can join me next week as we visit the Sandringham Christmas Craft Fair - maybe that's when my Christmas shopping will start.

But now, with Coco back from a walk, medication in place and lots of cuddles, it's time for a rest!
Thanks so much for your visits and comments last week, along with some lovely new followers.  You really do make my day!

Have a lovely weekend and week enjoying the changes of the season.

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  1. What a wonderful outing and brilliant pics. You sound like you deserve to coorie up beside Coco for a little snooze.

  2. I am happy to hear that you had a lovely walk about with your daughter in spite of the wet weather. Such beautiful always. I look forward to the next posts and seeing some new places. Always lovely to go walking with you! I am so happy that Coco is doing better. She is so sweet covered with her afghan. Enjoy the remainder of your weekend.

    Hugs, Vicky

  3. I really enjoyed this walk!!!
    happy to know your Coco is feeling better!
    xxxxxx Ale

  4. Lovely post & photos, I adore your daughters ring, it was a fine choice! I'm glad Coco is getting better for you.

  5. What a wonderful outing, I love your atmospheric photos.

    Good to know that Coco is on the mend, poor little thing.


  6. Sweet little Coco!!! Great pics. Looking forward to the the fair!
    Best wishes for a beautiful new week ahead,
    Linda at Beautiful Ideas

  7. So glad Coco is doing better. What wonderful places you take us to on your blog. The garden in the mist is quietly beautiful. Love the long pool with the war memorial at the end. Your daughter chose her ring well.

  8. Lovely photos Chel - you've really captured the atmosphere of those quiet misty days we seem to be having. And I've never actually seen an ink cap mushroom 'dripping' before - wow! So sorry to hear little Coco has been poorly but glad she's on the mend. Hope your dad is also feeling a bit brighter. So glad to hear somebody else hasn't done their Christmas shopping yet - I've got to feel proper 'Christmassy' before I can get started and to be honest I'm just not 'feeling' it yet - maybe we need some snow! Have a lovely week x Jane

  9. I hope that your Dad is feeling better again soon and that you can get out with Mumsy. I love your daughters ring, it is beautiful and is something that she will treasure forever I am sure. xx

  10. I love the inky fungi photo As for C Shopping - who needs it?

  11. I could live in your small village..beautiful. Hope you get your dyer fixed. Blessings

  12. I'm glad Coco is doing better. Give her a hug from me! As always, your photos are beautiful and I feel like I was there with you. :o)

  13. You certainly had a full day despite the weather. Love the dripping wet spider web photo.

  14. Beautiful photos...the inky mushroom one is awesome!

  15. Hi Chel! Aw! Coco is VERY cute! Your outing looks fun! I think Miss Teen picked a great way to spend her birthday money! Pretty!

  16. It's the gnarled old trunks that make the yew creepy I think, and that's without the tentacles!!

  17. Coco looks so comfy. I hope she's getting better and sleeping!

  18. Do not know where to start because there were so many interesting sights along your way. From the pearls of water droplets on the spider’s web to the black pearl-like stone on the birthday ring. It all looks grand, from manicured garden to a creepy forest and mushroom dripping with black that looks like hat.

  19. I loved this walk with you and your daughter and as always, you brought back some splendid, so interesting, pics Chel.
    That's great thatching job in progress - let's hope the art never dies, I know it's hard these days though to find good thatchers.
    Hope your Dad is doing better by now too.

    Hugs - Mary

  20. What a fantastic day out and Miss Teen picked a beautiful ring.

  21. Well, you crammed so much in Chel - and it was all beautifully photographed - as usual. I confess I've never heard of Ayscoughfee - one for the list, I think, because it looks fabulous. Ah - launderettes - I didn't know they were still around! In younger days, I used to deposit a bin-bag full of washing at the local launderette for a 'service wash before work'. When I collected it that evening, it was all done and dried. Oh - and it was a very pretty ring that Miss T chose.

  22. Thank you for this wonderful walk I had with your and your daughter! What charming places you present! Beautiful gardens and time washed houses - I love that!
    Have a good time

  23. Oh Coco is such a button I wish the very best for baby Coco, your photos are out of this world beautiful Chel I just love them and love the thatch on the roof so beautiful. Omgosh just so much beauty to comment on, the raindrop sphere spider web is awesome and the trees totally cool.

    I love it all and love your story talk; you're a beautiful lady from the inside out Chel! Hugs

  24. Hi Chel, I do hope your dryer is working now! I hope your dad and the dog are felling better too. Thanks for sharing the lovely photos of your day spent with the BDay girl! Enjoy the rest of the week.

  25. Chel, just found you from your comment on Lorrie's blog. Love your photos! England is my favourite place on earth, so ... And since rainy or misty days are my favourite kind of days, I especially like that shot of raindrops on the spiderweb!

  26. Hi Chel, so enjoyed your post and all the wonderful pics. So nice to meet you and I am a new follower now. Thank you for stopping by and your following too.
    So hope your dad feels better and also your precious dog. What a cutie.
    Wishing you a nice weekend.
    Hugs from Texas!

  27. Hello! How fun to meet you... So glad to have found you right back! Lovely photos, made me feel like I was on a journey!
    Thanks so much for becoming a follower, I added that gadget years into blogging. I really wonder how many of them our actually, visiting my blog. Looking forward to visiting again soon!
    Warmly, Roxy

  28. Chel, I enjoyed this walk with you. Those yew! I'm glad your little Coco is doing better.

  29. What lovely photos! Thanks for taking us along on your adventures. I haven't been to Lincolnshire yet but am really keen to go. I'm just trying to figure out how to pronounce Ayscoughfee.

  30. It took me a while Mandy to get it right, but it's "Ass Coffee" Hall :-) Doesn't sound so romantic now does it??!!

  31. I've been missing some posts from you Chel. I don't know why. I did enjoy this one though and all your wonderful photos and goings on. I'm glad all is well.

  32. Wow, this is the kind of blog post that I sometimes think I should be doing but haven't got the nerve. You have pulled it off in style, Congratulations. Although I haven't been in ... just from tourist info, that garden and pond remind me a little of Bodnant in North Wales.


Thank you so much for visiting, I love reading your comments and will answer either by email or on the blog. You can also email me privately in my side bar. Have a great day x