
Sunday 9 November 2014

The Autumn Kick

This week there has been a noticeable change in the air.  Autumn has been banging to get into its usual place in the Earth's calendar but the mild flow of the air has been preventing it taking hold.  But now at last as I walk my little Cavalier (Coco) in the evenings, we have started to feel that welcome bite that nips at the ears and noses.  The ozone smell as you re-enter your home and bring with you the cold freshness of outside just brings a whole different meaning of 'cozy'.
Autumn has finally turned around to Summer and kicked it out saying 'you've had your time - now it's my turn!'.
Autumn has decided to freshen up the décor and laid a new multi-coloured carpet, not the soft green pile of summer's grass and daisies, but a more practical crispy mat to catch the eye and the heavier shoes and boots.
It has decided to open the curtains and let the light flood in by shaking off the canopies from the trees.
Autumn's frosty mornings wake up the grass' dreamy slumber by melting the overnight coolness with a warmer shower.
The remaining harvest slowly falls to the ground.
Being left now for nature to fatten its bellies for the winter months.
Skeletons start to appear amongst the slow decay around the garden.
So, I'm happy with the Autumn Kick as I surround myself with my Grandad's research papers to fill what was my gardening time, to spend time with my Coco who has recently been diagnosed with Syringomyelia, to try and get my laptop back up to speed afters its 'illness' a couple of weeks ago, to get my hook out once again to start some creativity (I haven't done any for ages!) and to start getting ready for the Christmas rush (yes, sorry, I said the 'C' word!).
Autumn, I have missed you so much and now you are back, my internal glow and creativity can come out of hibernation again.

I hope you are enjoying your change of season too.

Have a wonderful weekend and week.

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  1. Lovely photos and post ! Autumn is slowing being kicked out by old man winter here on and off as Autumn fights back every now and then some have had snow in the north and in the east but here in the south of Ontario we are just hanging on . The air is crisp the winds do blow the sun shines and all is good ! Thanks for sharing , Have a good week !

  2. Such lovely photos and words Chel. Your Grandad would be so proud. We are finally enjoying the crisp cool that Autumn brings here as well. Long sleeves are even being worn occasionally and the heat has has to be turned on more than once. I love this season and the approaching holidays. Blessings to you sweet friend....Vicky

  3. I love Autumn as well as Spring for 2 reasons; Autumn is the end of something new to arrive and because the air smells so fresh and crisp, and Spring because it's the beginning of something new and because the air is filled with not just pollen but, good fresh new renewed scents.

    Beautiful nature shots my friend and so sorry to hear about your pup that has got to be so heartbreaking, my deepest wishes and prayers. ♥

  4. So sorry to read about Coco Chel, I hope there is something that can be done to slow it down. Take care x

  5. Lovely Autumn post, we walked on the beach this morning away from the reminders of the season, but back at home it was frosty. So sorry to hear about you dog, I hope you can get a balance between the treatment and a quality of life for now at least to buy you some more time together.

  6. It's so nice when we are SURE that summer is gone (so we can start looking forward to the NEXT summer). I love the fall foliage and yours is PERFECT! Stay toasty!

  7. Beautiful autumn post Chel, I loved reading your words and the pictures are magnificent, especially the first one of the skies.I am so sorry to hear about the disease of Coco, best thing is to spend time with her as much as possible.

  8. I was reading YOUR blog when I saw a comment come in from you! I love when that happens. And I love that beautiful leaf face at the end of your post. It's nice here in Florida. We don't have such a drastic weather change but we have shorter days and cooler nights. Enjoy your week my friend! Hugs, Diane

  9. Your photos are beautiful :) x

  10. Hi Chel,
    Autumn is definitely with us, isn't it ? ….. in fact, it was a bit wintery today !!! Gorgeous autumnal photographs. Have a lovely week. XXXX

  11. Another beautiful post, Chel. Give Coco gentle hugs from me. :o)

  12. Love your photos, yes it's definitely colder this week! Although at the moment it is 30degrees in my dining room as I have been piling the wood on the burners! oops!!

  13. I love the fall, the colors are vibrant, the air cool, and the whisper of 'slowing down' and soon yes the holiday season is approaching. Thanksgiving and then Christmas. Always wonderful. Love your blog. Always a blessing.

  14. Hi Chel, I loved all your pretty fall photos! I really love the last photo of the statue on the tree! I love fall too and it's now cold here! I have family who are already finished with Christmas shopping! I will start mine this week before the rush starts! Have a wonderful week. Take care friend!

  15. lovely post and inspiration and also reading here...blessings ❤

  16. Such a beautiful post! Your photos are absolutely stunning! I too enjoy autumn and that feeling that comes along with the new air! Wishing you an autumn full of warmth and creativity!! Nicole xo

  17. Beautiful photos at this time of year there are so many photo opportunities - yes, the time has come for spending more time indoors and getting our creative thinking caps on.

  18. Such lovely observations on autumn and your photos are wonderful too. So sorry to hear about Coco, that must be so upsetting for you. I hope that treatment can go as well as possible. xx

  19. Yes, I'm very glad that autumn is eventually behaving like autumn. This is a lovely post so thanks for showing us the beauties of the season.

  20. So sorry to read that about Coco. I hope it is slow progressing. Interesting that it is mainly a cavalier disease. I loved those apple shots, beautiful.

  21. Sorry to hear about poor little Coco - it's so upsetting when they are ill especially with a serious problem

  22. I was so involved in your post I felt rather chilly as I read your wonderful autumnal words (and looked at your beautiful pics).
    I'm so sorry to hear about Coco's illness I hope you both get to enjoy more autumnal walks together.
    Ali xx

  23. Nice autumnal post. Here we're rapidly moving from fall to winter with cold temps arriving this week. So sad about that.
    Love that last photo.

  24. Beautiful autumn has been slow to arrive here, too, but we've had a touch of frost the past couple of nights, so I think it's official. Your photos are lovely. Enjoy this season of seeing the structure of things.

  25. A lovely post, Chel - you have captured Autumn's many beauties. I am so sorry about your dear little Coco - I do hope it is the mildest form. It sounds like you are all ready for the winter season with plenty to keep you busy. Your photos are amazing! xo Karen

  26. Your pictures should be in a calendar for the autumn months: I'd love to watch them for a whole month!

  27. Fantastic pictures, Chel, this is autumn at it's best! Start beeing misty here in Austria but it was a fantastic season at least!
    Have a happy happy time and another beautiful autumn days

  28. I have been enjoying the season, much beauty! And, like you say, now that there is less "outdoor" time, it's good to get back to indoor projects . Your photos, as always, are stunning. The first one of the sky is spectacular. Enjoy autumn!

  29. Thanks for visiting my blog. Your photos are gorgeous!

  30. Hello Chel
    Autumn is my favourite season of the year.
    She arrives quietly, almost unnoticed until we suddenly feel the first chill in the air.
    The squishy coloured leaves underfoot, meals by the fireside, hot chocolate and red noses!
    I love it all too.
    You described it beautifully!

  31. Beautiful photos! Great shades of colors!

  32. So many well deserved compliments on your photography indicative of how you view your world! I love the lady with the mossy green makeup at the end. :)

  33. Lovely close ups, colours, textures and composition.


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