
Saturday 3 May 2014

My April in Pictures

April has gone in a blink of an eye.  All the days seem to have merged into one cloudy, colourful soup so it was lovely to go back through the camera to see how different each day was this month.  This was part of the 'Show Us Your April' link up by the great Amy at Ms Toody Goo Shoes.  So, let's start looking through my camera card for April.

1. A colleague was retiring and I was tasked with trying to capture a photo which included the Palace arch along with Peterborough Cathedral as one of his leaving gifts.  Task successful!

2. On our ivy, which was beginning to show signs of life, we noticed a little bit of movement right at the top by Mr Teen's bedroom.  A nest! but I wondered if anything would survive up there.
3. Other colours were beginning to paint the garden.
4. Poor Coco!  She needed a rest after her latest groom.  However she wasn't cut so short like the previous groomer so still has her Cavalier gorgeousness in her curly ears.  We will be using this lovely lady again.
5. Over the last month we have seen the scaffolding poles and planks gradually rise at the side of the Cathedral for some restoration work.  The orders from the workmen on each level as steadily they lift the meccano set were noisy and direct, but they are thankfully at the top now and the work can safely begin.
6. The gorgeous garden mirror that I bought and teased you with after seeing it at Sandringham's craft fair has now been hung in its place under the pergola by the fig tree.  I love the metal work, it reminds me of a peacock's plumage.
7. Oh yes, the 7th was a HAPPY day in my lovely London town, visiting Selfridges.  What an entrance!
8. I needed a rest from walking around the City, so a spot of growing on in the greenhouse was my therapy.
9. What a day!  A car crash, a funeral, a visit to our old Sweetbriar cottage, and then a quick spot of lunch here in Thaxted.  A post will follow with our little stop off on the way home.
10. A lovely package from a sweet friend, Karen at Beatrice Euphemie.  Tonic indeed while nursing bad necks from the accident.
11. A day in the garden and protecting these little lovelies from the lawnmower!
12. Noticing the increasing colours that were growing around me.  A lazy day at home.
13. Time for more work around the garden, after all, I had to keep Mr Teen busy and what perfect way than to power wash the patio from all the winter blackness.
14. Taking advantage of the sunshine, the washing was being hung out and I noticed these little beauties bowing their heads in honour of the warm sunshine.  
15. A mixed bag of a weather day, but another surprise was awaiting me with this rose which I bought a few years ago.  This was in memory of an ancestor who died in WWI, and it blooms at the time he was killed in action in 1914.  His name was Ernest, just like the rose.
16. Maundy Thursday.  An incredibly busy day at work, so it was a blessing that I could have a quiet walk after everything was done.
17 and 18.  Time to rest my weary feet and put together my weekly flowers for the various vases around the house.
19. Apple blossom!!  I love it when this makes an appearance.
20. Easter!  I wanted to hide these around the garden to embarrass my two teens but it was pouring down!!
21. A spot of crafting.  My first real attempt at patchwork.
22. The sky was a beautiful dark blue today.  I loved watching the white clouds contrast with the sky.
23. So, so, so many photos of this tulip were taken.  With some re-decoration going on in the utility room, I wanted a piece of my photography to go on the wall.  I think this one was my favourite and I will send this off to be framed.
24. A colourful car in the precincts.  This did make me smile!
25. Time for a drink in work... chai latte with my name on it!!
26. Bluebells surrounding the Cathedral.  They are everywhere at the moment.
27. Remember the nest at the beginning of the month?... look! new life nestling next to its mother!!
28. A postcard from overseas!  The lovely Bronwyn at Queen B sent me this all the way from her 'neck of the woods'.
29. The weather is getting a little cooler.  Still not ready to plant out the nursery plants.
30. Mother is off getting food.  There are two little ones in the nest, or should I say perched on top.  I hope May isn't windy!
It's been eventful, a little painful, but a very colourful month.  So, as the May bank holiday begins, I think back to the beginning of the year when I said this was the year of change (this was a little gift from my lovely friend Vicky at Life on Willie Mae Lane) at the beginning of the year - so sorry Vicky to have taken so long to say a public thank you!).
There have been little changes here and there, but just subtle at the moment due to Mr Teen getting ready for his GCSE's and I don't want to disrupt things too much.  However, I feel like freshening up the blog a little in May, so you may start nothing little bits here and there.  Nothing like a spring clean!

Have a wonderful weekend, especially those with a Bank Holiday weekend!!

p.s. Another 2lbs lost!!

Take care.

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  1. Hi Chel, wow what wonderful pictures you took all month! I love them all but especially of Coco and the little birds in their nests. Of course I love the flowers too. Have a wonderful weekend and week.

  2. Lots of lovely photos & Coco looks so sweet. Hope you have a great bank holiday weekend.

  3. Bravo for the 2lbs lost!
    I enjoyed that roll through April in your part of the world.

  4. Hey friend!!! Such a beautiful April!!! And that garden mirror is stunning!!! As are all of your fresh blooms!! Congrats on losing 2 pounds!! And here is to a great May!!! Nicole xo

  5. These are really pretty photos for your month of April. Such a busy gal you are. Coco is SO cute!! Just adorable. I love your sunburst mirror on the patio. Lovely. Have a happy May, Chel!

  6. Oh! For a moment I thought you had a sneaky day in 'the big smoke'!!! Love all the April photos from your world! Here's to a merry May! X

  7. You had a good month! I love the garden mirror, it's really beautiful.

  8. I'm sorry that you have had some sadder moments in April, but glad that you had lots of good ones too! I hope that May is a great month for you. xx

  9. A real great month review with lovely pictures. I was touched by Coco the King Charles spaniel, she looks so sweet resting of the exciting visit to the groomer.

  10. So many really beautiful photos there Chel. The mirror is fantastic, it looks wonderful on that wall. Your little doggie is one of the sweetest I've ever seen. You've done a good job of selling that breed, I'd have one tomorrow if the opportunity arose! I hope you enjoy the rest of the long weekend. CJ xx

  11. Great idea to record the month in pictures. I love the nest! :)

  12. Your April was filled with lovelies every day! Isn't it nice to take time to enjoy the simple things of life? Thanks for the shout-out...:) Your tulip photo is absolutely stunning! Your garden mirror is perfect and looks wonderful in that spot! I always enjoy my visits with feels as if you are an old friend! Congrats on another 2 pounds! You're doing great...:) Enjoy your weekend...Vicky

  13. What great photos capturing life during the month of April. Do you really put out all of those jugs of flowers each week in your home? So lovely! I'm glad the postcard arrived!

  14. A fantastic photo diary, Chel! A HUGE thank you for participating! Each photo is better than the next -- I'm hard pressed to pic a favorite, but I love the bird nest pictures, the tulip photo, and the bluebells around the cathedral. I'm sorry to read about your accident - hope everyone is ok.

  15. Loved sharing April from your point of view Chel - you made it look so colorful, interesting and wonderful!

    Hope you weekend is fun.
    Mary x

  16. Lovely photo's of April in your neck of the woods Chel. So different to April down here where we are looking forward to winter. You'll have to keep us updated about the baby birds.


  17. Looks like you have had a wounderful month full of different things.

  18. Some great photos but the one of Coco has to be my favourite.

  19. Your photos are fantastic! I think Coco is absolutely adorable!! How lovely that you fill your home with such pretty flowers. I hope you're enjoying the long weekend.

  20. I enjoyed this very much! Interesting and lovely...all of those bluebells ! :) And your doves ...what a treat to spot and be able to photograph the nest : )

  21. I love all your flower shots, it's sooo April. Gorgeous photos! (

  22. What a lovely recap of your month. April is very pretty with the bluebells and apple blossoms, tulips and more. Isn't it true that life is a mixed drink of joy and sorrow. Wishing you only joy this month of May.

  23. You've had a busy month! Glad you found time to record it in pictures.

  24. your photos are so nice!! I add you if you can please add my blog into yours! thanks :)

  25. Fab photos, Chel. It's nice to see Coco. :o)


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