
Saturday 26 April 2014

A Bluebell Walk Around the Cathedral

I must apologise for being a little scarce over the last couple of weeks.  Since my visit to Sweetbriar Cottage and the funeral of my dear old neighbour, I feel as though the wind has ceased blowing and I am stuck in the doldrums. Maybe it was also the wrong time to start my diet too after stepping onto the evil contraption that has gathered so much dust in the corner of the bathroom.  I always tend to avoid the unmentionable number gatherer but with clothes starting to cut me in half I became curious, and of course, curiosity killed the cat! It mocked me with its numbers informing me of the huge amount of weight I had gained!

So my dear Readers, to avert my mind from the dreaded four letter word DIET! And to remind me of the wonderful spring that surrounds me, I would like to take you around Peterborough Cathedral while its grounds begin to wake from its ancient slumber.  I haven't shown you around for a little while and today was a bit rainy and dark, but I thoroughly enjoyed this walk as I was alone, alone with my own thoughts and what I would be tapping away to you this evening.
What struck me were the bluebells dotted around the various areas, gradually spreading their springtime blues.  Little pockets of these special bulbs just bursting for this time of year.  Protected by the ancient walls that surround the Cathedral.
The blossom was falling like confetti all around the precincts.  The rain and wind were helping this along, but I loved the pink carpet at my feet.
The moss coming to life on the ancient grave slabs, bringing green to the grey, cold stone.
My favourite lamp post at the far end of the Cathedral that I regularly take photos of was being framed by the new green of the trees that have surrounded it for many years.
Nearby, more pockets of the beautiful sky blue flowers.
The deep pinks of the remaining blossom were set beautifully by a couple of the Cathedral stained glass windows and the old stone.
The evergreen yew trees were being joined by some new grass, freshly growing after the first lawn cut.
The gnarled and twisted bark containing pockets of these soft needle leaves.  So old, but so full of life for a new season.
And still more pockets of the blue bell puddles.
The sky was incredibly grey and the occasional sound of rain on leaves could be heard, but seeing the new green against the cold stone looked wonderful.
From the front of the Cathedral, it looked quite foreboding in the dark weather.
The old sun dial to the left of the Cathedral was not going to give away the secrets of the day's time today.
Even the scaffolders who have been so hard at work trying to get the platforms up for some restoration work, were taking a break from the cold wet rain.  This is the scene from the office window where we have been watching the gradual rise of this enormous mecanno set.
But even on this grey, rainy day (which I personally love!), I can bring you a little more colour with this car whose occupant had a meeting here.  Isn't it great?!!  I just had to share it with you.
I leave you with this little montage of colour of this beautiful spring time set against the old ivy cloaked tree.  Even on a rainy day the colours spring out!
And so, back to the fruit and salads - 5lbs lost this week so far!

Have a wonderful weekend and week.

Take care.

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  1. Ugh I know that problem with the weight gain- it seems like when I reached my 50's it got worse. Love these pictures- especially the bluebells! That car is the neatest! Sorry about your dear neighbor's passing.

  2. I was wonderful walking around with you thru your photos, truly felt like I was there. I hope you have a wonderful weekend.

  3. Hi Chel, sorry you have been feeling a bit down after the sadness of neighbours passing. Your post to her and her husband was very touching.
    I loved your walk many gorgeous views and thoughtful observations.
    Jacquie x

  4. Absolutely beautiful! Thank you for the lovely spring tour of the cathedral grounds. It's surprising how fast one can gain those few winter pounds. I need to start doing something too. I might start feeling better if I can get moving and get a few pounds lighter. Hang in there Chel. You can do it. Hugs. Pamela

  5. Now I really can't wait to see those lovely bluebells in person....thanks for sharing and counting the days ( today only 5 more days) for our leave to your beautiful country! Good luck with the diet and have a lovely weekend, Anita xx

  6. I love the yew tree trunk that looks like an architectural column. Are they English bluebells? The blue looks a little pale.

    1. I'm not too sure Sue, they look like they have naturalised over the years but I will ask the gardener next time I see him.

  7. Your pictures are always amazingly beautiful.
    thank you... once more for the 'tour' oh and I loved those stained glass windows.
    take care of your self and don't be too hard, life happens. I have gained too.
    At least you are happy, healthy and loved.

  8. Amazing pictures! It was rainy here today as well. Good luck with the diet!

  9. What a stunning building and beautiful grounds! Thank you for sharing all those lovely photos. I shan't mention the D.I.E.T word - bad word! (But I feel your pain, having got that T-shirt and wishing it was was a bit more stretchy!) x

  10. Dear Chel, thank you so much for your kind comments over at Thriftwood today, they mean so much to me, and I am so sorry for your losses too.

    Lovely, lovely pictures, very atmospheric and springlike! Oh and congratulations on the weight loss, you're dong great!

    Have a lovely weekend, sweetie

    Love Claire xxx

  11. Goodness that's a lot of weight to lose in a week - you'll be skin and bone if you're not careful - ha. The cathedral looks wonderful rain or shine and the bluebells enhance its beauty.

  12. Thank you so much for sharing these gorgeous photos today Chel! I needed a little virtual vacation...:) Everything is so lovely and just sings spring! That car is too funny...:) Good luck with the diet...I have been trying to do better myself and have resumed my walking every day. Why oh why does it have to be so difficult? Oh well...we will just do our best! Congrats on the 5 pound loss! Have a blessed weekend...Vicky

  13. So good to lose so much weight in a week, I actually should start a diet too...... Your pictures of the cathedral are gorgeous but I am most impressed of the bluebells on the graves, first one is so beautiful on a grey day.

  14. Fabulous photos, Chel. 5lbs lost in one week is amazing. Well done you! :o)

  15. Chel, it is always a pleasure to stop by, your photos are so inviting!
    Thanks for sharing and all the best to you and yours,

  16. Hey Chel, thanks so much for that pretty walk around the cathedral. I Love that little car! I too need to diet after eating so much Easter chocolates and candy. Good luck with the diet. Have a wonderful weekend and week.
    Julie xoxo

  17. I can sympathize ... after working very hard last summer to lose 15 lbs it has crept back up over the winter! Must get at it again now that our days are longer and my hibernation-food-cravings should be over. Good luck to you.

  18. Lovely photos. Is it me or are the bluebells early this year?

    1. I think after last year's very late spring, the season this year seems to be very quick. I'm enjoying it while it lasts!

  19. You are doing so well with your diet, but don't overdo it!
    I'm with Sue on that tree. I love the way it lines up so beautifully with the architecture of the door.

  20. Hello there, just catching up. So lovely to take a walk around the Cathedral with you and see what beautiful sights it has to offer. Hope that you are feeling more yourself again now and that you are having a good weekend. xx

  21. It was the perfect day for a cathedral visit. Love the moss on the grave stone!

  22. All of these photos are so beautiful, Chel. Each one lovelier than the last. A lovely walk in the rain always clears my head and heart - I hope it helped for you, too. Congrats on losing 5 lbs.! You have inspired me. xo Karen

  23. That was a lovely walk, thanks Chel :-)
    Tracey xx

  24. Hello Chel, lovely photos of the cathedral and the bluebells.. Congrats on the weight loss, I must do the same. I blame it on the winter. Have a happy day and week ahead!

  25. Thank's for an inspiring walk.
    Now, I have to get busy and work in my yard.
    great post.

  26. Good morning Chel,
    What a beautiful post. It's a visual feast! As for the diet, don't be sad. I think it's much easier to regain your old self by taking on your task in a positive way. That approach is working well for me. I congratulate myself when I see a smaller number on my scale. When I see a bigger number, which I occasionally do, I shrug, then pick a number I want to see on the scale and say to myself "in a few days!" It has been a very slow process and I am still at it. Good things don't come easily, do they? Be positive. You will accomplish your goal. And so will I. Right?

  27. I`m sorry to hear about your neighbor funeral.
    I love your blog and i`m so happy to have found it! :)
    Hugs, Debbie

  28. I'm sorry to hear that you've been in the doldrums - but a pound or two loss will lift your spirits. I know - I've been there!
    Thank you for the lovely view of the Cathedral precincts and the gorgeous bluebells.

  29. Love your walking tour, it was fun being there with you through your photos. It is hard losing someone even if you haven't seen them in a while. Time will heal and occasionally you will be reminded of something will make you laugh and feel the presence of that loved one. Hugs to you.

  30. Simply gorgeous photographs ~ everything looks so lovely. So sorry to hear about your loss (and the diet). :)

  31. Absolutely beautiful!!! My condolences over the loss of your friend.


    Kim P

  32. "puddles of blue" , love that phrase and it is so apt ! What a treasure trove of history so beautiful even in these times, and maybe even more-so. I have said it before and i'll say it again, you're so blessed, in spite of your need to diet ! Just think, you can exercise among and around such beauty.

  33. One of my daydreams is to visit Britain during bluebell time, the spring. I imagine there is only a short window for experiencing the bluebells though, so it will have to be in the timing.
    Loved your photo's.


  34. Hi Chel! Thanks so much for following me on my profile page! Have a lovely week ahead!

  35. Hi there Chel ... sorry to hear about your sweet neighbour ... loved my walk with you through those wonderful buildings steeped in soooo much history just inspirational ... I have been out of touch with your posts for a little while, though now I've found you again look forward to reading more of your posts ... and thank you for finding me too! xxx Simone

  36. I know what you mean, I'm afraid to step on our scales as I know I need to drop quite a few pounds. Loved your photos. There were so many that were just stunning that it was hard to pick favorites.

  37. Lovely photos, the one of the moss so pretty and velvety!

  38. Most beautiful and evocative photos. I think the bluebells are quite early this year. Those gravestones are so pretty. There's always so much to see in England's old churches and cathedrals, I am so grateful for them.

  39. Bluebells are some of the prettiest flowers. I love them so much and am happy when they appear in nooks and crannies along the roadways and in gardens.
    Way to go with the unmentionable word - 5 lbs in a week is a great start.

  40. Hi Chel, I am sorry to hear you've been out of sorts since your friends funeral. It's hard to pick yourself up sometimes when you've has sad things to deal with. Your pictures are so pretty and colourful, I bet you really enjoyed your walk around the cathedral. I hope you have a lovely week. :)

  41. I hear your pain when it comes to the dreaded D word, I am doing the same!
    Beautiful pictures. Spring is such a wonderful time, I always have such a feeling of hope. I was enjoying the bluebells in the woods yesterday, they are doing well this year.

  42. You have a lovely blog! My husband is English and we lived in the Midlands when we were first married. England is beautiful and I'm happy to see bits of it through your blog. I will be sending you a package soon, because I was given your name for Stephanie's mug exchange. Yay!

  43. Such beautiful photos Chel! The D word is bandied around here fairly often too. The term middle aged spread has a whole new meaning when it's spreading on your own middle! Thankyou for visiting my blog, and I am so excited to have you as my partner for the Mug Exchange. Love, Mimi xxx

  44. I do love the bluebells so vibrant. Congrats on your diet achievement. Keep up the good work

  45. These photos are stunning. I love bluebells and I love cemetaries...great combo! (


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