
Tuesday 8 April 2014

When the Post Box Brings You Sunshine

The door bell rang on this dark morning and a familiar red jacket could be seen through the frosted glass.  A recognisable smile greeted me as I was handed a large, padded brown envelope with the sweetest scent escaping from it.  This was my morning sunshine received from the lovely Karen at Beatrice Euphemie's giveaway!
Hearts, roses and lavender are three of my favourite things and they are dotted around my home, so these gorgeous additions will settle in very nicely.
This gorgeous little packet made by Karen contains some  sleeping seeds of sweet William, soon to be brought to life in my cut flower patch - if I can bring myself to open this perfect little bundle!
The dainty little brooch held the contents of the hand made items in an envelope made from a darling handkerchief.  Real handkerchiefs always remind me of my late Welsh grandpa who used to have one nearby, such happy memories.
Then a lovely hand made card with a sweetly dried flower with an equally sweet message inside.
Blogging gives us wonderful virtual interactions with like minded people but the rattle of a letter box and the smile of the postman that will deliver such a personal package (other than bills) is a lovely start to the day.
Please go and visit Karen and her lovely blog here. Her surroundings and sunshiny view of life always takes my breath away along with her beautiful writing.

Thanks again Karen for sending me such a gorgeous piece of your world.  You have now filled my home with the most amazing scent from your potpourri and prettiness.  This has been perfect while resting my feet after yesterday's London onslaught and putting words to pictures!

Is the post box giving you some sunshine?

Have a wonderful week.

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  1. Ahhh, such beautiful gifts! I am waiting for some books from Amazon, let's hope my post box brings me some sunshine tomorrow. :)

  2. Lovely post through your letterbox :)
    All I got from the postman today was junk mail. I have just ordered a lovely set of knitting needles in a polka dot case though so that will be my sunshine on the door mat

  3. What a lovely gift you received from Karen. So sweet! I did receive a lovely surprise in the mail today from another blogger too. It's wonderful isn't it? Have a lovely week Chel.

  4. What a lovely package you received! I love getting happy mail...:) Hope your week off has been fabulous so far....:) Looking forward to some gorgeous photos.
    Blessings, Vicky

  5. Yes what a lovely package filled with such beautiful things that you love! Yes blogging friends are the best! Enjoy the rest of the week.

  6. I am so glad your package arrived safely, Chel - and I am happy to bring some sunshine to your day! Thank you for your kind thoughts - I do hope you have a lovely week - xo Hugs - Karen

  7. That's so nice of her to send you this...and it's all so pretty.


  8. Congratulations on winning the lovely giveaway from Karen. She is such as sweet person.

  9. How beautiful, lucky you. I can see how all of that loveliness would brighten up your day. Hope you're having a good week Chel. CJ xx

  10. What a lovely giveaway Chel ... just my cup of tea! xx

  11. Thoughtful gifts would surely brighten a dreary day! I hopped over to Karen's blog -- it's wonderful!

  12. Oh how nice! Those are such beautiful little gifts! I agree, getting a package in the mail is just so special. I know you're enjoying yours! Hopping over to visit Karen now. :)

  13. How lovely it is to receive a parcel or letter in the post, and even lovelier when it contains such beautiful items as these! What a lovely person Karen must be! xx

  14. That really was a sweet package! I do love when the postman brings me somthing else than bills!

  15. Beautiful gifts that are presented with care. Real mail is such a treat! Enjoy.

  16. What a wonderful & lovely little package you received from your friend. I agree, much better than bills.

  17. Chel, that was a real treat, on an overcast day.
    How sweet a friend and it was done with
    love. yvonne

  18. So pretty things!! ♥ I'm delighted for you :-)
    Sunny greetings


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