
Friday 4 April 2014

Happy Spring Moments

And so, Friday evening and a deep breath as I sit down with the knowledge of a full nine days off in front of me.  Time to enjoy the colours that now fill my world as I to and fro between Lincolnshire and Cambridgeshire, all becoming more vibrant and hopeful.  Mother Nature showing that, with patience, she will sort things out for you and the bad winter will just be a dark and distant memory.  A sure sign of spring has to be the little surprise I found in one of my kitchen window boxes.  
I do hope that the little nips are from the new life emerging, just like the bulbs that surround this open parcel in my window baskets.
My favourite tree is about to explode with the most gorgeous pink blossom.  Spring is truly here when this tree starts to show off its pink jewels.
The fields that surround my village are still full of daffodils however, they are now joined by other fields full of equally yellow sunshiny colour... rape seed!  I can't tell you how absolutely awful the smell was while standing by this bridalway, but the sight made it much sweeter.
Other happy moments this week began with my Mother's Day gifts - Camper van cushions (how I would love to have one of these one day!), an ENORMOUS tea cup for the garden - to be planted with thyme (thyme for tea!), and of course... chocolates.  I LOVE my kids!!
And then a lovely visit from Mumsy while I was at work, to go for a little walk down to the river.  It was so wonderful to see the green rain falling from the willow trees, gently swaying in the breeze.
The swans surrounded us, showing off their new babies.
The river was calm and teeming with birdlife.  The swans looking so majestic.
Mumsy walked on ahead enjoying this quiet walk along the river before I went back to work for the afternoon.  Such happy spring moments.
Now I would like to give a shout out to these two fantastic ladies: Amy at Ms Toody Goo Shoes and Claire from A Little Claireification who are putting together a 'Show Us Your April' link up.  The idea is to take a photo a day and then create a post to go on the link up on May 1.  Take a look at Amy's March blog to get the idea.  I think this is brilliant as April is such a quick changing month, in weather, colours and the fact that we do tend to get out a lot more.  Go and take a look, I think this is a lovely link up.

So, time to look at the trips planned for next week, Covent Garden being the first with hopefully a trip to Oxford Street (Hamleys and Selfridges) and then an unexpected trip to my old hamlet and a walk past my darling Sweetbriar Cottage.  Now, where's my walking shoes and spare batteries for the camera!!

Have a wonderful weekend.

Take care.

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  1. Lovely springy type post - I love this time of year when there is always something new to see emerging from the long winter - I am dreading the daffodils going over they have been glorious this year. Beautiful picture of the swans. Have a good weekend.

  2. Your tree is going to be beautiful when it blooms judging by those buds! I look forward to seeing your April photos at the end of the month, I bet that they will be lovely! Hope that you enjoy your time off. xx

  3. It looks a beautiful spot by the river. A great place to take a break from work.
    Have a good week.

  4. Lovely photos and lovely Mother's Day gifts. Love that sweet pillow! I hope you enjoy your 9 days off...have loads of fun and get some rest too! Enjoy your weekend my friend!

    Blessings, Vicky

  5. My walking shoes are by the back door...sure wish we could go together! Lovely signs of Spring and sweet presents! Enjoy your weekend and the week ahead! Sweet hugs, Diane

  6. Spring in England looks similar to spring here on Vancouver Island. Beautiful blossoms and lots of daffodils. No rape seed here, though. It grows on the prairies and is now called canola. It would be lovely to walk with you along the river. Glad you had a great Mother's Day.

  7. I love that sweet little egg, though I don't know what sort of bird it belongs to. It sounds as if you had a wonderful Mother's Day with such thoughtful gifts with sweet cards and I love that flowery cup!
    The rapeseed isn't out here yet so yours seems very early. I do love to see fields of yellow joyfully popping up everywhere.
    Enjoy London next week! I go at the end of this month!!

  8. What beautiful photos. April is indeed an easy month to photograph, all that light and colour and life. Wonderful. I hope you have a really good weekend Chel. CJ xx

  9. Love this post, get's me right into the mood for some Spring gardening.Have a lovely week and I already look forward to your pictures! Anita xo

  10. These are definitely happy spring moments, Chel. Have a great 9 days off. It sounds like you have a lot planned to fill them! :o)

  11. Good Morning, Chel! Lovely spring images.. The egg and flower are really happy signs..Beautiful blossoms and scenery from your walk. Love the pretty swans. Enjoy your weekend!

  12. Such lovely spring moment, looks like everything is bursting into life.

  13. A favourite time of year - along with autumn, summer and winter! - something new to see every day so I'm looking forward to seeing your April pictures.

  14. Lovely pictures! I knew spring was here when I noticed the first (adorable) lambs in the fields when driving to work.

  15. Spring is a beautiful time - cygnets already?

  16. Beautiful springtime pictures, Chel! I love the lacy weeping willow and the swans. I didn't know that rapeseed had a bad odour. I've never noticed it when driving past fields here but then I don't get out and smell either. lol Your birthday gifts are lovely and the toss pillow is really cute. It sounds like you have a lovely week planned ahead and I shall look forward to your photos.

  17. Great spring post, Chel. And I'm with you on the oil-seed rape. Loathe the stuff - foul smell, very wheeze inducing and it sticks to your face as you drive through it. Not even fond of the acidic colour either - wish they would grow lovely soft blue borage - the oil is even better for you!

  18. Great photos. I am excited to see Covent Garden that was one of my favorite places when we were in England. Well there were many, but that was one of the first places we visited.

  19. The springtime photos are glorious, Chel. The fields of canola are striking to see and, of course, flowering trees are always spectacular.

    Have a lovely weekend.


  20. Lovely spring pictures. I am for the first time on your blog, the beautiful name Sweetbriar Dreams was drawing my attention. I will be a new follower.

  21. Oh what beautiful signs of spring, Chel! Enjoy your time off. I hope you have unusually beautiful, sunny weather for it! ♥

  22. As usual, I absolutely adore your photos! You really capture the essence of beauty around you.
    I hope you're having a wonderful weekend,
    Much love,
    Tammy x

  23. Hi Chel, what nice presents you received and the visit at work from you Mom! Thanks for the lovely walk and sharing the pretty pictures. I can't wait to see your next post and have fun on your time off from work.

  24. Lovely photos & lovely mothers day gifts too. Enjoy your week off, I'm starting a countdown to my week off now xx

  25. Enjoy those days off, sounds like you will be out there taking lots of photos. Your spring is on the cusp of huge changes, leaves unswirling, and blossoms showering...beautiful.


  26. Chel, I can't thank you enough for mentioning our April Photo A Day link party! I am so appreciative! Your photos in this post were have outstanding talent! Enjoy the lovely Mother's Day gifts!

  27. What beautiful, beautiful photos. Spring is sprung out all over in your part of the world. We're just starting to see hints around here in northerly Alberta, Canada. Finally warm enough to melt the snow. So no daffodils outside, but I have a bouquet of daffys in my bedroom which I'm loving.

    I'm so glad I stopped in... a real treat.

    Here's wishing you even more glimpses of heaven in unexpected places....


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