
Saturday 4 January 2014

2014 - The Start of a Positive Year

2014 seems to have a positive feel about it, not just with me, but with blog land as a whole and friends that I have spoken to.  Everyone has such amazing thoughts and feelings about this year that come across as a new start and one to feel glad about.  It lifts the heart and mind to have such positive feelings surrounding us all and encourages these thoughts to continue.  I always think that if you surround yourself with positive people then nothing but good can come from it.  Even the weather as unpredictable as it is, is not getting me down!
My first positive for this year was picking up my much neglected crochet hook.  Within two hours I had completed a project! Yes, I surprised myself, but after receiving a Kindle for Christmas with the sole purpose of reading blogs snuggled up on the sofa, it needed a snuggly jacket.  So with the use of some squares I crocheted last summer and a bit of imagination, I put together this little project in two hours.  Two of my favourite colours, pink and grey.
In my last post I said that this was the year of change for me.  So far it hasn't disappointed.  I have had the advantage of two weeks' away from the day to day work, so have put a few things in place.  Grandad Tom's book now has 550 words written, not many when I type this figure out but it has started and that was the hardest part.
Patience has paid off in one area of the garden, the greenhouse!  Yes, FINALLY, my tomatoes are ripening!!  It's January for goodness sake and the vines themselves are rotting but the red gorgeousness shone through like rubies as I went to get the bird seed.  Yes, they are edible and taste even more sweeter that I can pick these off the vine in January.  A positive thing indeed.
So with the decorations down and safely packed away until the end of the year, I am now hopping back on the hamster wheel of life and keeping positive thoughts in my mind as I look at my living room with Pinterest boards dancing around in my head and the wind and rain lashing against my window panes (which is pretty much why there isn't a lot on this week's blog - rain on a camera lens is never a good thing).
May I wish you a very positive weekend and week ahead.

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  1. Here is to a very positive 2014 for all of us!


  2. Your living room and crochet are gorgeous Chel. Congratulations on starting your Grandad Tom book, 500+ words is a great start!! Happy New Year. xx

  3. Hello Chel, your living room looks lovely and fresh! Your Grandad Tom's book looks very interesting, and what a lovely tribute to him from you. Love the positivity that's abounding too!

    Love Claire xx

  4. You still have tomatoes!!! You'll spoil that Kindle

  5. I too have a good feeling about this year, keeping fingers crossed I'm proved right! Hope you have a lovely weekend
    BH x

  6. Tomatoes in January ? A real blessing. Your book is an endeavor worthy of the time and even more so. ( an encouragement to me to finish some of the family albums I have started ) Your crochet is lovely, pink & gray are what I consider comfort colors , and your quickly done project is surely that, comforting and pretty. I hope 2014 is a good year for you and yours. Happy New year ! ( BTW, your home looks cozy and comfy , a place I know I'd feel peaceful and enjoy sharing a cup of tea with you )

  7. I love your little kindle cozy, the colours are just gorgeous. I've been debating for ages about what cover to get for my phone and I have some lovely cotton which I might just have a play with tonight in the stylee of your little kindle cover.

  8. I've gotten off to a good start as well. I love New Years.

  9. Hi Chel, I love the kindle cover that you crocheted, yes such pretty colored yarn! Yay for a finished project! It's great that you started the book too. Keep up the good work my friend. Happy New Year! Enjoy the weekend and see you next week.

  10. Thanks for stopping by and your nice comments, Chel. Fresh tomatoes in January sound wonderful. You home looks so warm and cozy.
    I am a new follower. Wishing you a good weekend.

  11. Hope you have a good year. I love the kindle cover, just the job! xx

  12. Hi Chel! Happy New Year to you! Love the photos of the frosty leaves and would love to be eating fresh tomatoes from the garden in January. Your crochet project is very pretty and I'm sure you will enjoy it's coziness in the damp winter. It's bitterly cold here still but a warm up is coming over the next couple days before we're back to winter again. Blessings. Pamela

  13. Amazing project that is beautiful and your home looks SO inviting. I pray you have a wonderful peaceful new year filled with many unexpected blessings.

  14. Happy New Year :) yes it does feel quite positive, I know I am, I'm not sure why really, just looking forward to new adventures :)

  15. You made a supernice jacket for your Kindle, Chel!! Grannies and lovely colors, what more could one want? Great job ♥

  16. Such an upbeat post, full of promise for the New Year. I wish I could knit. My Granddaughter got a Kindle for Christmas and now wants a cover. That would come in handy. Your living room looks awesome and cozy with that fireplace. Tomatoes on the Vine in January...I need to check to see where you live as that would so not happen here.

  17. I love your first shot of the frosty leaves. And I like your attitude to start the new year on a positive note. I will do the same.

  18. Fresh, ripe tomatoes are a treat I associate with late summer. What a delight to have some in January.

    I appreciated your upbeat post and look forward to hearing more about this fine new year.


  19. Good for you for starting your book. Every little bit contributes to the end goal. And congratulations on finishing a project! That always feels good. The new year is full of possibility!
    Your living room looks like a cozy place.

  20. Super cute Kindle holder, and congrats on completing the project.

  21. What a beautiful photo of the frost or snow covered leaves! I love the Kindle cover as well...I have a Kindle and love it! I mainly love the portability! Your living room looks lovely and cozy already but I am excited to see what you do with it. I am hoping mine gets a much needed makeover this year as well...:) Have a blessed week back at work.....Vicky

  22. Hey Chel. As usual, all of your Photos are absolutely Stunning!!! Your Crochet works are so Beautiful.
    Your Living room is so inviting and so clean, bright and airy looking. I wish that I had home grown Tomatoes in Jan.!!!!!!
    It is always the hardest writing about a loved one whom has passed on.....I wish you the best of luck and love.

  23. Chel,
    2014 really does have a positive feel doesn't it?? I agree with you that pink and gray look so great together, it's like they feel warm and fresh all at the same time.
    Much love, peace, health & happiness to you xx

  24. Everything is looking so lovely.

  25. Picking your very own tomatoes in January - how fabulous Chel!
    Glad you are feeling positive about this new year - we all need to be that way as it makes for a much less stressful life. Making plans, creating lovely things (cute cover there!), being with friends, planning trips to new places, taking pics, and noticing Nature's beauty each season, and just making the most of each precious day, is what makes this one and only life we each have so wonderful!

    Best new year wishes dear friend - so glad I discovered you and your lovely heartwarming blog.
    Hugs - Mary

  26. those metals are amazing. i am always amazed by my father's Army metals. ( :
    Happy New Year!! ( :

    E. Lizard Breath Speaks -

  27. So special, different and lovely photos!

  28. So excited that you have started your Grandfather's story! Starting is the hard part, isn't it? Lovely thoughts and photos today, Chel. I can't imagine fresh tomatoes in January - all the more sweeter, I think. Your crocheting is lovely - you have inspired me to pick up the hook and finish that scarf that has taken me 3 ridiculous months. You are right about surrounding yourself with positive people. It does rub off. Your living room looks so warm and cozy....Hugs xo Karen

  29. As a family, we've decided that 2014 is going to be a great year for us. I just hope it's true! :o)

  30. Beautiful pictures. One of my goals for this year is to learn to crochet. Thanks for the inspiration. Your pink and grey looks so pretty together. I'm working on keeping upbeat, even when our weather is freezing rain. Here's to a bright and fun week!

  31. I managed to teach myself how to crochet a row about twenty years ago. I made several of those afghans and one big rug made out of fabric. But I never could see to get past doing more than that one row. Now I can't remember how to do even that!

  32. Love your upbeat attitude for the new year my friend! And your home is gorgeous! Thanks so much for joining in at R5F this week -- hope to see you again! xo

  33. Sounds like we're all set for a good year! All the best with your amazing writing project - don't let up.


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