
Saturday 28 December 2013

A Review of 2013 at Sweetbriar Dreams


How can I sum up this year?  I think the first thing that comes to mind is 'discovery'.  I have been 'riding the wave' a term I say to quite a lot of people, meaning just going with the flow and seeing where I land.  Sometimes it is a good place, sometimes it is a place that I am not entirely comfortable with, but for me this has helped me carve out what I want to do in 2014.  My blogging journey has been one of the good places that I have landed, where I have found so many wonderful, like minded people on this particular 'wave'.  My blog has gone through many changes this year, with twists and turns, but I think I have finally found my voice and how I like to write along with the visual input as I tell the story.  

I have had lots of fun  today looking back on this year and re-discovering the different events.  Each month was so different.  
The days we went out on either locally or a little bit further afield were always fun and educational.  One risk I took during 2013 was taking my two teenagers to Greenwich, London for the first time.  Our visits to London were numerous this year but I skirted around Greenwich as I felt that I would not do my Grandad justice by bringing the place to life with the history he imparted to me as a child.  This ended up to be a great success with my kids falling in love with this quieter part of London and begging to be taken again and again.  2014 will be full of weekends here as I bring the stories to life as we walk around the streets, some still standing and then through the London Docklands where so much has disappeared and been re-generated.
From looking back at 2013, my crafts obviously took a back seat!  The wallpaper is waiting patiently in my dolls house and the amount of unfinished crochet projects is quite embarrassing!
Our garden was beautiful this year, even though a bit slow in waking up from its winter slumber.  The flowers all bloomed in the glorious summer, giving a spectacular show throughout the months.
However, the produce from the greenhouse was pretty poor, in fact quite pathetic!  But, the fruit crops this year were huge!  Along with the lavender which was tenderly cared for by the bees.
The wildlife was more abundant in the garden, with the bees arriving quite late but then being so busy that they actually slept on the lavender at night!  So much life this year.
2013 also has allowed me to plan ahead for the journey of writing 'the' book on my Grandad's research and stories.  The pens and note books are ready for notes, my fingers are itching to tap away at the keyboard, the papers, maps, photos and books are ready and waiting and I have an idea of how to start the initial lines of the book, I am excited to start to see how this flows.  

So what do I have planned for 2014?  Well, 2013 was 'discovery', 2014 is going to be 'change'. Change is a good thing and should be embraced fully.  I am one that loves change, things start off as a mess but then after re-organisation and diligence, everything falls into place for the better.  I plan on changing things in a lot of ways next year so I can concentrate on the things that really matter to me  (such as the book) and not focus too much on things that I do not agree with and that hinder my progress in my life.  There have been times where I have not felt comfortable with situations around me and where they are totally against my own morals, so these things have to change.  Hard words I suppose but 2013 has made me discover who I really am and what I want to do.  

One thing that won't change is my love for reading your blogs and discovering new ones. It's a catch up at the end of the week with friends over a coffee and a chat.  Around the world in 80 minutes... usually longer!!  I love the evenings when settling down to read what has happened in blogland.

So as I close the door on 2013, may I wish you all a wonderful 2014.  Thank you all for your generous and kind comments and visits during this year and encouraging me to continue by following me with all the various methods that there are now (I've just discovered Feedly - great for Kindles!... a gift from hubby!).  I look forward to reading and seeing what you get up to next year.

Happy New Year!

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  1. What a great post, you have inspired me to do a recap of the year!

  2. Your blog is visually stunning as well as beautifully written Chel. I love my visits here! I am so looking forward to following your journey through 2014. I hope you achieve every one of your goals. Best wishes always x

  3. What a beautiful re-cap of your year. And I hope that 2014 will be filled with "things that really matter to you". Many blessings Chel

  4. It's been a wonderful year for us both. Just look at what you've done and what you've shared. I haven't done as many crafts or sewed as much but visiting with friends like you has been more important. Wishing you the very best year ahead! Sweet hugs, Diane

  5. Nice recap! Love your photos. Thanks for becoming a blog friend and follower. Happy New Year!

  6. Hi Chel, I love how you have revisited the year 2013 and done photos in collages to represent the months, seasons and events. Very nicely done! I wish you and yours a wonderful and blessed 2014! Hugs,

  7. It has been a delight to meet you this year Chel. Your recap collages are lovely. Hearing of your exciting plans for 2014 brings thoughts of a woman ready to grasp at things she loves and go for it! Wishing you every happiness, good health and please keep blogging!

    Happy New Year dear - hugs, Mary

  8. Hi Chel, wow how exciting for you to start writing the book! I wish you happiness and success with it. I loved this roundup of the past year and all of your beautiful photos! It has been a pleasure being your blog friend. Wishing you and your family a Happy New Year.
    Julie from across the pond.

  9. Wishing you a very Happy New Year and looking forward to hearing more about this book.

  10. A wonderful post Chel, how lovely to see these photos all together. And how much you have accomplished - amazing. Good luck and very best wishes for happiness in 2014.

  11. It's been lovely discovering your blog this year Chel.
    Wishing you a happy and healthy 2014
    Jacquie x

  12. A great recap Chel. Have a truly wonderful 2014 and I look forward to reading all about it! Jx

  13. Very reflective and good that you have found out who you want to be - go for it!

  14. Hi Chel what a lovely recap of your blogging year, your photos are fabulous! Very inspiring! Wishing you a happy and healthy 2014! :-)x

  15. Hope the changes in 2014 are positive. Will look forward to reading about them.
    A peaceful and happy new year to you and yours

  16. Hi! Nice captures. Thanks for sharing.

  17. Have enjoyed very much sharing your blog meanderings this year, Chel. Next year will have a totally different flavour for all of us, I am sure, but I hope we all continue sharing our stories via our blogs. I am also very impressed by your photo-mosaic, I am very plain and simple with my photos, perhaps I should try a bit of experimentation! Happy New Year to you too, Chel! Lxx

  18. hello Chel,
    What a beautiful set of pictures, stunning way to remember the year!

  19. What a great recap of your year. I am glad that you have enjoyed it and enjoyed finding your voice. I hope that you have a great 2014! xx

  20. Love your mosaics of 2013. Very nice recap. I didn't think to do that but maybe for my New Year's Eve post...

  21. I have only just 'found' you and look forward to reading all about your change next year and wish you a happy and healthy 2014 x

  22. An exciting and colourful look back at 2013.
    Happy New Year.

  23. I've enjoyed reading your blog and looking at your beautiful photos in 2013, Chel. I'm looking forward to doing more of the same in 2014. :o)

  24. What a lovely look back! So many pretty photos, I love the garden mosaic.. Thank you for sharing.

    Wishing you all the best in 2014, Happy New Year to you and your family!

  25. Lovely sharing of the year past! Happy New Year!

  26. I love how you did this post. I was thinking of doing a 2013 in review, but mine will fall short of yours.

  27. Lots of great pics and memories. I hope that 2014 will bring many more great ones. Valerie

  28. Hi Chel, thank you for taking the time to leave a comment on my blog. I've just been looking at your December posts - your blog is so full of wonderful pictures and lovely words. I look forward to reading more in 2014 as your latest follower. Wishing you and your family the very best for 2014, Pj x

  29. oh how wonderful to be able to visit London so easily. I have only been there one time but loved it. I loved your mosaics and know exactly what you mean about unfinished projects...sometimes life just gets in the way.

  30. Hello Chel

    A wonderful kaleidoscope of your images of 2013!
    You've shown us the things you enjoy in life - trips away, crafts, garden and wildlife which is much of what I enjoy too!

    It's lovely to meet you and I've just become your newest follower and look forward to meeting you again next year.

    Wishing you health, happiness and JOY in 2014.

    Lovely to meet you at Mary's Mosaic party.
    Shane in New Zealand

  31. Beautiful mosaics, Chel - I love how you grouped the subjects. You have taken us on many lovely journeys this year and thank you - it is wonderful to visit you in your beautiful part of the world and share your everyday joys and sorrows through this amazing world of blogging. I have felt like every post was a lovely visit with a dear friend. Wishing you and your family the very best in the New Year and many sweet blessings. Hugs xo Karen

  32. I have thoroughly enjoyed reading your posts this year - and love your collages of memories. Best wishes to you for 2014. Elaine

  33. Happy New Year to you, Chel. I'll look forward to hearing about the progress on your book and whatever "changes" you plan or arise. I need to take some quiet time to do some more reflecting on the new year, just 5 hours away as I write this and, for you, a mere hour old. Best Wishes are sent your way.


  34. Lovely review, Chel :-). A happy and healthy new year 2014 to you, too, much fun and creativity :-))

  35. Lovely to catch up with you and your year. Have a fabulous 2014 Chel, with just as much change as you want and no more than you can handle. And wishing you and your family only good things in the year ahead x

  36. Beautiful, very nice and Happy New Year~

  37. Love the way you did your 'year in review'... very creative!

    Thank you for your visit and comments. My 2014 is to focus on what matters and leave the noise by the wayside.

    May happiness be your constant companion throughout the year.

  38. Great post! So nice to meet you in Blogland and I hope you will visit Buttercup's often. One of my goals for 2013 was a trip to England and that's scheduled for June. Can't wait! Happy and healthy 2014.

  39. Your energy levels always amaze go girl.

    Best wishes for a wonderful 2014.


  40. Such a lovely post which is full of inspiration and motivation - happy 2014 x

  41. A very Happy New Year to you, Chel. I have just been reading back over your Advent posts, and I thoroughly enjoyed them all (and tell your mum, I love the Dolls House). I got so busy in December, and had a few issues with my blog, that I stayed away. Hopefully, I will get back into it now.

  42. My email wouldn't work on your site. Just wanted you to know that you're featured on my weekly Welcome Wagon Friday post for new bloggers. You should be receiving visitors shortly. Welcome to our neighborhood!


Thank you so much for visiting, I love reading your comments and will answer either by email or on the blog. You can also email me privately in my side bar. Have a great day x