
Friday 29 November 2013


The last days of November are departing and now the December rush starts.  November has flown past far too quickly for my liking.  The autumnal colours are fading with each breath of wind as each colourful leaf falls to the floor.  My favourite season is about to leave me and now the nostalgia in my house begins to grow ready for the next season.
Before the leaves fall completely I took a little trip around Peterborough Cathedral just to record the last details of autumn.  The back drop of the Cathedral against the crispy leaves was just too delicious to miss.
The gaps in the branches allow a tantalizing glimpse of the view.
High above me the birds were taking a well deserved break from dodging the hardy shoppers in the City Centre.  Just warming themselves before the lunchtime rush, anticipating the tasty morsels falling to the floor.
Unfortunately the sun was a bit shy when I went into the cloisters, so the sun dial was out of order today.
But I had a sunny smile as I took another shot of my favourite door.
I've taken shots of this door before with it's beautiful stonework and enormous oak door complete with various centuries of graffiti.  On the other side of the cloisters there is the Bishop's door, again such beautiful stonework and this time with the crispy leaves all gathered at the stairs.
Looking at all the doors and the windows gave me an idea with the Advent season almost upon us.  Bear with me on this one, but I love Advent calendars, yes, you guessed it, the chocolate kind.  But I can't share chocolate with you, I'm way to selfish that way!  Instead, I would like to open an Advent calendar door with you each day, some photos will be relevant to the season, some will just be a moment that I wanted to share with you.  The shots will have some brief wording with it (due to the ever quickening pace through the month and the limited time I will have between shopping trips and the busy work season... I sound panicked already!) but please don't feel you need to comment on the advent posts as this is a big step up from my one post weekly blogging practices.  Instead I'd love it if you just tick the little 'I've opened the calendar today' box that will be at the end of the Advent posts to say you've come to visit.
I'm looking forward to sharing something with you each day as we go lead up to Christmas Day and finally put our feet up!
I also want to do a HUGE shout out to a blog I recently found which has me completely hooked.  Mike from A Bit About Britain is an absolute treasure of a find and now one of my top favourites.  His blog shows all different places in Britain and brings with it his fantastic shots of the different places he has been to, along with a history lesson and humour along the way.  It's one of those addictive blogs where you can't stop reading.  Please go along and visit him as I promise you really will love this journey.

I hope your preparations, Thanksgiving's and Black Friday's went well.  Apparently Black Friday has caught on over here and there were fights in shops!

Take care. 

♥  Chel  ♥ 

 (Remember that if you want to see a larger version of my photos just click on one and a slide will appear)

Wednesday 27 November 2013

Wordless Wednesday - Golden Light

Taken at Peterborough Cathedral's Precincts
Take care. 

 ♥  Chel  ♥ 

 (Remember that if you want to see a larger version of my photos just click on one and a slide will appear)

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Sunday 24 November 2013

Textures of an Autumn Fall

I feel as though Christmas has now knocked on my front door and has been welcomed warmly and blown in to fill the house with excited expectation.   I know (and panic) that there are so many jobs to be done, but the opening of the loft and the jingling of the Christmas bells as the boxes are passed down to me makes me feel so warm and happy for the coming weeks.  However this wave of Christmas cheer is happening far too quickly, there are still autumnal delights to enjoy such as the delicious apples that are still tumbling from the trees and now mixed with the golden, vein prominent leaves.
The first thing I marvel at when I open the door is to see all the different leaves that have fallen and continue falling like crispy coloured rain.
The river through Spalding looked as though it had stopped flowing and the mirror like surface reflected the beautiful buildings and skeletal branches.  Yes it was chilly but the reflections were beautiful.
And further down the river everything looked calm, the old brickwork standing sturdy and constant, the buildings all holding hordes of Christmas shoppers and the trees, some still with their golden pennies ready to fall into the river.
Looking up at the trees made me think of them putting on a winter coat.  The warming fluffy moss starting to envelope the bark now that its hat of leaves had fallen.
The picnic tables now sit empty but the dining tables will soon be adorned with leaves, cones and berries.  The outside coming back inside.
The textures of autumn are all around and it is so special to stop and actually drink this all in.
And to share it with the wildlife.
Back at home we have a very soft texture to share.  This little one has come to join our household!  Little Felix with his soft autumn colours has come to live with us, especially Mr T.  Isn't he a cutie!
I hope you all have a wonderful, and hopefully sunny autumnal week and have the time to reflect on this beautiful time of year... before the Christmas decorations go up!

Take care. 

♥ Chel ♥ 

 (Remember that if you want to see a larger version of my photos just click on one and a slide will appear)

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Wednesday 20 November 2013

Wordless Wednesday - Autumnal Flour Grinder

Moulton Windmill, Lincolnshire

Sharing with Wordless Wednesday.

Take care. 

♥ Chel ♥ 

(Remember that if you want to see a larger version of my photos just click on one and a slide will appear)

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Saturday 16 November 2013

It's The Little Things That Matter in Life

Isn't this a lovely saying?  This week has been full of trials and tribulations.  Being a mum to two teenagers has its interesting moments and holding down a full time job while things are going a bit 'pear shaped' at home can be a test to the system.  BUT, as I sit here writing my blog post and just letting my fingers tap gently on the keyboard, I look at what is surrounding me right now.  A hubby who is happy and well after receiving his last health tests (all clear!), a Mr Teenager sitting quietly and happily in the same room, Miss Teenager in the study engrossed in her Twitter/Tumblr while talking on Skype with Mr J  Artwork and Coco snoring (quite loudly) in the kitchen.  Life throws some real challenges along the way but once worked through and sitting down on the other side of everything, you know what?  I shouldn't complain, it's the little things that matter in life - health and happiness.
A thing that isn't little in my life are my friendships.  Friendships can be all shapes and sizes.  Some we build from children where we support each other as we develop through the tough school years, some through work where after a while the social side shines through, and then there are friendships where you would never imagine they could ever happen.  After all, what if you have never actually met them - and probably never will?  How can this be called a friendship if you don't know the sound of their voice?  Would you know them if you saw them in the street?  Blogging has taught me all sorts of things - the thoughts going into each post, the photos taken along the way to show events as we see them and then that thoughtful, special moment of clicking 'publish'.  Into the world flies an electronic 'penpal' post firming up the interlocking chains that hold special blogging friends together.
I can remember receiving my first comments and being so happy that someone had taken time out of their busy day to let me know they were there.  I was not a lonely cloud anymore.
Each week I learned more, more about me, more about my readers and more about the wonders of blogging.  I look back now on my first posts and cringe a little, however it has recorded my journey and taught me how to find my voice and practice my writing skills for the book journey I will be venturing on soon.  Yes, gearing myself up for my Grandad's story and the creative juices are overflowing into different branches on recording his life.
Along the way I have found some truly wonderful, inspirational people who have encouraged me and the exchanges between us have been like catching up with very precious friends with the same hobbies, thoughts and dreams.  One of these is the wonderful Julie from Julie's Lifestyle who has made me blush with her latest blog post.  Please go and visit this lovely lady from across the pond and savour her creations from cooking to all sorts of crafts.  Thank you so much Julie for your wonderful friendship!  And thank you all so much who have continued to be extremely kind and visit me to hear about my little ramblings along with a very warm welcome to my new followers, I am looking forward to catching up with your posts.

Take care. 

 ♥ Chel ♥ 

 (Remember that if you want to see a larger version of my photos just click on one and a slide will appear)

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Wednesday 13 November 2013

Wordless Wednesday - A Different Day at Work

Sharing with Wordless Wednesday.

Take care. 

♥ Chel ♥ 

(Remember that if you want to see a larger version of my photos just click on one and a slide will appear)

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Saturday 9 November 2013

It's Beginning to Look Alot Like Christmas

Too soon?  Maybe!  But with the new Christmas adverts now appearing on the tv and shops' displays now in full festive swing, I couldn't resist sharing with you some photos of Baytree, a wonderful garden centre in Spalding.  This time of year is so magical and Baytree really reflects this.
Each glorious shelf, wall, floor space and ceiling is crammed with delicious eye candy.  There is something for everyone and their displays are inspirational.  A beautiful chandelier, a mannequin... could be an Oxford Street Christmas window display, however around her feet is the most amazing table display.  Named the Champagne Party, this truly is beautiful.
The displays were all around us and everywhere, just everywhere, eyes fall on so much gorgeous Christmas cheer.  The comforting smells of Christmas such as cinnamon and spices fill the air and mix with the roast chestnut stand (yes, they even have that too!)
Then there is a display that shows the outside of a wood cabin.  How I would love to have one of these beautifully decorated at the bottom of the garden, especially with an old, loved rocking horse.
And to snuggle in the bed with it's cosy cushions.
All around the different festive decorations are sectioned into different styles.  I fell in love with this sweet little lady with her colourful buttons.
Along with this simple idea of wrapping some scrap wool around a ring and adding a couple of buttons, isn't this beautiful? and, let's face it, we all have most of the ingredients in our craft areas...go on admit it!
This was amongst the display showing a crafty kitchen corner.  Bunting, home baking, granny squares and triangles, isn't this the most perfect corner you could have!  (to see more pieces just click on the photo)
Isn't it just exquisite?!  All I would need is a large cup of tea and to put my feet up and I would be in heaven.
Oh, and candles!  Have you seen any of these around your way?
I will be buying a few of these to cosy up the house.
And then there is this beautiful home display.  Can you imagine sitting back then with your Grandad and listening to his stories?  I certainly feel that way with this homely look.
It doesn't stop there though.  Outside there were even more delights.  Can you guess what this is?
It's a very special VIR... A Very Important Reindeer...
... I don't think it is Rudolph, but could it be a very photogenic Prancer?  Nearby, his boss Father Christmas was hard at work in the magical grotto.  We have been going here for years and have always enjoyed every second of the huge queues as again, there is so much to take in.  However, today it was very quiet and Miss Teenager was NOT going right in for the train ride (yes, there is a train that takes you to the log cabin where Father Christmas awaits with a present and a real Christmas tree to take home).
Instead we freely walked through the barriers and up to the section that takes you to the train.  Narnia here we come!
Unfortunately we had to turn back as Miss T is no fun anymore!  Why do they have to grow up?!  So instead we walked past the Yeti and headed home (me and Mumsy will be back though as we haven't grown up yet!).
So, as the moon comes up and the chill fills the air one more ...
... I can carry on with  making the warming, happy granny squares for my latest blanket project and think through the 1001 jobs to do before the big day!
Thank you so much for your birthday wishes to Miss Teenager and I am also very, very happy to report that Hubby is fine!  Tests have come back clear and there are no serious issues to worry about.  Just one of  'those' things - thankfully!  Thank you so much for your well wishes which have really helped him get through these difficult couple of weeks.

So, how are your festive plans going?  Have you made a start?  Or are you like my mumsy and have finished everything and can now relax?

Have a wonderful weekend and week.

Take care. 

 ♥ Chel ♥ 

 (Remember that if you want to see a larger version of my photos just click on one and a slide will appear)

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