
Saturday 16 November 2013

It's The Little Things That Matter in Life

Isn't this a lovely saying?  This week has been full of trials and tribulations.  Being a mum to two teenagers has its interesting moments and holding down a full time job while things are going a bit 'pear shaped' at home can be a test to the system.  BUT, as I sit here writing my blog post and just letting my fingers tap gently on the keyboard, I look at what is surrounding me right now.  A hubby who is happy and well after receiving his last health tests (all clear!), a Mr Teenager sitting quietly and happily in the same room, Miss Teenager in the study engrossed in her Twitter/Tumblr while talking on Skype with Mr J  Artwork and Coco snoring (quite loudly) in the kitchen.  Life throws some real challenges along the way but once worked through and sitting down on the other side of everything, you know what?  I shouldn't complain, it's the little things that matter in life - health and happiness.
A thing that isn't little in my life are my friendships.  Friendships can be all shapes and sizes.  Some we build from children where we support each other as we develop through the tough school years, some through work where after a while the social side shines through, and then there are friendships where you would never imagine they could ever happen.  After all, what if you have never actually met them - and probably never will?  How can this be called a friendship if you don't know the sound of their voice?  Would you know them if you saw them in the street?  Blogging has taught me all sorts of things - the thoughts going into each post, the photos taken along the way to show events as we see them and then that thoughtful, special moment of clicking 'publish'.  Into the world flies an electronic 'penpal' post firming up the interlocking chains that hold special blogging friends together.
I can remember receiving my first comments and being so happy that someone had taken time out of their busy day to let me know they were there.  I was not a lonely cloud anymore.
Each week I learned more, more about me, more about my readers and more about the wonders of blogging.  I look back now on my first posts and cringe a little, however it has recorded my journey and taught me how to find my voice and practice my writing skills for the book journey I will be venturing on soon.  Yes, gearing myself up for my Grandad's story and the creative juices are overflowing into different branches on recording his life.
Along the way I have found some truly wonderful, inspirational people who have encouraged me and the exchanges between us have been like catching up with very precious friends with the same hobbies, thoughts and dreams.  One of these is the wonderful Julie from Julie's Lifestyle who has made me blush with her latest blog post.  Please go and visit this lovely lady from across the pond and savour her creations from cooking to all sorts of crafts.  Thank you so much Julie for your wonderful friendship!  And thank you all so much who have continued to be extremely kind and visit me to hear about my little ramblings along with a very warm welcome to my new followers, I am looking forward to catching up with your posts.

Take care. 

 ♥ Chel ♥ 

 (Remember that if you want to see a larger version of my photos just click on one and a slide will appear)

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  1. What a lovely post. It is indeed the little things that matter. The little contentments in life, and friends near and far.

  2. Hi Chel, wow that was a wonderful post! Thanks for making me blush now for mentioning me! Haha! Good luck on this journey of writing the book about your Grandad. I know it is going to be a lot of work but a big hit! Yes, it is the little things in life that matter. I do hope that you have a wonderful week. Julie from across the pond!

  3. Wonderful post. Yes, it's the little things that matter most in life. And friendships are as precious as gold.

  4. The top sign gets my mark!! On my way to visit Julie...

  5. I agree, Chel, that the friends I've made in blogging are very special. I've met so many great people and love seeing their blogposts in my sidebar and comments in my email. We need to ever mindful and thankful for our own families as well. They are precious to us. Blessings, Pamela

  6. I love the concept of on line 'pen pals' because I have friend on line who I have shared with and talked with 'via' the online sites and emails and facebook and we have yet to meet but we will someday. I find it refreshing and challenging in our busy world and lives. Friendships have to be a part of our every day lives. We cannot do this journey alone.

  7. Like you, I'm so glad I started blogging and have discovered so many lovely people out there with such interesting lives. I sometimes wish the internet had been around when my girls were little. I did find it a quite a lonely time and would have loved to connect with more people. Life with teenagers is never easy, but it does get better. I love hearing them laughing and chatting together when they're home. xx

  8. Just have one thing to challenge you on health - not a little thing but a huge thing.

    When I was in my teens I had a French penpal (we still write occasionally and have met only once). When I wrote to her I told her things that I could never tell someone in person even though I had to write in French,

  9. Often my son & I will be talking and he tells me some small thing that highlighted his day and made him happy. I'm always saying back to him "'s the little things". I'm happy he's learning this at 15 ;) I'm glad things have sorted themselves out with your family and you can start into this busy season with light hearts. Such a nice post about friendships. I feel very much the same. Blogging is a very different way of picking up friends (for me & I'm sure many of my generation), but it's been so much fun too. Thank YOU for visiting me as well ... comments really do make a nice way to start/end the days :) Wendy x

  10. You hit home with many of your comments. I'm newer to blogging, but, like you, feel that I've found another world of friends. Thanks for helping me to stop and reflect a bit.

  11. There is so much truth to the first two signs. You are a good writer, your words have so much truth to the., enjoy the rest of your weekend.

  12. Blogging the cure for social isolation. Its there when you want to vent , there when you want to promote a cause or a business . And sometimes it even answers you back

  13. Sayings my father used to say - bring back such memories and are so true.. I do try to remember them when 'life' gets in the way!

  14. I should have one of those signs from your first picture next to my bed, it's so true!

  15. I wish you well with the writing of your grandfather's story, Chel. What a tribute to someone you held so dear.


  16. What a great post, Chel. Well said! :o)

    Oh and I'm so glad your hubby has got the all clear. What a relief for you all!

  17. A wonderful post Chel, I have to agree with you that the friendships made from blogging are so real and can't be replaced, they are so precious and I find them very "down to earth"... I also know about teenagers, I'm on my 3rd one... he's 17 and I swear there are days I want to put him on ebay... But... then yesterday he tells me he's joining the Navy and can I drive him over to the recruiting office... WHAT are these kids trying to do to me? Ahhh my babies are growing... or grown. I am grateful for every minute that he still has at home with me.
    Thanks for this post, and good luck on that book... I think all bloggers have a love for the written word.
    Have a wonderful week,

  18. Such a sweet post Chel and lovely photos as always! Julie is such a sweet lady...:) I actually met her through a teacup/mug exchange on another blog. She send me a sweet package and we have been friends since! I'm hoping the same thing happens with the ornament exchange in that everyone will make a new friend or two along the way...:) Have a blessed week my friend! Vicky

  19. Such a lovely post, and just wonderful photos.

  20. Lovely thoughts today, Chel, and so real and down to earth and that is what I love about your blog. Teenager's are a special challenge, yes they are, and you do have to stay centered and keep your eye on the prize! But those special moments when you connect are worth it all. Isn't blogging wonderful? You 'meet' the most amazing people and friends from all walks of life and from all over the globe. And we find out, we are all the same, with the same hopes and dreams and worries and struggles. I love your words today, and your photos - so descriptive, and I wish you the very best on your book - how exciting and what a challenge. I will take a peek at Julie's blog and I wish you a good week with lots of small pleasures. Hugs xo Karen

  21. Little things do matter - a lot. Life is made up of little moments plus little moments plus...

    I love the description of what you and your family were doing there at that particular moment. It's moments like those we need to savour.

  22. What a sweet post Chel. I agree, it is the little things in life that matters. Friends and family are ever so precious to me. I know Julie as a blog buddy. She is one of the sweetest most genuine ladies out there!

  23. Wow, what a nice post. Life causes us to pause and examine ourselves at times. It's nice to share our feelings and find out that others are out there are listening and offer friendship and support. I'm so glad your husband has been given a clean bill of health! Teenagers- they do challenge one's sanity!

  24. Such a great read Chel - you touched my heartstrings here!



Thank you so much for visiting, I love reading your comments and will answer either by email or on the blog. You can also email me privately in my side bar. Have a great day x