
Sunday 22 September 2013

Saying Goodbye to Summer

Saturday was the last day of Summer and I was going to embrace this being the eve of Autumn.  I have been looking forward to this for so long and now it is here I feel so happy and warm inside. The preparation for autumn was surrounding me and Mr Teenager as we went for an evening walk near our village.  Tick tock went the dandelion clock once again, not for summer this time, but the anticipated new season of autumn.
The gold and reddish glow of the gradual sunset was enveloping our surroundings as we quietly walked along the bridalpath listening to the migrating birds overhead.
I love these rare and precious times with my son.  Sometimes they are quiet walks, sometimes debates are had but always with smiles on our faces.
Our walk was a slow, short one but with each step the colours of the sky and earth were changing.  The last hints of sunshine were reflecting off the old church in Cowbit (pronounced Cubitt) and the old hay bales prepared themselves for the night time protection for the little creatures coming home after another day of preparing their larders for the upcoming weather.
In the distance we could see a hare playing with its brothers and sisters enjoying the dry weather.  We were far away but they were still wary of our presence.
The farmers had been busy ploughing the fields and the smell of the freshly dug earth was enough to make us sigh happily (no manure dug in yet!).
With our shadows getting longer and the fields becoming more golden we carried on with our walk to some old haybales.
These would be our seats for the theatre.  5ft tall and just about the right height for me and Mr Teenager to climb onto and enjoy the last moments of summer.
The time was edging closer as the sun started to sink.
The dandelion clock began to tick away.
Along with the wind turbines turning their blades against the sea of clouds and the sun's rays.
And then, everything fell silent as the sun gently disappeared.  Summer was over.
We sat for a while, chatted for a while and then happily started walking back.  I looked across the fields and thought of the two does looking back at me.  The mother with her baby, showing her child the sunset with happy thoughts and dreams.  All hoping the same.
And now tick tock goes the dandelion clock, now waiting for the next season.

Have a wonderful week.

 ♥ Chel ♥ 


  1. I like your story told with great photo. I usually don't like my photos with lens flare in them but with your photo #2 they add so much more to it.

  2. Words + Pictures = Beautiful x

  3. What a beautiful post, so atmospheric and to see those lovely hares and deer - magical:)

  4. Oh Chel that was absolutely lovely - and what a perfect way to spend an evening x Jane

  5. You've captured the rollover in autumn perfectly. Welcome to another new beginning....

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Oh Chel....I think this may be my favorite of your posts...and that is saying a lot since I love reading them all! What beautiful photos....and words...and moments spent with your son. What a lovely way to begin a new week and new season. Enjoy your Sunday and week ahead my friend across the pond!

    Blessings, Vicky
    Life On Willie Mae Lane

  8. I have such mixed feelings about the end of summer... but did enjoy your post. Great photos!

  9. Beautiful, awesome images of England's countryside Chel - thank you so much for bringing them to me. You have a lucky teen with a mum who takes him walking and admiring Nature in all her glory.

    Autumn in England, trudging through wet leaves in clumsy Wellies - always drying mackintoshes in the bathroom - neighbors sharing apples from their tree - mum baking crumbles and telling us to remove the muddy shoes before stepping on her sparkling floors!!! Oh the memories from my childhood.

    Your dandelion pics, and the third pic of the field (great perspective and color in that one) have to be my favorites, but all are fabulous.

    Hope Autumn is a beautiful season for you and your family.
    Hugs - Mary

  10. This was an absolute joy to read. Your photos are gorgeous and captured the end of this most wonderful summer. Now let's hope for a glorious autumn!

  11. Beautiful words, beautiful pictures..

    Enjoy the season!


  12. Lovely photos, beautiful colours

  13. Great post, really enjoyed it. Made me feel all warm inside.thankyou.

  14. Absolutely beautiful post, Chel! I love the photos of the last hours of the last day of summer and your word descriptions of the scenes around you. Thank you for sharing. It's a beautiful photo essay, really. Love it!

  15. What wonderful shots, especially of the hares and the deer. It was so mild and still today, just perfect! xx

  16. Such lovely photos, I especially love the ones of the dandelion clocks. A lovely post.

  17. Good Heavens, what shots! Love the hare in the field!
    Chel, you have an eye for details!!
    All the best,

  18. Fabulous photos, Chel. You've told the story of the closing of summer so beautifully! :o)

  19. wow - what gorgeous photos! I love the clock's blowing in the wind, so beautifully captured. Apologies for the late reply to the comment you left for me, but I too am now finished with the autumn swap - thoroughly enjoyed it too!
    Will email you separately too

  20. I love the Lincolnshire countryside for its long sunsets which give a lovely golden glow, your photos have captured it beautifully

  21. Nice photos - and so great that you got to spend some quality time with your son.

  22. Hi Chel and Happy Fall to you! I loved the walk through the country you took us on today with you and your son. It is so beautiful there and I loved the sunset and how you showed us the animals with their little ones! I will miss summer but I love the fall too. Wishing you a wonderful week.

  23. Happy Fall, what a beautiful tribute to summer's end. It makes me wish that I had gone out and done the same.


  24. Such a beautiful way to say farewell to summer. I do love that first dandelion photo with the seeds drifting off on the breeze. Gorgeous photos of England's fields. The light is amazing. Happy Autumn!

  25. The countryside looks so beautiful! I, too, feel so happy and warm inside now that it's officially fall. I've found that my mood is just altogether happier during this season. I love the first photo of the sun and the dandelion. It could be a postcard or a greeting card!

  26. What amazing photos you have taken, I just loved looking a this post.

  27. Stunning photography, Chel, I have really enjoyed reading this and gazing at the pictures. This is my favourite time of year, to be honest, everything quietens down, before the dreaded rush of you-know-when, and we pack away the summer holiday stuff. We are fortunate to have lovely sunshine and crisp days to enjoy as long as we can!

  28. Gorgeous golden end of Summer pictures - I do love a dandelion clock.

    Happy Autumn,

    Nina x

  29. Amazing post and the dandelion picture is award worthy. The corn still hasn't been removed behind my cottage and I can't wait for the farmer to do so. I love when once again I can see far away in the fields!

  30. Gorgeous and golden...a wonderful way to honor summer's end.

  31. Oh my...what a beautiful post! Your photos are magical and your commentary was so soothing. But I think the very best part and I think you will agree is this precious time with your son. I have one in college and the other grown and moved out. I know the moments in time that we get with them is oh so special. Thanks for sharing!

  32. Great set of pictures - I really like the sunset with the birds!

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  33. Hi Chel, I think I was able to finally figure out how to fix my blog from a no reply blogger! Wishing you a wonderful day and looking forward to your next post!

  34. What a beautiful, poetic post, Chel! Your photos are just lovely, capturing that gorgeous golden light. The Dandelion seeds in the sunset are just awesome! How wonderful to take these very special walks with your son. I miss having those impromptu moments with mine. I know you treasure every one.
    Hugs and a lovely weekend to you! xo

  35. Your photography is A M A Z I N G!
    England is such a beautiful Country!
    I hope you have a great weekend,

  36. Oh boy, this post is a visual delight. I am absolutely in LOVE with the first shot, but they are all wonderful.


Thank you so much for visiting, I love reading your comments and will answer either by email or on the blog. You can also email me privately in my side bar. Have a great day x