
Saturday 14 September 2013

52 Weeks of Happy

Do you have those sorts of weeks where you end up where your left hand doesn't know what your right hand is doing?  The sort of week where you finish it and it takes a few hours to calm your brain down?  Well, that's me this week.  It's been full on at work so home life has certainly taken a back seat I'm ashamed to say.  However I have a family who understand that their mum is a bit of a workaholic and I came home today with the house spic and span, washing on the line and dinner being prepared.  This made me so happy and it reminded me that I haven't posted a '52 Weeks of Happy' post since a couple of weeks ago.  So, with the busy time in work and not going out and about as I usually do this weekend, I thought I'd post a few things that have made me happy this week and kept me going.

♥ The first happy: This bottle of wine waiting for me when I returned from the Cathedral today.  The bottle's label was at an angle and, how perfect, it even has my name on it!
♥ The second happy has to be all the wonderful messages you sent me last week for my birthday.  It was so lovely to read them, they all made me extremely happy, thank you  My birthday was not a big affair because I knew about the week that was coming up but Miss Teenager topped it off with a surprise message on Twitter from one of my favourite actors, James Purefoy.  Miss Teenager tweeted him not expecting him to come back, but he did and it really made my day!  So, another year older and wiser - hmmm maybe not wiser but the grey certainly shows the older.

♥ A couple of you asked how I collect and dry my lavender and, with the lack of a trip post this week, I thought I'd just gather some images for you on how I do this.  Now is the time to really get that lavender up and hanging before they get wet.  So starting with the top right shot, I either cut the stalk between a pair of leaves, or (second photo) by a clump of leaves.  Gather the stalks together and tie with string or ribbon and then just hang for a week to two weeks.  When they are nice and dry, you can just rub them and they come away from their stalk.  Then collect them up and put them in a dry place until you are ready to make some sachets (a future post when I have a better week!).  The brandy glass I am collecting them in is HUGE!  and £5 from a boot market.  Well worth the price as it matches the beautiful blue of the flowers.
♥ And lastly my sedum has gone from the pale pink from last week to a deeper pink this week.  This crane fly looked very much at home.
So now, with my PJ's on, furry slipper boots, nice warm coffee, heating back on and a storm on the way (I love it!) I bid you a very restful weekend and a great new week.

Take care. 


 (Remember that if you want to see a larger version of my photos just click on one and a slide will appear)

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  1. What lovely 'happy' moments you have there Chel, and belated birthday wishes in abundance to you. Bet that tweet made it all the more sweet ;) I'm a September baby too! Beautiful snaps as always, enjoy your rest and relaxation, it all sounds soooooo cosy x

  2. Oh goodness, what a week. Enjoy the wine, sniff the lavender, and I hope next week is a little bit easier!

  3. Hi Chel!
    I was just here earlier and didn't see a new post and now... here you are! I totally know what kind of week you're talking about! There are days I don't know if I'm coming or going!
    I bet that lavender smells wonderful!
    And that birthday wish?? WOOHOO!!! AWESOME! :)
    Enjoy the rest of your weekend friend!
    Tammy x

  4. I'm glad you had a good birthday. I would have loved to see the wine label turned to my name too!

  5. Wow! What a special birthday message! I'm so glad you had a good birthday, my friend! Love your pretty lavender, too! Enjoy your weekend! sweet hugs, Diane

  6. Love your last photo! Very nice!

  7. Happy Birthday! How sweet to receive a tweet from one of your favorite actors!!

  8. Lovely happy moments and such pretty photos too.
    M x

  9. Hi Chel, thank you so much for visiting my blog and leaving a comment - I thought I'd pop over and do the same. I'm now 'following'. I love to read back a while into people's 'archives' so I can get a feel for who they are and what they are about. Lovely blog, and like me you are a bit of a photo splurger! Look forward to getting to know you better! HAve a good w/end, what's left of it - still sun-shiney here in West Norfolk.

  10. Sounds like you have had a busy time lately, glad you found happy moments in your week.

  11. Sorry I missed your birthday- Happy Belated Birthday Wishes! That's really neat the you got such a neat birthday greeting! I imagine the lavender smells so wonderful! Great shot of the crane fly!

  12. Happy belated birthday. I bet the lavender smells gorgeous. xx

  13. Sounds like a wonderful birthday for you especially with those surprise wishes tweeted to you. I love lavender and make bunches with mine but they get so frail so I should gather them into sachets now. Have a lovely week Chel! Hugs, Pamela

  14. A belated happy birthday to you, sounds like it was fun.

    And I see the newest blog post on your sidebar, so at least I know it's working fine..thank goodness.

    Now I am off to update my blog roll, so many blogs disappeared off of it in the move.


  15. Chel, happy belated birthday! Love the birthday greeting and wine! I love the scent of lavender. Beautiful images, wishing you a more happy and relaxing week.

  16. What a lovely week and so many things to smile about! A nice glass of wine sounds good! I wonder if lavender grows in Florida. I have never know of anyone here growing it but I am going to look into it. I would love to have a stroll around your beautiful gardens! Lovely photos my friend! Blessings to you for a wonderful week.

    Hugs, Vicky
    Life On Willie Mae Lane

  17. A clean house, washing on the line and dinner on the go? That has to be one of *the* *best* *things* *ever*! :o)

  18. Beautiful pics! Lavender is really great. I tried some on my balcony but unfortunately didn't strike lucky, maybe he's better in the garden? But I will try another year ;-). Hope your next week will be not so stressfu!!

  19. I am sorry I missed your birthday but hope you`ll accept my belated greeting and wishes for an enjoyable week after your trying one.


  20. What fun things in your week. Belated Happy Birthday. What a great family to clean the house and cook dinner for you, and organize the tweet from the actor.

  21. Hi Chel, how amazing and surprised you must of been with the B'Day tweet. So sweet of Miss Teenager! I hope you have an easier work week and thanks for showing the photos and the process for drying the lavender! Such pretty photos you took this week too and love the flowers. Take care and have a wonderful week.

  22. Sometimes busy can be a bit overwhelming, but birthdays are definitely something to celebrate...Happy Birthday (a bit late) and how fun to receive a message from one of your favorites, Miss Teenager knows her Mother's heart! PJ's are not on yet, but the heat is definitely on, along with the rain.

  23. Happy belated birthday..and I love that beautiful bottle of wine. :))

  24. Your family knows how to treat you in very special ways ;) Thanks for the tips on gathering lavender ... I have two new plants that didn't produce much this year, but I'm hoping for a bit of a harvest next year (I dried exactly ONE tiny stalk this year, and it's trying hard to scent my china cabinet). Enjoy this week, and I hope it's a bit easier for you than last. Wendy x

  25. Left hand/right hand...that's me most Monday mornings!

    Happy belated birthday - what a super family you have.

    Nina x

  26. First of all, Happy Belated Birthday!! I hope you had a wonderful celebration! The photos of your lavender are so pretty, love the way you dry it in that gorgeous brandy glass. I think I will have to collect some lavender too. Thanks for always stopping by with your sweet comments. Love hearing from you!


  27. Hello Chel, just found your blog and so happy to be greeted by photos of Bordeaux and lavender! Two of my favorite things in life! I tried to grow some lavender this year but half of the plants died. Oh well, will try again next least the Bordeaux has never let me down!
    I am a new follower! I'm happy to be here!

    1. I just came back to your blog and noticed that my little picture was not on your GFC Followers list! Ack, so sorry! I must have forgotten to click the follow button last night! I have corrected my error, so sorry about that! Have a great night and thanks so much for visiting my blog. I'm so glad you found something useful to do with the figs!


Thank you so much for visiting, I love reading your comments and will answer either by email or on the blog. You can also email me privately in my side bar. Have a great day x