
Wednesday 14 August 2013

52 Weeks of Happy 43/52

Well it's half way through August and for me it's so exciting.  You see I love Autumn (last year's post here), and I do love using the last weeks of summer to really give the house a good and thorough clean.  Forget the spring clean, this is the time for my clean up as autumn and winter are the seasons that you spend more time in the home.  I am always so happy getting the throws all washed and ready, the curtains freshly laundered, the carpets cleaned and warm textured cushions all primed and ready for the cosy nights ahead.  But, I know you are all thinking 'oh shhh Chel, I love summer don't wish it away', so here are my four summery things for 52 Weeks of Happy from Jen at Little Birdie.

Have you ever seen a sleeping bee?  It was 9pm on a cooler evening and Mr Teenager said have you seen the bees?  Well of course I have but this was different.  My lavender bush was full of life, but not the usual gorgeous day time visitors, this was the turn of the dancing moths fluttering between each flower.  On each flower were motionless bees.  It was as though these furry bundles had empty batteries, nothing would rise them, their antenna's lowered and their wings resting.  It was a weird but yet wonderful, silent moment.
One of the reasons I had stayed out after a busy pruning day was that I wanted to pick some lavender to dry, ready for my autumn/winter pot pourri.  However, I had to just be thankful for this bundle which I had held for a while as the bees were not finished with the flowers and were not letting me take them away.
This was a very happy moment!  We had rescued a tiny frog in the front garden last week and I was so worried that it would be the only one in the pond.  But, it seems our pond has sprung a very big surprise.  Maybe this is Mum?
All of a sudden our flowers are surrounded with hover flies, this cheeky one was very happy to pose for the camera!
And an extra 'happy' just for you sun lovers, I took this shot without any filters.  My camera has just decided to do its own artwork and I was VERY happy with it.

I hope you have a very happy week.

Take care. 


 (Remember that if you want to see a larger version of my photos just click on one and a slide will appear)

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  1. I've seen a bumble bee asleep in a foxglove bell.

    At least I will have one pair of really clean curtains - we decorated the living room and have been without curtains in that room for four months - it will be five when the curtains arrive. The curtains haven't taken that long but we had to wait four months for the new sofas and I didn't want to choose curtain material until they arrive.

    I'm always sad to see the end of summer - spring is my favourite time - full of promise.

  2. Oh yes, I love Autumn too. Putting the garden to sleep & making new plans for the following year.

  3. Hi Chel, what beautiful photos! I love all of them especially the last one, how pretty it looks with all the colorful rays! I love fall also but I will miss the carefree way summer is and not rushing around so much. Wishing you a happy rest of the week.

  4. Wonderful photography ~ all very different but beautiful! Love the 'sleeping bee' ~ thanks, carol, xo

  5. I have never seen a sleeping bee. That was a fascinating photo!

  6. What a healing story this is - You made ME happy with all these superb things you show on the photos. I will in a happy mood say thank you so much and may you have a life full of happiness :D

  7. Fabulous photos, Chel. :o)

  8. Beautiful shots, I love the colors that you have captured. Do you think that the bees were just too cold? Wondering...


  9. Amazing photos, wow you got some great shots, I love the shot of the frog, so cool...Taking photos of nature is so much fun....

  10. Oh my! You have an eye for detail and love those photos (#2 is absolutely stunning - ex-RAF hubby says # 3 (frog?)
    Thanks for sharing and God bless,

  11. Your photos are just lovely! That little frog is quite awesome!

  12. the bee shot. Have been noticing my neighbor's lavender and hope to grow some next year!

  13. You have such a happy is amazing to see a sleeping bee...they are usually just buzzin'

  14. Great photos again Chel! I imagine the bees are all in a lovely lavender induced doze dreaming about buzzing about great swathes of honey rich blooms - more 'zzz' than 'buzzzz'! I'm with you on the Autumn thing - I absolutely love the change of seasons and the nesting that accompanies Autumn - bring on the open fires and cardigans! Jane x (P.S. feel free to remind me of those words when I am lamenting the lack of sunshine in a few weeks time!)

  15. I'm not quite ready to let go of summer yet, although I did feel a slight stirring when I was looking at some autumn pictures on Pinterest, lol.
    I haven't seen a sleeping bee. You know I am going to be out there looking for them now, don't you! Your artwork picture is fun. I love it when that happens.

  16. Lavender is supposed to have a calming and soporific effect on humans so maybe on bees too, I love your description of the snoozing bees. I'm always sad at the end of summer although I do love the berries, hips and haws in hedgerows and trees in their autumnal colours:)

  17. The rose in the second picture is gorgeous. I often have frogs in my garden and sometimes one jumps at me when I'm in the shed, which always frightens me because they seem to come out of nowhere.

  18. Great photos!
    ~ I'm with you; starting to anticipate the cooler hibernation season ahead!
    Sure, summer is nice (when it's not so hot it feels like you're melting) but I adore fall... and yes, winter too, a good snow storm is to be savored with a good book.... :)))))

  19. Oh my goodness.... I totally didn't know bees had naps outside of their hives!!!! That is an amazingly brilliant photo! I love it!!
    Love momma frog too... I totally agree about fall/autumn, I do most of my cleaning before fall as well, I'm working on a closet right now! I don't like to think of a new school year and all of the holidays coming up when things are in an unorganized mess!!
    I see a crochet picture :) you're from London and crochet? Woohoo we have to be friends!! Oh and we both best watch coloring so much or our hair will fall out!! Ha ha!
    I'm your latest follower!
    Tammy x

  20. Beautiful photos of your corner of the world. Love that slumbering bee. I don't think I've ever seen one.
    Around here there are a million outdoor projects going on that will hopefully get completed by the time the rains begin. Then I'll work on the inside of the house. I like to do a thorough cleaning after summer, too.

  21. Gorgeous pictures Chel. I love that sleeping bee! Who would have thought.....I guess it's a soft and sweet-smelling place to doze!

  22. Beautiful photos! I love the bee and the frog.
    M x

  23. That frog picture is amazing! Thank you for letting us see your pictures :) x

  24. I love your thoughts on autumn! I am crazy about fall!! !t is such a magical time of year and you are so right about the thorough cleaning before winter!!!!!! Lovely shots from the garden!! And boy do I love that frog! You have a wonderful blog here...I look forward to journeying along with you! Have a fantastic weekend!!! Nicole

  25. I have noticed that too about the bees - they almost look dead don't they but I think they are just waiting for the sun to warm them up a bit. I, myself, don't want this summer to end it has been so nice to be warm and have all the windows and doors open - I dread being shut up for the winter.


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