
Sunday 11 August 2013

52 Weeks of Happy 42/52

A bit late this week for one of these posts, but my mojo is back and joining Jen at Little Birdie for 52 Weeks of Happy.  This is where you post about four things that have made you happy in the week.

♥ Watching the fountains at Springfields Gardens in Spalding dancing in the sunlight.  (I LOVE this camera!!).
♥ The amazing vibrant colours of the flowers and butterflies just take my breath away, does it get any better?
♥ Oh yes it can, the lavender can be added to my shortbread (it was delicious!), along with scotch pancakes and gingernuts.
♥ Biting the bullet and starting my Grandad's book (a new tab has appeared in my title bar 'It's Not Just a Piece of Paper' in case you ever want to see how I am getting along with it).
Have a wonderful and happy weekend and week.

Take care.


(Remember that if you want to see a larger version of my photos just click on one and a slide will appear)

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  1. Yum, like the idea of adding lavender to shortbread. I love ginger nuts too..

  2. I too like the sound of the lavender shortbread! I have eaten lavender scones and they were delicious so I bet the shortbread is too. Ah, Springfields I remember it when it was just a garden with tulips when we first moved to Spalding now it has changed so much but I still love visiting when we get over there to see friends. Your photos are lovely:)

  3. That top shot is gorgeous Chel - it certainly looks like you and your new camera are made for each other! Looking forward to keeping up with your Grandad's book x Jane

  4. The fountain and butterfly shot are gorgeous, Chel! And the shortbread looks yummy! Lovely post, enjoy your week ahead!

  5. great shots...great job...

  6. I love your new camera too...:) Your photos are always so beautiful! Those treats look oh so yummy! I can't wait to check out the new tab and follow along on your journey...:) Have a blessed Lord's day my friend!

    Hugs, Vicky
    Life On Willie Mae Lane

  7. We had lavender shortbread when we visited Yorkshire Lavender a few years ago, it was delicious. We also tried the lavender ice cream, which was equally good. What a marvellous project, working on your grandad's book, very rewarding I should think.

  8. Lavender shortbread sounds wonderful! That butterfly is really pretty. I'm glad you had time to start the book, I'm looking forward to hearing.

  9. Wonderful photos, Chel! Also in the posts before. You're always doing magic with your camera, dear, I put my hat off :-))
    xxx Nata

  10. Haven't the peacocks treated us to an amazing sight this year?

  11. Thanks for sharing all those happy things. I bet the shortbread was good with the lavender. Have a great week.

  12. So I have to know...what kind of camera did you get?

    And good for you to move forward towards your dreams.


  13. Yay- you sound much happier! I'm sure the journey to writing the book for your Granddad will be enjoyable. Love the vibrant flower and butterfly!

  14. Wonderful pictures! I hope writing the book will be an interesting and not too bitter-sweet journey.

  15. That butterfly is stunning....I have seen so few this summer it's almost the summer of "where are the butterflies" around here. Lovely shots!!


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